How To Trade

Forum for discussing in game trades, offers and deals.

How To Trade

Postby _Gunnar » Mon Jan 23, 2012 5:34 pm

0. Introduction

This post is just meant to be a guide for new players on how to trade. It seems like some people have trouble understanding how trading using the Apples and Oranges subforum (last world when I was trading I was asked so many times what points were, for example), and I thought it might be good to have a thread people could point them to. Please tell me if I should add/change anything.

1. Global Trade System

In H&H, most global trade occurs between two village idols. If you do not have a village idol yet, it will be difficult to trade outside of your local area*. Very few traders do deliveries by boat/foot! I would recommend building a village idol as soon as you can after getting your palisade up if you want to trade for goods with the more established trade villages.

People sometimes do not know how teleporting between two village idols works. Here is a summary. The importantly (broken?) mechanic involved is that you can teleport an infinite distance to your village idol if you do not have a hearth fire.

Players A and B want to trade. In this case Player A will be teleporting an alt to Player B. Some points to note:

-Player A's alt needs to have no hearth fire so that he can teleport infinite distance to his/her village's idol.
- Player A needs to have his lawspeaker/chieftain online, to readd the alt to the village.
- Player B should have his lawspeaker online, to add the alt to the village and make sure that the alt has left the village by the end of the trade (see 2. Security).

Lets go through the procedure.

(i) Player A's alt gets in a party with Player B's lawspeaker. The alt should be carrying the goods to be sent to Player B
(ii) Player B's lawspeaker should kin player A's alt, and then add them to the village by clicking Oath of Allegiance onto the alt's party icon.
(iii) Player A's alt should then Travel to Village (a-e-v), at which point he will be at Player B's village idol.
(iv) The goods should be exchanged at this point.
(v) Player A's alt should then get in a party with Player A's Lawspeaker/Chieftain, and be readded to Player A's village. Then Travel to Village, and the trade is complete! Player A's alt should NOT use the "Leave Village" command to leave Player B's village; this is not needed and just wastes authority!
(vi) If you are trading with someone who has a trading thread on the forums, then it is nice to post a comment in their thread to recommend them to other people, if you feel this is merited.

*If you have no village idol but do have theft, you can still trade - thanks to Tacheron for this:

Tacheron wrote:For trading when 1 side doesn't have an idol:
If you don't have an idol, you need an alt (or friend) and you need a character with at least theft skills (any skill that leaves summonable scents will do).
1. you create summonable scents with the character you're gonna trade with
2. you give those scents to an alt or friend to summon you back when the trade is over
3. break your hearth fire
4. get oathed to your trading partner's idol
5. port to the idol
6. conduct the trade
7. log off (keep in mind that because of this phase you must limit the quantity of trading in 1 trip to only what you can fit in your inventory)
8. get your alt/friend to summon you
9. log in
10. ...
11. profit :D

However don't do this if you have theft scents elsewhere in the world, you run a small risk of being summoned by someone else.

2. Security

If you are worried about porting an alt to another village, or about porting an alt into your village, then you are right, this could be dangerous. Some common sense guidelines will help you stay safe.

- Only trade with people you think you can trust. Don't agree to port in with a Large Chest of pearls to the village of someone with 1 post on the forums, for example.

- However, it is generally very safe trading with established traders - if they were to scam you, they would instantly lose all of their business, so it is in their interests to be fair.

- Don't port peoples mains into your village. This is just a bad idea, and I'm sure people have been raided like this plenty of times. Of course you can't be sure that what you are porting in is not a main dressed in linens with full steel plate and sword in his inventory, but please be careful.

- Preferably have a separate village idol set up specifically for trading. That way you do not port anyone into your main village, which is much safer.

- Stay vigilant while the trade is going on.

- If you are porting them in, then make sure the alt has left the village after you have completed the trade. Only the Lawspeaker can see this, so he needs to have the alt kinned. I made this mistake last world, and had a spy in my village for some time.

- Don't be so scared that you cannot do any trades at all, if you are careful you will be fine :)

- Don't scam people, trade is sacred :)

- Some people may aggro you after you port in order to stop you teleporting you away and stealing from them; personally I think this is overkill, but in any case they should inform you beforehand.

3. Points system

What is "money"? Do you really think that the pieces of paper you exchange for good IRL have any intrinsic value other than what we agree on?

Its kindof the same in H&H. Each trader can put different values on different goods. To make trading easier, each trader invents their own currency system, called "points". I wish people had more interesting names for them, but meh :p. Most traders will have a Selling section, and a buying section.

(i) Add up the points value of the goods you want in the Selling section, let this be X.
(ii) Gather enough things in the Buying section such that their points value adds up to X. Then contact the trader and let him know what you want, and how you are paying.
(iii) Trade :)

4. General tips

If you want to trade for something, the best place to start looking is the established trading threads in Apples & Oranges. I would put a list here, but it would be biased and would continually be made out of date.

If you can't find what you want there, make your own post. State clearly what you want, how you will pay for it, and any specific security measures you demand. Alternatively if you are auctioning something you think is valuable just post what it is and ask for offers. You can probably get a feel for how much things are worth by reading through Apples & Oranges threads.

Don't make a post if you have no idea how much you're going to have to pay to get what you want. e.g. don't post asking for high q clay unless you have a lot of pearls, troll skulls, or other high q resources. Try to find out how much things are worth before posting, that way you will not be disappointed/get trolled.

5. Setting up as a trader

This can be a really fun way to play H&H. You will meet a lot of people, and make a lot of profit (if your goods are well priced).

- Its only worth doing if you think that you can provide something of at least comparable quality & price to the other traders, so look at what they are selling first. If you are substandard, you will not be successful.
- Set out your thread clearly, with at least Selling and Buying sections. Making it pretty, and sorting the sections into different classes of goods, would also be helpful to attract customers.
- Constantly try to improve your quality, or you will fall behind other traders.
- Be friendly, this creates loyal customers.
- Try to get people to post positive comments after a trade. This will help to get you more business :)

Have fun trading!
Last edited by _Gunnar on Fri Jun 08, 2012 2:29 am, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: How To Trade

Postby martenx » Mon Jan 23, 2012 6:11 pm

Good job :)
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Re: How To Trade

Postby MagicManICT » Mon Jan 23, 2012 6:53 pm

Probably be better in the Apples & Oranges forum as a sticky.

Great post!
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Re: How To Trade

Postby burgingham » Mon Jan 23, 2012 10:16 pm

Yep, stickied it is and I prefer the AfO too since the HDI is cluttered up enough already with stickies.
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Re: How To Trade

Postby Geido » Mon Jan 23, 2012 10:24 pm

Somehow I think this "thread idea" came because of my post :' ?? :D
Last edited by Geido on Mon Jan 23, 2012 10:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How To Trade

Postby krikke93 » Mon Jan 23, 2012 10:28 pm

Great sticky! Good work :)
Hope you have a great day
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Re: How To Trade

Postby _Gunnar » Mon Jan 23, 2012 11:06 pm

Thanks for the sticky :O

I changed a couple things - removed all references to specific traders and reworded a sentence in the points section. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know, I hope this will maybe help someone.
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Re: How To Trade

Postby barracuda546 » Mon Jan 23, 2012 11:11 pm

You forgot to add that trade is sacred
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Re: How To Trade

Postby _Gunnar » Mon Jan 23, 2012 11:18 pm

barracuda546 wrote:You forgot to add that trade is sacred

Good point, I added this.
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Re: How To Trade

Postby Sevenless » Tue Jan 24, 2012 4:19 am

Geez. Stickied on the same day? Either I sucked or the general opinion on stickying guides has done a 360 since my day XD

Good Job :)
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