Geography of Interest | World 7

Forum for discussing in game politics, village relations and matters of justice.

Re: Geography of Interest | World 7

Postby Unostop » Mon Aug 19, 2013 4:03 am

I vote to discard
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Re: Geography of Interest | World 7

Postby stazy » Mon Aug 19, 2013 4:40 am

To Vaku or whatever your name is I just can't be asked to click back to find out.... You're steppin on toes and toes of people I kinda happen to, I'm gonna be start by suggesting.....

I vote YOU delete your OP... or at the VERY least do a 1.) (blah blah blah cords), 2.)(blah blah cords..etc), 3(etc), 4(etc) ... that way you at least aren't calling out specific camps. Besides....warring clans already know who they each are so on and so forth (whoever's arse you are trying to kiss by doing this) camp/individuals don't need your tattle telling douche arse putting your nose where it didn't belong in the first place. Watch porn like normal people or get a job ffs.

If you were trying to win the award for biggest griefer OMG TAAADAAAA you win.

Oh and what were your cords again OP? Before you go shoveling your shyt and giving out other's cords....make a post Giving Everyone YOUR cords...clearly you have entirely to much time on your hands and need some company. I am certain that those you have listed in this post would be quite happy to come over for some tea and biscuits. And I am certain they will be happy to discuss in game politics with you quite diplomatically of course. (Jordan's pretty good at this...quite the diplomat that one!)

I don't have a bone in this fight...but, I kinda don't appreciate you going after Amanda this way. Soooo... yeah

Hugs Amanda and group huggles Emmerald and Amanda... Namesakey, Honey I hope you have a better tomorrow.

PS looks at OP...Dude not a good idea to piss off the grid or women... IJS.
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Re: Geography of Interest | World 7

Postby LordD1 » Mon Aug 19, 2013 4:45 am

I kind of like this thread, it does point out some specific places but, it is infact something good.
It tells everyone where something is, yes but if someone wanted to go visit a city that has been left to rot, then they should be allowed to.

Giving the coords to places isn't really telling people to go attk, and what not.
Thread should stay up.
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Re: Geography of Interest | World 7

Postby Tonkyhonk » Mon Aug 19, 2013 5:03 am

its not just about the play-styles. haven is one game, but it is not one game when played by multiple players. you just dont get it, fine.
as for nemawashi, i know most people cant tell my sarcasm, but, ha ha, i cant help but just laugh.

so, lets see if there is any "established" group who wants your arrogant "advisory" for "the greater good for the game".
if there were actually any, i might even consider giving a pearl to find out which noob group it is just for the lols on the forums!

as for listing every single village you bump into, i honestly dont give a damn. i dont give away any hints and i have enough enemies anyways.
after all, minor village names mean nothing to me, not even interested, but as long as some others get offended by the list, i thought you should consider, as a wannabe politician, the problem YOU are facing here, that is, you are trying to see the forest by cutting trees down. what will you achieve? your satisfaction. you are playing this as a single player "politics" game just by using forums, offending others. i see no difference between your method and pkers killing for lelz and you seem to be fine with it. scholarly? you made my day!

i quoted this before, but let me quote it again.
Oscar Wilde wrote:Whenever a man does a thoroughly stupid thing, it is always from the noblest motives.

please change the thread title to "Geography of Everything" plz. it doesnt seem to make it "of Interest" at all.
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Re: Geography of Interest | World 7

Postby Amanda44 » Mon Aug 19, 2013 10:30 am

Eemerald wrote:Hugs Amanda. Get some rest!


Stazy too <3

Unostop wrote:I vote to discard


Vaku wrote:It would not be my responsibility. The man who makes the gun is not the same as the man who shoots it. And I'm sorry for you that feel this project is so life threatening. However Amanda, your situation appears to be the exception to the rule. Not every hermit has enemies that can be so defined as yours, nor enemies that know their village's name, if they are hermits that do indeed even create village idols for themselves(for trade presumably) that they also live in.

If the man who made the gun then placed the gunman on my doorstep - too damn right I would also blame him!

My situation is certainly not the exception to the rule, you think other players don't have people who they don't get along with, be they hermits or factions?! What game are you playing?!

I create a village for various reasons, trade is just one of them, I enjoy the creativity, I like to have friends over to visit, I like to build all the game has to offer.

Moreover, I implore you to rethink where you place blame. Never should it be considered any character is immortal or any project everlasting. It's foolish to think that I'm cutting lives short and razing hermitages by matching Idol Name with Idol Icon. The problem began with having enemies who know the above-ground idol's name in the first place. Please reconsider your active security measures.

I accept being raided and possibly killed as part of the game, do you think i've never lost a char or been raided? The difference here is you are cutting short my 'life' by pointing people in the right direction.
As for any project being everlasting - 'hello, W7'!

For the last time - I am objecting to one person deciding the fate of others, not just myself, and giving me/us no choice in the matter. Who is it you want me to refer the blame to other than the person who is responsible?!

Here - Tonky says it perfectly and even uses the word I was trying hard to avoid.

Tonkyhonk wrote:@vaku
its not just about the play-styles. haven is one game, but it is not one game when played by multiple players. you just dont get it, fine.
as for nemawashi, i know most people cant tell my sarcasm, but, ha ha, i cant help but just laugh.

so, lets see if there is any "established" group who wants your arrogant "advisory" for "the greater good for the game".
if there were actually any, i might even consider giving a pearl to find out which noob group it is just for the lols on the forums!

as for listing every single village you bump into, i honestly dont give a damn. i dont give away any hints and i have enough enemies anyways.
after all, minor village names mean nothing to me, not even interested, but as long as some others get offended by the list, i thought you should consider, as a wannabe politician, the problem YOU are facing here, that is, you are trying to see the forest by cutting trees down. what will you achieve? your satisfaction. you are playing this as a single player "politics" game just by using forums, offending others. i see no difference between your method and pkers killing for lelz and you seem to be fine with it. scholarly? you made my day!

i quoted this before, but let me quote it again.
Oscar Wilde wrote:Whenever a man does a thoroughly stupid thing, it is always from the noblest motives.

please change the thread title to "Geography of Everything" plz. it doesnt seem to make it "of Interest" at all.

Why can you not simply be fair to all and give us the choice to opt out of being included in your project?!
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It is like in Lord of the Flies, nobody controlls what is going on in the hearthlands, those weaker and with conscience are just fucked.
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Re: Geography of Interest | World 7

Postby airengale » Mon Aug 19, 2013 11:27 am

Oscar Wilde wrote:Whenever a man does a thoroughly stupid thing, it is always from the noblest motives.

Is it just me, or does that sound like a compliment? Being stupid and noble both equal death here haha.

I vote to keep.
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Re: Geography of Interest | World 7

Postby NOOBY93 » Mon Aug 19, 2013 11:29 am

airengale wrote:
Oscar Wilde wrote:Whenever a man does a thoroughly stupid thing, it is always from the noblest motives.

Is it just me, or does that sound like a compliment? Being stupid and noble both equal death here haha.

I vote to keep.

What he meant is, Vaku is trying to do something great (he did a great library, he tried to expand the greatness by making this) without knowing it's ruining many people he's posting the coords of.
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Re: Geography of Interest | World 7

Postby airengale » Mon Aug 19, 2013 11:44 am

NOOBY93 wrote:
airengale wrote:
Oscar Wilde wrote:Whenever a man does a thoroughly stupid thing, it is always from the noblest motives.

Is it just me, or does that sound like a compliment? Being stupid and noble both equal death here haha.

I vote to keep.

What he meant is, Vaku is trying to do something great (he did a great library, he tried to expand the greatness by making this) without knowing it's ruining many people he's posting the coords of.

Has it, though? I've read the entire thread and I only see the complaints of people afraid of being posted, not the anger of those already posted. If it has already become a problem, then those who've been listed that have already been raided because of it, should speak of it.
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Re: Geography of Interest | World 7

Postby NOOBY93 » Mon Aug 19, 2013 11:45 am

They haven't yet, but if...
I don't even know, I just won't enjoy my coords being on a thread.
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Re: Geography of Interest | World 7

Postby ChildhoodObesity » Mon Aug 19, 2013 12:10 pm

stazy wrote:To Vaku or whatever your name is I just can't be asked to click back to find out.... You're steppin on toes and toes of people I kinda happen to, I'm gonna be start by suggesting.....

I vote YOU delete your OP... or at the VERY least do a 1.) (blah blah blah cords), 2.)(blah blah cords..etc), 3(etc), 4(etc) ... that way you at least aren't calling out specific camps. Besides....warring clans already know who they each are so on and so forth (whoever's arse you are trying to kiss by doing this) camp/individuals don't need your tattle telling douche arse putting your nose where it didn't belong in the first place. Watch porn like normal people or get a job ffs.

I vote YOU delete your forum account and stop posting ur posts are fukn shittier 2read than my intended shit posts pls stazy pls, hUGS 2 my evry1 )
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