Blackhorse Recruitment Thread. Semi-Experienced Players!

Company of Dwarves seeking thief for dangerous mission. Find a group or village to play with here.

Re: Seeking Semi-Newbs! Village Created!

Postby Kionys » Thu Oct 20, 2011 11:22 pm

Goochy wrote:We will be a trade village, regardless if we find some sort of way to get metal on our own.

Have fun getting raped.
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Re: Seeking Semi-Newbs! Village Created!

Postby TheTylerLee » Fri Oct 21, 2011 12:41 am

If you would like to join I want to know your
Name/Nickname(optional, or nickname for IGN): tyler
Male/Female/You don't know yet(optional): male
Age: 20
Hours you play: 1-15
Your timezone:central
What you would like to do, or what you can contribute for the village.. like a job. Silkmaking, farming, hunting, cooking etc:
my plan is to start a new acc, because my main has its own duties ;p
So i would like to be assigned a job, if all else fails ill bring my main over, who can see all forageables, and hunt well..

Why you want to join: i came back today from a long break, and my village and villagers are... gone..
I want to start a new account with no Black skills, and use my knowledge to make a Really good Crafter account

and i just need to be surrounded by people or else i get bored ;/
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Re: Seeking Semi-Newbs! Village Created!

Postby Phenolatukas » Sun Oct 23, 2011 12:32 am

Name/Nickname(optional, or nickname for IGN): Latukas
Age: 15
Hours you play: Whenever I want... Uh? You'll usualy find me online from 3pm-11pm on mondays to fridays, and all day weekends.
Your timezone: GMT
What you would like to do, or what you can contribute for the village: Whatever really, I'm not fussy. I'd prefer to do a combination of building, studying/lorekeeping/whatever, organiseing and maybe guard work though.
Why you want to join:I played this with my brother some months ago, but quit after I was brutaly murdered by, of all things, ants. Although I find the game really unrealistic (I myself could kill ants, foxes and more without dieing) I wanted to try it again, maybe next to other people this time and not countless depressing ghost towns.
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