Viridian City Plea

Forum for discussing in game politics, village relations and matters of justice.

Re: Viridian City Plea

Postby sabinati » Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:35 pm

painhertz wrote:lmfao Sabitini: Again, this isn't my thread. Should I expect you and Burgingham to produce some random screenshots because you are posting in here? lol The only reason I gave any information at all is because I was being grossly misrepresented by Burgingham, sorry, being a Mod doesn't make you right.......

you have made 9 posts in this thread. that's 15% of the total posts so far. one would expect more than 1 or 2 of those posts to have some actual content instead of baseless accusations and namecalling.
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Re: Viridian City Plea

Postby painhertz » Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:54 pm

:: Gives up ::
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Re: Viridian City Plea

Postby Kaios » Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:56 pm

Kaios wrote:I'm interested in hearing about this new bug that has allowed someone to enter a village without the use of a ram, house, hearth fire, crossroad, idol, or anything else that supposedly was not used, or attempted to be used in this endeavor.
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Re: Viridian City Plea

Postby Sevenless » Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:01 pm

sabinati wrote:
painhertz wrote:lmfao Sabitini: Again, this isn't my thread. Should I expect you and Burgingham to produce some random screenshots because you are posting in here? lol The only reason I gave any information at all is because I was being grossly misrepresented by Burgingham, sorry, being a Mod doesn't make you right.......

you have made 9 posts in this thread. that's 15% of the total posts so far. one would expect more than 1 or 2 of those posts to have some actual content instead of baseless accusations and namecalling.

Good, now I know another of chaosovum's alts. Feel free to take a gander at this thread: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=17842

He's a hardcore griefer who lives solely to raid and ruin others. We did all the work, he did a little hunting and a little mining, but at most 10% of that was done by him, the rest by myself and another. The rest of the time he was off stealing and griefing. He eventually badgered me into helping him attack our trading partners/allies Viridian city because they are "Useless carebears". I doubt any of them have a black skill beyond tresspassing, certainly they couldn't take out the ram he built/claimed. I went, but we didn't hurt anyone and I backed out of the attack and started making plans to leave that place as soon as possible. Told the leader of viridian as soon as possible what was going on and they freaked. They told Exo everything I'd told them to ruin my day, scorched earthed their base to ruin his.

But I digress, someone rangered one of his three characters and ransacked the town. Not sure how they got in, but they killed everyone they could find (including the main characters of two of my friends). As a result of all this, he's now dedicating his in game life to hunting and attempting to kill/grief me as much as possible.

Perhaps that will help keep others from suffering. I can hope at least.

Kaios wrote:I'm interested in hearing about this new bug that has allowed someone to enter a village without the use of a ram, house, hearth fire, crossroad, idol, or anything else that supposedly was not used, or attempted to be used in this endeavor.

The bug is long known about wall hopping. Some russians figured it out a while ago. Someone used it to trash the teletubbies. He got it to work to transport objects into their base, but couldn't get it to put an actual person inside. I had nothing to do with that.

Side note, lining your palisade with fence posts on the inside completely stops the bug from working. A lot of work, but at least they don't decay to my knowledge.

Oh, and everything he's been making up about Viridian city is outright lies. I was listening to him compose his first message and it sickened me. Any thought of trying to hide in his town before making an escape at that point were gone. He sounds like a decent enough person in real life, but he's completely heartless and ruthless in game. He will say anything he can to get what he wants.
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Re: Viridian City Plea

Postby painhertz » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:15 pm

And in the next installment of "As the Hearthlands Turn".............

"He's a hardcore griefer who lives solely to raid and ruin others. We did all the work, he did a little hunting and a little mining, but at most 10% of that was done by him, the rest by myself and another. The rest of the time he was off stealing and griefing. He eventually badgered me into helping him attack our trading partners/allies Viridian city because they are "Useless carebears". I doubt any of them have a black skill beyond tresspassing, certainly they couldn't take out the ram he built/claimed. I went, but we didn't hurt anyone and I backed out of the attack and started making plans to leave that place as soon as possible. Told the leader of viridian as soon as possible what was going on and they freaked. They told Exo everything I'd told them to ruin my day, scorched earthed their base to ruin his.

But I digress, someone rangered one of his three characters and ransacked the town. Not sure how they got in, but they killed everyone they could find (including the main characters of two of my friends). As a result of all this, he's now dedicating his in game life to hunting and attempting to kill/grief me as much as possible.

Perhaps that will help keep others from suffering. I can hope at least." <-------- Leon/Sevenless

I don't think my little retarded friend here understands what greifing is. If someone has a claim but is too stupid to put up roundpole to block thieving or a palisade? I rob em. Generally, I leave the majority of the stuff they have, just take a few curios and maybe some rope and glue and then I leave a rune stone pointing out that they should put up a palisade. I don't destroy their shit, I don't take and then dunk in the river the extra stuff I can't carry. I don't curse them out, mock or otherwise, well, grief them. Being the little Farmville reject that this guy is, he apparently thinks that I shouldn't steal in a game that has a theft skill. At least, he does now, when I was bringing in curios and food and what not, his morals in no way got in the way of him profiting off of my theft by using the curios and food etc etc. he thought the whole thing was hilarious.

"He eventually badgered me into helping him attack our trading partners/allies Viridian city because they are "Useless carebears"."

No, you yourself said that you were perfectly fine with us warring VC as long as we didn't use your connections to them to do it, so we built a ram. We told you about the ram and you happily accompanied us to the ramming ceremony (lol), rebuilt the fence when we figured out the glue hadn't dried, and took a couple of shots at the people inside. The reason FOR the invasion had nothing to do with them being care bears, although I DO hate care bears. the reason was because of the Qual 40+ iron in their mine that YOU were perfectly willing to use had we busted the wall. Anyone in town will tell that YOU are the qual whore, not me. I just wanted to get you some decent iron. Hey Ace! How do i know the qual of your iron? he told me. How did I know that Bidoof had the key? he told me. Leon was in on this from the beginning and merely didn't want his good, Farmville name sullied by invading someone he knew and having them know it.

"But I digress, someone rangered one of his three characters and ransacked the town."

The guys who attacked us would have to answer to the validity of this, but being as how I hadn't robbed anyone in like 4 to 5 days, I doubt they were tracking anything to do with me. Maybe Spite stealing those Auroch hairs?

"As a result of all this, he's now dedicating his in game life to hunting and attempting to kill/grief me as much as possible."

I broke my hf and re-spawned elsewhere, found a nice little abandoned house and dropped a claim on it. I spawned one of my alts at you hf to get back to the area and get the scents of the guys who attacked my town, told you quite clearly that I didn't have a beef with you and merely asked you to let me off of your claim. You then cursed me out and killed me in cold blood. Prior to that? I was still cool with you. I have since re-connected to my town mate Frank, helped him resettle and am going on with my game, with the exception of killing you of course. YOU and only YOU.

" Oh, and everything he's been making up about Viridian city is outright lies. " I do believe this is the closest to the truth you have come so far. " However!!!!, since Day 1 of world 5, our river system has been plagued by boat thefts (Not me) Killings (Not me) and various thefts (I don't rob out of our river system) and the only possible culprits are.......VC. Imagine that. Two towns on the river system, almost no hermit/noob places and yet these crimes continued unabated even AFTER Teletubbies got wiped out. so outright lies? Nah, I might have skewed thing s a bit but I'm pretty sure VC was doing these crimes all along. Believe what YOU will.
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Re: Viridian City Plea

Postby Sevenless » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:20 pm

Side note, been contacted by the people who were attacked. They may have tipped him off via forum post, but it seems they did not tell him directly.

My sincerest apologies ace and bidoof.

He may simply be blaming me for the ranger raid. I actually have no idea where that came from. *shrugs* He's raided a lot of people very heavily, to the point of forcing them to quit. Any number of them could have friends.
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Re: Viridian City Plea

Postby painhertz » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:49 pm

There was no RANGER RAID you moron, they were raiders. the same ones that destroyed the Teletubbies.
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Re: Viridian City Plea

Postby WarpedWiseMan » Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:42 pm

And they deserve a fucking medal says I.
btaylor wrote:I have learned that the game doesn't follow the principles of mathematics. If you want something and the game is in a good mood you can get it, whatever it is. More often than not, however, the game wants you to die.

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Re: Viridian City Plea

Postby Jackard » Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:45 pm

WarpedWiseMan wrote:This thread sucked.

rotsala posts were its only redeeming feature
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Re: Viridian City Plea

Postby painhertz » Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:45 pm

For killing the Teletubbies? Couldn't agree with you more. For killing my town. Not so much.
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