Looking for a Possible Village to Join (Newb)

Company of Dwarves seeking thief for dangerous mission. Find a group or village to play with here.

Looking for a Possible Village to Join (Newb)

Postby Bladex1200 » Sun Oct 23, 2011 11:59 pm

Hey, I'm new. I read all the guides and other useful posts around the forums, so I have a theoretic handle of most of the game mechanics. And, seeing as the servers are currently offline, I've decided to see if I can join a village.

A bit about me:

I'll be on on Saturdays and Sundays (Saturdays I'll only be on in the mornings), and possibly weekdays, depending on how schoolwork may get in the way. I use Pacific Standard Time, by the way.
I have played other survival-based video games before (Terraria and Minecraft strike me as being the two most similar games to HnH), so I have some common sense. I might need some help when it comes to the finer points of crafting or hunting, but I understand this game's basic concepts.

A bit about what kind of village I'm looking for:

- Orderly: I want a village that has coherent leadership and comradery. That is, I don't want a village that's merely a bunch of cobbled-together houses with hermits that don't communicate. I want a village - a family unit that can work together to tame the vast expanses of wilderness in HnH.

- Protected: From my current studies on the forum posts, I've found that the safest villages have patrols and brick walls. I'm not asking for all that. All I want is a village that at least has palisades and can protect itself from outside raiders and griefers.

- Peaceful: I'm generally a pacifist, which I understand is not very compatible with HnH's play style (Might makes right), but I want a village that doesn't go out raiding people - a village that can defend itself, but doesn't go looking for fights. A raider/murderer/thief, I am not.
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Re: Looking for a Possible Village to Join (Newb)

Postby Smooblymoobs » Mon Oct 24, 2011 12:01 am

Bladex1200 wrote: A raider/murderer/thief, I am not.

I'm sure someone will take you... yoda
Posts: 74
Joined: Sat Sep 17, 2011 1:01 pm

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