Blackhorse Recruitment Thread. Semi-Experienced Players!

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Blackhorse Recruitment Thread. Semi-Experienced Players!

Postby Goochy » Sat Sep 24, 2011 8:06 pm

Hello, I've started a village. I'm looking for first starters, but have the basics of what they're doing (therefore, semi-newbs), and have a plan on what they want to do. I currently have around 8+ people, some more active than others. I like to think we're in a decent spot, swamp north, on a lake.. next to sand. We're somewhat in the process of expansion, basically, you have to fend for yourself until we do. For the amount of space we're going to take up during this expansion we need new people.
We do trade. There is a cupboard marked for trading in one of the houses, I'm in charge of the trading (Or our cheiftain, Ang or Clam.. it swaps from here to there), so if there are things in the trading cupboard, do not touch them.
I'm willing to take suggestions to things that will be done to our land, or other things. I want this soon to be village a good, well-organized community and very good at working as a team.
We have metal. No hoarding.
If it's not yours, dont take it unless it's clearly marked as free for anyone.

About me: I'm 15, female I'm mostly a hunter, I'm a metal worker. I plan on silkmaking eventually however with an alt. I'm on the west coast of the US. I have almost every skill. I have over 2000 per x exp, a bunch of other skills. You may find my fellow village-mates Clam or Angelita on more often than I am. I go to school, so I am always doing homework just about.

About the Village: Village name is Blackhorse. Trading Village, still in the building process, decent (not great) qClay close by. q37ish water at our lake. We have a great river system, which could be for good or for worse.

Speak English, fluently.
Be mature, seriously. >_> But easy going enough to laugh at poor jokes.
Know a little of what you're doing, so I'm not bombarded by millions of questions... there IS a wiki.
Start new. It's not that hard, and I can get quite a few curios to start you out.
Be nice and HONEST.
Don't come and completely change everything, you may make your own area. I will provide you with some, curios, etc. but not everything.
FB/Skype/MSN.. preferably skype.
Take what you need, and don't hoard things. Ask if it's okay to take something if you're not too sure, and if you take it without asking, tell me later at least.

As far as jobs go, you're pretty much free to do what you want, as long as we don't have an overflow of one job. We are setting up a market in "town square" of our village where things may be traded within our village.

If you would like to join I want to know your
Name/Nickname(optional, or nickname for IGN):
Male/Female/You don't know yet(optional):
Hours you play:
Your timezone:
What you would like to do, or what you can contribute for the village.. like a job. Silkmaking, farming, hunting, cooking etc:
Why you want to join:

Thanks! I will PM those who qualify. :)
Last edited by Goochy on Sun Oct 23, 2011 6:16 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Seeking Semi-Newbs!

Postby killermonkeykid » Sat Sep 24, 2011 8:35 pm

Name/Nickname(optional, or nickname for IGN):killer Monkey
Hours you play:About 5-7 hours on weekends on any other day 2-4
Your timezone:eastern timezone
What you would like to do, or what you can contribute for the village.. like a job. Silkmaking, farming, hunting, cooking etc:I can Mine but mostly I'm good at Cutting trees down and carrying them
Why you want to join:I love playing with other people and my village i lost because i died
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Re: Seeking Semi-Newbs!

Postby synntax33 » Sat Sep 24, 2011 8:58 pm

Name/Nickname(optional, or nickname for IGN): synntax33
Age: 31
Hours you play: 3 or so hrs a day
Your timezone: central US
What you would like to do, or what you can contribute for the village.. like a job. I will farm, or whatever is needed, cook, make silk, whatever
Why you want to join: need a village, tired of hermiting :) will travel or start new, depends on your location
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Re: Seeking Semi-Newbs!

Postby Riou1231 » Sun Sep 25, 2011 3:44 am

Name/Nickname(optional, or nickname for IGN): Riou
Age: 13
Hours you play: About 2 or 3, but it varies.
Your timezone: GMT +8
What you would like to do, or what you can contribute for the village.. like a job: I've always been the hunter and explorer in my village, so I guess those! I've already got the basics down on melee and UA combat, so it shouldn't be too hard for me. I can part time as miner too I guess or maybe a farmer, whichever.
Why you want to join: Just started playing again and I'm looking for a good village, me and the soul-crushing experience of living alone never really did get along. :lol:
I like apple juice.
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Re: Seeking Semi-Newbs!

Postby Clamburger » Sun Sep 25, 2011 4:42 am

Name/Nickname(optional, or nickname for IGN): Alex
Hours you play: 3-4 hrs depending on the the day.
Your timezone:eastern
What you would like to do, or what you can contribute for the village.. like a job. I used to cook and farm in my old village, but im familiar with all the jobs and can accommodate to the needs of the village.
Why you want to join: no fun being a hermit anymore, i can make a new character or travel depending on the distance if you know your coordinates
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Re: Seeking Semi-Newbs!

Postby jp1324 » Sun Sep 25, 2011 6:51 am

Name/Nickname(optional, or nickname for IGN): Joey, you can call me any variation of that or my In game name.
Age: 19
Hours you play: Anywhere from 30 minutes to 4-5 hours a day. It varies.
Your timezone: EST, I'm from NJ.
What you would like to do, or what you can contribute for the village.. like a job. Silkmaking, farming, hunting, cooking etc: I'd like to eventually farm and cook.
Why you want to join: I've been inactive for a while and wanted to find a group of people to play with. You seem like someone nice that knows what she's doing and it would be a great way to get me back into the game. I like your policies too, not here to change anything, just want to live with some company.
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Re: Seeking Semi-Newbs!

Postby Joe69 » Sun Sep 25, 2011 9:00 am

Name/Nickname(optional, or nickname for IGN): Jon
Age: 30
Hours you play: 2-4
Your timezone: +00 GMT
What you would like to do, or what you can contribute for the village.. like a job. Silk making, farming, hunting, cooking etc: If i can walk my main over he is a good hunter carpenter and miner.
Why you want to join: Rather fed up of hermitage.

Do you have access to clay/mine/cave?
I fully look forward to jorb and loftar fixing several mechanics and bringing back updates, because at that time you chuckleheads are going to be more marginalized than lawn furniture in winter.
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Re: Seeking Semi-Newbs!

Postby Goochy » Sun Sep 25, 2011 4:58 pm

PM'd all.
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Re: Seeking Semi-Newbs!

Postby Feltzy » Sun Sep 25, 2011 10:10 pm

Name: Feltzy
Age: 19
Hours of play: night and afternoon on most days
Timezone: Central
Desired contribution: leatherworking/sewing and carpentry, but I am willing to fit any role needed for the village, if need be.
Why: because I think my game experience would be more fun playing with other people than just myself, plus it is safer.
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Re: Seeking Semi-Newbs!

Postby Desereck » Sun Sep 25, 2011 10:26 pm

Name/Nickname(optional, or nickname for IGN):


Hours you play:
4PM - 10PM

Your timezone:
GMT -7

What you would like to do, or what you can contribute for the village.. like a job. Silkmaking, farming, hunting, cooking etc:
Hunter/forager. Still malleable.

Why you want to join:
My previous village died so I'm trying to find a new one. I love interacting with other people and helping those in need.
Posts: 30
Joined: Tue Aug 09, 2011 5:03 pm


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