Owning land

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Owning land

Postby loftar » Sun May 31, 2009 2:47 pm

I thought I'd post a bit about the details of land claiming.

To claim land, you need the Yeomanry skill, which costs 4000 LP. With it, you can build a claim stake (the totem-pole like thing) from the Adventure menu, which will claim an area of 5x5 tiles around it. Once built, you can expand the claimed area by paying 10 LP per tile. Land is always claimed in rectangular shapes, and it is impossible to claim land closer than 5 tiles to already claimed land. It is designed with those limitations to ensure that it is impossible to "enclose" land with claims. It ensures that passage between claims is always guaranteed.

Right now, it works such that people in the same party as you can walk on your claims. In the future, I intend to expand it with options to allow passage to the alternatives of 1) only yourself, 2) people in your party, 3) people on your buddy list and 4) anyone. I'd also like to add an option to make some buddies "trusted", and add an option to allow only trusted buddies to walk on the claim. There should also be separate options for allowing the manipulation of items on the claim to the same groups of people.

It should also be mentioned that animals do not random-spawn on owned land.
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Re: Owning land

Postby Vattic » Sun May 31, 2009 7:23 pm

If I claim land can I un-claim it and claim new land?
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Re: Owning land

Postby loftar » Sun May 31, 2009 7:31 pm

Yes, the land management interface has a "Declaim" button, which removes the claim and gives you back the LP you had invested in it.
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Re: Owning land

Postby Vattic » Sun May 31, 2009 7:35 pm

Thank you for the speedy reply, I wanted to find out before I claimed any just in case it was permanent like the buildings.
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Re: Owning land

Postby sami1337 » Sun May 31, 2009 8:05 pm

I just claimed my first land and it's super easy. Unlike some things like crafting. It has a sweet ass UI.
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Re: Owning land

Postby dekafu » Mon Jun 01, 2009 4:18 am

Hm, a friend and I were hoping to build a shared settlement. We were planning to put both our hearth fires there and then once one of us got yeomanry we could claim it.

This could be problematic if parties don't carry over after logging out. What would happen if the land owner logged out while the other person was there?
For that matter, what would happen when the other person spawned at their hearth fire inside the first person's owned land, before we could form a party?
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Re: Owning land

Postby loftar » Mon Jun 01, 2009 4:32 am

Indeed, that wouldn't work very well right now. You'd have to wait until I manage to implement the "allow passage to friends" option. Either that, or until we get to implement actual villages. :)

Of course, you could also claim two plots right next to each other, as well.
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Re: Owning land

Postby shockedfrog » Tue Jun 02, 2009 2:35 pm

Since I'd rather not find out myself :) - what happens to claimed land right now when the owner dies? And, if it's unclaimed, is the LP spent on that included in what's given to the reincarnated character?
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Re: Owning land

Postby loftar » Tue Jun 02, 2009 5:56 pm

Ah, right. Thank you for reminding me, because that has not actually been fixed yet. The intention is that claimed plots should be inherited by the new character.
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Re: Owning land

Postby shockedfrog » Tue Jun 02, 2009 7:06 pm

What happens right now, and what happens/will happen if a killed land owning character doesn't reincarnate?
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