Moved House

Forum for discussing in game politics, village relations and matters of justice.

Moved House

Postby Magisticus » Wed Apr 03, 2013 11:49 am

Having been pestered by raiders for the last week or so - we have moved house. There is a seven strong contingent and we cant fight them openly and we can't be bothered to search for bug rams every day - or get passed the latest attempt which is protected by a body wall and therefore would involve us leaving murder scents.

So anyway, the village is emptied of anything of value and we are elsewhere - gates have been opened so if anyone is inclined there are a number of murder scents in and around the village (no real characters but the muppets kept killing the alts we spawned to talk to them..)

co-ords are (Wheal Coates) x -50.24 y 2.67 a little east of Oddimonium
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Joined: Fri May 20, 2011 2:25 pm
Location: Tavistock, Devon, UK

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