My haven and hearth experience

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Re: My haven and hearth experience

Postby gummi » Mon Feb 09, 2015 4:26 pm

Really great adventure story, Bushbaby. I had just met you recently but enjoyed chatting with you. You're a good presence in the game and I hope you return!
And I'm not saying that just because I need cheese racks :p
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Re: My haven and hearth experience

Postby Adata » Mon Feb 09, 2015 9:16 pm

Another long post.

@Ninijutsu Yes, I am going to continue playing. I was sad yesterday, but then I paved a bird paving and realized that I don’t need much stats to do that. So while my inherit will rise from 74 to around 200 farming so it can restart farming (hiding my cowardly little farmer in walls forever) I will make alts upon alts and explore more. And maybe pave something with rocks.

Thanks for kind words! <3

@spawningmink Yes, I made a lot of characters while exploring around. Some didn’t even get written here because I was tired at the end of writing all and didn’t put in as many details. Well I had two semi mains - Bushbaby and Adata. And some new characters who joined villages by spawning there (who I didn’t name because I thought it’d make too many new random characters appear). Confusing indeed!

And thanks for offering to track scents, but it’s ok. Only AD guys I met, knocked out my friend, took all his stuff, thought later even gave some back! And didn’t kill! I thought it was pretty awesome as I expected he’d die. From the point of view of surviving it was a great meeting, but from the point of view of someone who had to gather curios a LOT and go without best ones to trade for stuff it really wasn’t.

@venatorvenator Well I did live in multiple villages, but I wouldn’t do anything evil, but of course you were right. Security comes first. And also I have to say that you’re a very calm and nice person.

@adyroty Thanks, you helped me get better after I died(emotionally). :) Continue being awesome. Good luck with your place.

@Amanda44 Nice name, one of my favorite songs sings a bit about Amanda. :p And moving on, I wanted to meet people and I still like it. I sometimes make new characters and go around and hope to see people. But I had sort of permanent village to stay with with Bushbaby. Adata was the explorer character but Bushbaby mostly stayed in the same place and farmed, then Bushbaby joined a village nearby for easy water access and fed cows a bit there and once left that village to go wander around but then came back. No place better than home.
It’s because I made my base with q1 – q30 seeds and later better around the area where village later appeared, and in my base I had paved most of it myself besides initial paving. And while chestnut tree and apple tree were q1 around my old base(from previous owners) they were now mine and I loved my place. :3
And now story time about things I saw after making new characters and exploring around.

Best new char aka Story about Dragon

I made a character named Dragon, his life purpose was to die and leave a skull. The initial plan was to rely on ant help. But shortly after spawning I met a girl, she seemed to be exploring and I followed her even though she wasn’t really sold on the idea. I talked to her anyway. Then we found a cave, went inside and explored, soon we found some stairs leading up! And they worked!

And so we came into a village thats had a lot of claims and brick walls around. A second time cave had led me into a city. It was named Camelot. Then I accidentally pressed teleport to heartfire while writing something. So I lost the girl I was talking to. I was sad and went back as fast as I could,hoping to still see here there, but realizing she probably wasn’t waiting for me. For some reason she walked around fast even when I tried to follow. But surely she couldn’t be wanting to get rid of me?
And soon I found the village again, but I was alone. Girl had left that place to go do something else. So I explored and saw two new people. They were behind brick walls and seemed a bit afking. Or ignoring me.

But then one of them talked and said that they moved here not that long ago and still were making security better. They played for a month or two but already had better gear than me and better village. Other one was a farmer and killed a cow. Then they had to go. And noone killed Dragon yet. In fact they said ‘If you decide to settle around, after some time you could even join us.’ I replied ‘Dragon has another purpose in life.’

I found out that village had been called Grey village before or so I assumed after seeing runes like ‘help me grey village’.

I teleported back and went in other direction.There I saw Mysterious Girl again. We talked a bit I said ‘hi again’ she said something like ‘hi, I have to go back’. But I kinned her before she went. And continued talking and she seemed to like me a bit more. Started answering back. Then while exploring I found her base. It was fate.
But Dragon’s life purpose still wasn’t fullfilled. So he had to leave Freya forever and go explore more.

I hoped to get a boat and so went around river for a long time. On my way I saw strange places like 1 tile wide river. I also saw a lot of runestones on the other side and wanted to read them all, so I needed a boat more than ever. But no boat appeared.

After a long long walk I saw some more runes near river and went to read them and then saw a person hunting a bear! He had a boat. I wanted to get a boat too. I said ‘Can you make me a boat sign? plsplspls’ And he answered ‘I’m just a hunter, I don’t know how to make boats.’ Remebering dragons life goal, I said ‘I wish I could steal your boat, maybe leave it here a bit on this side?’ But he didn’t. So I continued to watch him kill bear.

Then he offered me curio and a boat ride to join their place. I said of course yes. It must have been my trustworthy nature showing through my words. We boated some time and approached some island like place between two rivers. There was another person there, who had joined recently too. I read runestones and they mentioned some Ned. I remembered a rune near Camelot that said ‘Ned is dead’.

So I decided to inform them about the fact. And told about awesome place named Camelot that was being built in place of Grey City. ‘Grey City is gone?’ wondered Bear Slayer. ‘Why yes,’ I said and also said a lot of other things. ‘But we are the outpost of Grey City. So that means we are free? I’m glad Grey City is gone!’ Thus were the next words out of Bear Slayers mouth. I asked to tell me more.

Turns out they were being raided until they agreed to join Grey Village as an outpost. At first they refused the generous offer. But Grey City had the bigger stick. Though it seems they were very very independent outpost because ‘I have no idea where is Grey City’ was his reply.

So I joined them and logged in later and no one was on, I explored and found out I was on an island. And I couldn't get a boat, because it was on a claim.
In the first day I met some guy in rangers cloak who rowed past me and after I asked him to take me to the other side and he did. I never learned his name because he rowed somewhere away, but I was thankful.

On the other day I logged in Dragon didn’t meet anyone. So he found the narrowest place of river and tried to swim across, sadly one tile before land his powers of swimming dwindled or some fish blocked his path, and he drowned, his life purpose unfulfilled.
I sometimes console myself that mermaids must have Dragon skull.

Story end.

@Rodimus You’re very fun guy to play with, most entertaining leader I had in a village.

@Jesus Smith Nandez You had great stories to tell, too bad you died and that I wasn’t on much when you logged in, so I couldn’t hear them all.

@sapphire I will still play, only I won’t be able to do anything useful much.

@gummi Maybe I’ll finally be able to make more cheese racks besides those two in mine. :p
W14 Elephant Gardens
W13 Zard
W12 Magpie Nest
W11 White Pond
W10 Lazy Leech
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Re: My haven and hearth experience

Postby Comodo » Mon Feb 09, 2015 9:26 pm

So gray city has been dead for over a year now, and Camelot was made like a month ago? So this story is either bullshit or they have been an outpost of a dead village for over a year and their hunter still can't make boats?
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Re: My haven and hearth experience

Postby Colin500 » Mon Feb 09, 2015 9:37 pm

Comodo wrote:So gray city has been dead for over a year now, and Camelot was made like a month ago? So this story is either bullshit or they have been an outpost of a dead village for over a year and their hunter still can't make boats?

Yea sounds more like a bullshit to me
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Re: My haven and hearth experience

Postby DarkCristi2 » Tue Feb 10, 2015 10:41 am

Watch your back around russians ;)
Allan please add detail
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