Looking for companions in w7

Company of Dwarves seeking thief for dangerous mission. Find a group or village to play with here.

Looking for companions in w7

Postby Meowth47 » Mon Jun 03, 2013 2:07 am

Whether it be, I join your village, or people want to start a village with me and help recruit for w7, I'd rather not spend another world lonely.
I have told several people I would join their village, but none of them have gotten back to me in a couple of days (and they have logged onto the forums since) but I do indeed want to start w7 right when it is available, but definitely not alone.
My timezone is GMT -7, I'm an experienced player, I have a well thought out plan for a village if you don't (just need the friendly people :c), I enjoy hunting, foraging, farming, and cooking.

If you're interested or have any other questions about ANYTHING, PM me!
Posts: 37
Joined: Mon May 27, 2013 6:38 pm

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