Haven 2's Factions

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Re: Haven 2's Factions

Postby painhertz » Sat Aug 22, 2015 5:09 pm

NOOBY93 wrote:
painhertz wrote:I already stated how I felt that the people who stupidly rush for the corners to "meet" buddies are going to just end up ground down through endless fighting (Assuming they make it to a corner in the first place), while people smart enough to just start where they are will be dominant.

That's just wrong, people who meet their friends are clearly going to have an amazing advantage over people who hermit where they spawned. Obviously they're not just going to mindlessly run to the corners, but at least in haven 1, part of the early stats rush is running around getting anthills, and the easiest way to do that is to run in 1 direction. I don't think "fighting" should be much of a problem the first day or two since not many people will be able to fight, it's mostly going to be passively meeting your allies.

The fighting won't be "on the way", genius. It will be when everyone gets to the corners and saturates the areas therein. First off, do you realize how long it takes to travel to a corner if it's a normal sized map? As a noob, being chased by boars, bears and for all we know, wolves? Secondly? On every world I've started I've had rage by or before the end of the first day. Knock someone out? Drag a boar or bear to them. Dead. And lastly, I didn't say anything about hermiting, depending on population the general behavior would tend towards neighbors banding together with people in their area and this banding together will take place at least a couple days before people filter into the corners. Personally I "plan" on hermiting at least for the first 4-8 hours until I get a gist of the new mechanics but if i run into people i will try to cooperate with them.
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Re: Haven 2's Factions

Postby Eemerald » Sat Aug 22, 2015 6:15 pm

Flevalt wrote:Do you believe people will just settle for banding with whoever is nearby?

They will attempt to find their buddies in the game through whatever means necessary.
The advantage of having trustworthy partners is more valuable than anything else in a game like this.
If there is a way and they figured it out, they might also start to hoard alt accounts again for botting as they see fit.

If it's really going to be so bothersome to find each other, then it will merely change the value of a bot since it takes effort to get one to your location.
Phrases like "just an alt" will not sound fitting anymore if you manage to get one to your main.

If it's possible to reach your allies at the corners, people will do so. No fight can ensue when nobody has rage/murder.
Only if you're late to the party, you miss out.

But if people aren't able to play with their friends and clan-mates, it's obvious how this social experiment will turn out.

as a starting point, you may not have much issue with helping out whoever and playing with them, but I agree, much of this games enjoyment is working with people you get along with, and want to play similarly to you in whatever way. I wouldn't want to play with whoever I randomly spawned near to, just because of distance potentially to a friend who I trust, and know we work well together. There are people I wouldn't ever want to be in the same town with, because they can't be trusted one bit!

In that regard it will be interesting if you can't find your friends, but hermitting would seem a better option than bunking up with whoever happens to be close by. butt hen again, you can meet some great people that way. who knows!
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Re: Haven 2's Factions

Postby overtyped » Sat Aug 22, 2015 11:20 pm

Bob Dole Faction plans to kill everyone he meets, with his trusty Q10 sling.
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Re: Haven 2's Factions

Postby Sardte » Sun Aug 23, 2015 12:48 am

I can't help but think you people are massively over thinking it when we have virtually no idea of the mechanics they will eventually put in the game. I do appreciate planning can be fun though so whatever I suppose.
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Re: Haven 2's Factions

Postby Robben_DuMarsch » Sun Aug 23, 2015 5:43 am

I half expect Jorbtar to troll us by having generated a world that is circular, without defined corners.
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Re: Haven 2's Factions

Postby cpt1silencer » Sun Aug 23, 2015 8:04 am

I always give people a chance when I meet them. I'm surprised I haven't died yet because of that, can you imagine mistaking NaoWhut for a friend and living, apparently he doesn't kill everyone that runs up asking where's he's been all day. I got knocked out and scolded.

Though ultimately I'd try to find my friends. If the party arrows work, I'm sure we'll survey the areas we spawn in and pick a person to rally at.
If they don't work, I'll team up with those around me and hope to find my friends midgame.
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Re: Haven 2's Factions

Postby NaoWhut » Sun Aug 23, 2015 5:11 pm

Lol, people often like to believe that
Empires will be at disadvantages,
But you gotta trust me on this...

People are smart. They will find each
Other by the end of day 3. When you
Let yourself believe groups of us
Will not be capable of learning and
Adapting quickly... You're effectively
Giving yourself a false sense of
Security, and you will be at more of
A disadvantage than before.

Think of your opponents and rivals as
If they are extremely capable and
Intelligent. It will help you later on.

Needless to say I'm just gonna chill
And find people who have no idea
Who I am. I will be among you, and
You will unknowingly aid me.

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Re: Haven 2's Factions

Postby Patchouli_Knowledge » Sun Aug 23, 2015 5:56 pm

Robben_DuMarsch wrote:I half expect Jorbtar to troll us by having generated a world that is circular, without defined corners.

He can go one step further in the trolling and make the world wrap around.

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I do feel that it feels a RNG is going to be a bigger faction on start-up since how well you do isn't just based on your personal skills but whom you land next to as opposed to old factions sharing HF to spawn together. You can be lucky and spawn next to productive and consistent veterans or you can be surrounded by YOLO raiders that cares nothing long term and locusts everything around them or those that tend to have a big habit of backstabbing.

Of course this is all speculation.
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Re: Haven 2's Factions

Postby painhertz » Sun Aug 23, 2015 6:47 pm

NaoWhut wrote:Lol, people often like to believe that
Empires will be at disadvantages,
But you gotta trust me on this...

People are smart. They will find each
Other by the end of day 3. When you
Let yourself believe groups of us
Will not be capable of learning and
Adapting quickly... You're effectively
Giving yourself a false sense of
Security, and you will be at more of
A disadvantage than before.

Think of your opponents and rivals as
If they are extremely capable and
Intelligent. It will help you later on.

Needless to say I'm just gonna chill
And find people who have no idea
Who I am. I will be among you, and
You will unknowingly aid me.

Love y'all <3

Aren't you supposed to be joining th Army or something? or was that just horseshit.....
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Re: Haven 2's Factions

Postby LadyV » Sun Aug 23, 2015 6:54 pm

Robben_DuMarsch wrote:I half expect Jorbtar to troll us by having generated a world that is circular, without defined corners.

Why do that. They have said the world has height now and fewer rivers. Its going to harder to travel. People will eventually meet however. :)
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