My haven and hearth experience

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My haven and hearth experience

Postby Adata » Mon Feb 09, 2015 3:18 am

My haven and hearth experience
(also Life and Death of Bushbaby, my most favored character)

It's pretty long and mostly my life story in h&h.

The beginning

In the beginning it was a throwaway account, as I had started my heartling life only 3-4 days ago (finally finding how to install game correctly in 20th of July), but already read start of Sevenless tutorial. And tutorial mentioned that everyone is evil and wont hesitate to attack. Maybe not in those words, but that's what I remembered.
But living alone was boring, I hadn't met anyone yet and while my currently 3 days older main already knew how to make baskets and hunt delicious rabbits, green frogs and rats, I yearned for some company.
It had a village named Knights Crew right near and it was beautiful. Paved with different kind of colors. But I didn’t meet anyone except skeletons in forests.
I decided to make account that will talk to everyone I see no matter what happens. I was feeling creative that day and after some names like Fasepalm and Madcake(died to a bear almost instantly) I finally settled on Bushbaby.
As I had a default client at the time I decided to map rivers on paper and explore. I knew I couldn't learn swimming as my main had already bought that skill as a second skill to cross rivers, but almost drowned...

First people I met

So for few days I made pine cows and gathered dandelions and finally learned how to make a boat. Few days I merrily rowed around mapping rivers and looking at new trees, villages and areas. I thought if I never meet anyone I can become a boat hobo. Then one day I saw red walls and a village named AD. I rowed around hoping to see someone, but it was boring place and I didn't meet anyone. But a little way upwards I met my first person! He was wearing a pumpkin head and I had never seen such thing before.
Sadly I forgot his name.
Pumpkinhed also had a friend SpookyJetpack. They had a claim and had a garden and house and I think picket fence... I hadn't discovered how to make a house yet! But they were planning to build one on the other side of river. I wanted to help.
So we chopped trees and then Spooky had to go so I finished gathering everything myself. I was proud and thought that maybe I could join them.
But no... They didn't trust me and I couldn't go on claim. So I didn't want to intrude and left. Evidently it was my destiny to become boat hobo.

Bunny slippers of awesomness

Next day I took two rabbit skins I had put onto drying frame and finally made me some bunny slippers. It was glorious footwear and I immediatedly fell in love with it. For a while I stopped playing Bushbaby, because I made other account.

First village - drama

I made my new main that was named like my account Adata and joined my first village with that. My only requirement was to get bunny slippers. I met many nice people there, though Necropolis was a doomed village but we didn't know it yet.
Our boss invited some guy named Mr. Green and I'm not sure what happened but I think he wanted to kill one of villagers. He had a gear and I think he could almost onehit a bear. One of the guys, MacBac, had pet rabbit that even had a name. And MrGreen killed him(rabbit)! I got one of paws later. And I think MacBac got revenge. Maybe, not sure.

The Great movings and Fall of the village

So we packed things and moved after a day. And plowed and paved and made palisade in the new place. One of the nice guys tamed cows. Maybe 4-6,I'm not sure...And they all were female. :D
Then next day we moved again. But morale was low. This time we somehow maybe bashed a claim inside palisade and I felt it was a bit dishonorable. What if people who lived there wanted to come back?
But then something worse happened. Our leader left us and joined some other place. It was weird. We moved a bit towards second place but noone was enterntaining enough to keep us together. But one guy gave me a green rangers cloak as a parting gift. It was a great cloak. Not by points it gave maybe, but it was the first one I ever saw. But my Adata account started to slumber and I restarted Bushbaby.

Maybe first death to player, maybe no

I also joined some village, but on the next day my new char was maybe killed by player or by boar. I was afking in the forest, so I didn't see anything. Then we moved to a new recruitment village called Valfort that had idol and a palisade instead of just idol in the woods. But moving was suspicious and I stopped playing that character. I didn't want to build and move, build and move.
Searching for place to settle
Meanwhile Bushbaby found an unclaimed cave, the only problem were all those other heartfires around. It wasn't good fit. So travel by carrying a boat above head continued.
And then I found a great place! It was unclaimed, it had a bit paving and best of all it had plants! Life in the village had made me want to be a farmer and so I became one.
For about month I paved, started to build new house and planted and replanted. My first seeds were quality 1. They could only go up! Scared that people might steal plants, because who knows what raiders want, I replanted every seed I got. They got to about quality 30. And then I met two new people. Inferno and Mortimer. They had only started playing and they made a place a bit below me.

Noob miner friends

I invited them to join me and they helped to build another house and half a palisade. I had no need for palisade before. After all I deviously replanted all seeds so they were safe even if I died! So I got palisade but kept doors open. It was easier to go out,and that is what finally caused my downfall. But only after a lot of weeks playing.
Those few days in a village when I built about 6 houses with only some help from other people and most of palisade made me hate walls and building a bit.
Also Mortimer and Inferno knew how to mine. They let me discover iron and built a smelter I have never used till this day. But the thought was good.

Meeting new people

Also I met a new person around, who had moved from more dangerous area. We communicated with rune stones and then I learned you can kin through distance.
I gave him some cows. I didn't tame those but found in some brick wall village with no claim. Later I went back and it had a new claim, but I had already freed all the animals.
Around that time another guy spawned around using someone random heartfire. But Inferno and Mortimer stopped playing.

Ooh what a cave

I also tried to make a new miner character in totally other area and immediately when spawning met new people, who were making palisade. they were suspicious of me at first, but guess I talked a lot like a noob and they invited me to join.
We went to hunt a bit and I helped making food. And it was nice. Then I went exploring and went into a cave. It was claimed from inside so I couldn't go out and explored. I found other way out and when I went, whoa!
I was in the middle of village and cave was blocked by a lot of statues. And I saw people with axes. They went like 'oh look a noob!'. And invited me into the village Taquemathi. And gave me second green cloak I ever had.
It was way better than first one I had, but it felt too good for me. When I went back to guys I spawned near one of them wanted my new cloak a lot. i didn't want him to be sad, and I felt like I'm too noob to help in any way in the village...besides chopping tree and who likes that. D: So I said I wont play this game anymore, gave him all my good gear and quit that char.

Awesome guy

I also met the most awesomest guy who lived around and he gave me necromancers robes, good saw, axe, hat, bear talismans and monocle. He also tried to teach me hunt and melee kill animals, but I'm bad at that and I forgot everything. I never could make as good things as the ones he gave me even when I tried. And thats what was mostly looted from my corpse I guess.

Taking a break

I visited near river and we made a village that Bushbaby joined. I also fed animals, but feeding animals was horrible. I gathered beetroots and it was so slow and cows ate too much.
Also I had real life things. So I stopped playing for 2-3 months without saying anything to anyone. Later I rejoined h&h again. Surprisingly Bushbaby wasn't kicked from the village. Best people ever. <3

Forever alone

It was around then when I wanted to try mining. I had joined Valfort, a recruitment village, and last time I was on with a freshly made char,that found some inactive village to loot so got strength to bash heart fire, there they had things like pickaxe and stuff. I took things and went on a boat trip towards Bushbaby's home. But when I finally arrived I got contacted by the guy who had recruited me before. Apparently he though I had quit (and I had)and I still could prove myself. Get village authority back and pave and make brick wall around.
I wanted more people contact, because while farming was nice, I usually never seemed to be on at the same time as someone from my kin list was on. So I said yes and teleported back with stuff I took. Which turned out to be useless for boss guy anyway and he said I can keep it all. So I paved around, I planted seeds I even moved Adata char to farm there. But I was the only one living in the village.
It was even more boring. So to keep doing things I started to think of Valfort as a second home. And I was willing to do even useless things at home. I also started getting bricks for brick wall.
Then I think for all my effort I got into main village. It was... big. I didn't remember where anything was. And my skills were low. And I hadn't finished brick wall at valfort. Also usually I didn't see anyone when I logged in again.
After few days I decided that main village is no Valfort that I loved a lot, so I left. Destroyed heartfire and started random spawning.

Pig village

Then I joined Crestfall village on a new char. I was the second person besides out leader guy. It was... unexpected place. Half eaten patches of yellow grass and a lot of pigs. We got a bit LP from swamp bugs. Then new people joined and we started building a village and it was fun.
Our farmer was someone with more experience at haven and probably not farmer experience, other farmer was kinda new, and our hunter liked to challenge people to spar. I learned that I am awful at sparring and will die in any fight. We met a cool guy near who had walls! And who could walk fast because of this mysterious stamina thing. He had the best stories.
So we had no walls and random people sometimes visited and it was the best fun I had for a while. My character was trying to learn mining again, because even though I now have some experience I never feel knowledgeable miner.
We met a guy who lived near and had the same name as our leader at the time. But then I died to a bear and stopped playing. Partly because the new skills were bad and partly because mining took too much time. Then I restarted but new village doesn't feel the same. (Must be those walls!)

Attacked village

I also joined this village who said on forums they are being attacked. I hoped maybe I will get to experience my first death from a player. And maybe it'll be fun.
So I joined and we went to boat around and loot inactive places. Then came back, logged out to eat and when I logged in someone had killed ams, or what his name was. Then when I teleported to heartfire later I saw a person in bear cape and sword.
He said we could join some village named 'terribad cove' 'because dying 7 times is sad'. But village people were suspicious, idk why, maybe there is something worse than death, and we moved and then than new place never got much playing in. But I guess no one kept dying, so it's safe.

Argentina guys

Adata random spawned near a place where two new people from Argentina played. They were nice and invited to stay. I got a house near swamp and few freshly planted willows. But then they went to two week holidays.

Cheese village

Around Christmas I felt wanderlust for Bushbaby, so I started random spawning. My place was nice but already explored. I found a place, plowed it and planted some seeds. When I went exploring I found two polish guys who were tracking some scents.I followed because it was interesting and we found Arkham.
Then they went away and I have no idea what happened. But I wanted to join new village. Turns out there are two Arkhams and I joined the one that wasn't near me. I thought I could farm, but near 200 farming (or maybe I had less) was too little. So I made cheese a bit but it was boring. But nicest people ever.
Then I random spawned until I came back around familiar and just farmed around.

wao wat a spai?

Then I wanted to join Malachite city and I did on new char, because it was time when you couldn't oath from distance. I wanted to join on Adata who at the time was living on some random mountain logging in and putting curio only. There I had to make a stone house. I never got straw in sign lol. Too much! There were nice people joining. Pretty friendly but I think one didn't like my joking manner of talking. But they learned that I live not in one village and probably thought I'm a spy and I never logged in again. Not fun to play with suspicious people and I'd feel guilty worrying them.

Meeting people

And surprisingly met a lot of people in the area all of sudden. I met two noob Russians and they one was rude while other was nice. I invited them to my base and one of them stole some tin bar I had foraged. One of three. Then I met some nice Russian people near Kastepo Fort. A husband and wife. I gave them some bear talismans,hats saw and stuff like that that I could make. Then around that area I met a Russian person who demanded I give him a boar and when I didn't, dekinned me. One other person I met around, gave me a better farmers hat and purple merchant robe. One lived near and then some more, mostly new people. But still it's fun to talk to.

White dot

One of them I invited to my old base to eat pumpkins. So I harvested them and then went a bit around when I saw a new white dot appearing. It was a guy with a sword. I could say 'pls stop :/'. And feebly run around. I am very bad at running too. So I decided to go into house, maybe aggro drops, but the guy went too and we got stuck. I realized that I'm probably dead and closed client. It was a last resort,sometimes it worked with boars. But seems people are different.
I wanted to make alt and talk, but I didn't remember a single heart secret. So I logged in on char to look. Too bad that char had keys and was sleeping in the same house. Really stupid from me, it's mostly because I don't remember where all of alts are. He later closed like two gates and two no for some weird reason, so I could add a bit to my unfinished skeleton spiral maze. Then I made new alt outside, but it couldn't go in, because no theft. And I think attacker stayed inside for idk what reason.

Meeting Death

As a first death to a player where I wasn't afk(not sure if one death was a player or boar) I must say death is more boring than I thought. No witty banter before death. But I guess now I know that closing client is a stupid thing too, what if the guy said something when I was knocked out.
But he seemed like one of those evil killy people. I don't know if they talk when killing other chars.
And finally I made a paving of bird, in the memory of Bushbaby, my best char had like 300 farming without hat almost <3. And I think maybe even good skull. When I died to a bear in Crestfall I had 16 psy but still got grey skull. Maybe int was too low. Now I had like 47 psy (was rising dex mostly) and around 40 something int. I wish I could see my skull. It's probably as awesome as me. :3

The end.

I realized I spent too much time getting attached to char and grinding up and one of best ways for ppl who can't fight is of course go become brick paving master. \o/
(But no it will be just a hobby.)
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Re: My haven and hearth experience

Postby Ninijutsu » Mon Feb 09, 2015 3:59 am

Gorgeous story, I must say. Thank you for posting this. Are you gonna continue playing?
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Re: My haven and hearth experience

Postby DDDsDD999 » Mon Feb 09, 2015 4:00 am

The greatest literary achievement of our time.
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Re: My haven and hearth experience

Postby spawningmink » Mon Feb 09, 2015 4:10 am

extremly hard to follow but was a great read! hope you continue playing
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Re: My haven and hearth experience

Postby venatorvenator » Mon Feb 09, 2015 4:11 am

Adata wrote:Then I wanted to join Malachite city and I did on new char, because it was time when you couldn't oath from distance. I wanted to join on Adata who at the time was living on some random mountain logging in and putting curio only. There I had to make a stone house. I never got straw in sign lol. Too much! There were nice people joining. Pretty friendly but I think one didn't like my joking manner of talking. But they learned that I live not in one village and probably thought I'm a spy and I never logged in again. Not fun to play with suspicious people and I'd feel guilty worrying them.

Sorry for that. The problem was that you didn't tell me you were living in multiple villages at the same time, didn't reply fast enough to my PM asking about it, and was logging on there but not with us. We can always find a solution if you have a problem, I just need you to be straightforward. So since the only information I had was that you lived in another village and was playing there, I had to make a decision, and assumed either spy or that you had quit our village.

The others actually confirmed to me that they liked you and were sad that you had to leave. If they didn't seem so it's probably because of the language, since half of us aren't English natives. If you do want to come back we would be happy to have you with us.

those evil killy people.

Loved that:)
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Re: My haven and hearth experience

Postby adyroty » Mon Feb 09, 2015 9:11 am

cool story Bush, now you have to go forward, that's life in HnH, you're welcome anytime in my house
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Re: My haven and hearth experience

Postby Amanda44 » Mon Feb 09, 2015 9:19 am

Well, you certainly made the most of meeting people and joining villages, it seems a shame you couldn't find somewhere to settle long term - the life of a wanderer can be fun too though and you certainly travelled around.

To reiterate Nini, are you still playing, or have plans to continue?
Koru wrote:
It is like in Lord of the Flies, nobody controlls what is going on in the hearthlands, those weaker and with conscience are just fucked.
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Re: My haven and hearth experience

Postby Rodimus » Mon Feb 09, 2015 11:05 am

Such an inspiring story
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Re: My haven and hearth experience

Postby Jesus_Smith_Nandez » Mon Feb 09, 2015 1:34 pm

Great story, bad ending.
I'm glad I came across you while wandering; you're one of the more interesting people I've met.

GG Haven, you always kill the coolest ones.
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Re: My haven and hearth experience

Postby sapphire » Mon Feb 09, 2015 3:13 pm

Adata wrote:My haven and hearth experience
(also Life and Death of Bushbaby, my most favored character)

It's pretty long and mostly my life story in h&h.

The beginning

In the beginning it was a throwaway account, as I had started my heartling life only 3-4 days ago (finally finding how to install game correctly in 20th of July), but already read start of Sevenless tutorial. And tutorial mentioned that everyone is evil and wont hesitate to attack. Maybe not in those words, but that's what I remembered.
But living alone was boring, I hadn't met anyone yet and while my currently 3 days older main already knew how to make baskets and hunt delicious rabbits, green frogs and rats, I yearned for some company.
It had a village named Knights Crew right near and it was beautiful. Paved with different kind of colors. But I didn’t meet anyone except skeletons in forests.
I decided to make account that will talk to everyone I see no matter what happens. I was feeling creative that day and after some names like Fasepalm and Madcake(died to a bear almost instantly) I finally settled on Bushbaby.
As I had a default client at the time I decided to map rivers on paper and explore. I knew I couldn't learn swimming as my main had already bought that skill as a second skill to cross rivers, but almost drowned...

First people I met

So for few days I made pine cows and gathered dandelions and finally learned how to make a boat. Few days I merrily rowed around mapping rivers and looking at new trees, villages and areas. I thought if I never meet anyone I can become a boat hobo. Then one day I saw red walls and a village named AD. I rowed around hoping to see someone, but it was boring place and I didn't meet anyone. But a little way upwards I met my first person! He was wearing a pumpkin head and I had never seen such thing before.
Sadly I forgot his name.
Pumpkinhed also had a friend SpookyJetpack. They had a claim and had a garden and house and I think picket fence... I hadn't discovered how to make a house yet! But they were planning to build one on the other side of river. I wanted to help.
So we chopped trees and then Spooky had to go so I finished gathering everything myself. I was proud and thought that maybe I could join them.
But no... They didn't trust me and I couldn't go on claim. So I didn't want to intrude and left. Evidently it was my destiny to become boat hobo.

Bunny slippers of awesomness

Next day I took two rabbit skins I had put onto drying frame and finally made me some bunny slippers. It was glorious footwear and I immediatedly fell in love with it. For a while I stopped playing Bushbaby, because I made other account.

First village - drama

I made my new main that was named like my account Adata and joined my first village with that. My only requirement was to get bunny slippers. I met many nice people there, though Necropolis was a doomed village but we didn't know it yet.
Our boss invited some guy named Mr. Green and I'm not sure what happened but I think he wanted to kill one of villagers. He had a gear and I think he could almost onehit a bear. One of the guys, MacBac, had pet rabbit that even had a name. And MrGreen killed him(rabbit)! I got one of paws later. And I think MacBac got revenge. Maybe, not sure.

The Great movings and Fall of the village

So we packed things and moved after a day. And plowed and paved and made palisade in the new place. One of the nice guys tamed cows. Maybe 4-6,I'm not sure...And they all were female. :D
Then next day we moved again. But morale was low. This time we somehow maybe bashed a claim inside palisade and I felt it was a bit dishonorable. What if people who lived there wanted to come back?
But then something worse happened. Our leader left us and joined some other place. It was weird. We moved a bit towards second place but noone was enterntaining enough to keep us together. But one guy gave me a green rangers cloak as a parting gift. It was a great cloak. Not by points it gave maybe, but it was the first one I ever saw. But my Adata account started to slumber and I restarted Bushbaby.

Maybe first death to player, maybe no

I also joined some village, but on the next day my new char was maybe killed by player or by boar. I was afking in the forest, so I didn't see anything. Then we moved to a new recruitment village called Valfort that had idol and a palisade instead of just idol in the woods. But moving was suspicious and I stopped playing that character. I didn't want to build and move, build and move.
Searching for place to settle
Meanwhile Bushbaby found an unclaimed cave, the only problem were all those other heartfires around. It wasn't good fit. So travel by carrying a boat above head continued.
And then I found a great place! It was unclaimed, it had a bit paving and best of all it had plants! Life in the village had made me want to be a farmer and so I became one.
For about month I paved, started to build new house and planted and replanted. My first seeds were quality 1. They could only go up! Scared that people might steal plants, because who knows what raiders want, I replanted every seed I got. They got to about quality 30. And then I met two new people. Inferno and Mortimer. They had only started playing and they made a place a bit below me.

Noob miner friends

I invited them to join me and they helped to build another house and half a palisade. I had no need for palisade before. After all I deviously replanted all seeds so they were safe even if I died! So I got palisade but kept doors open. It was easier to go out,and that is what finally caused my downfall. But only after a lot of weeks playing.
Those few days in a village when I built about 6 houses with only some help from other people and most of palisade made me hate walls and building a bit.
Also Mortimer and Inferno knew how to mine. They let me discover iron and built a smelter I have never used till this day. But the thought was good.

Meeting new people

Also I met a new person around, who had moved from more dangerous area. We communicated with rune stones and then I learned you can kin through distance.
I gave him some cows. I didn't tame those but found in some brick wall village with no claim. Later I went back and it had a new claim, but I had already freed all the animals.
Around that time another guy spawned around using someone random heartfire. But Inferno and Mortimer stopped playing.

Ooh what a cave

I also tried to make a new miner character in totally other area and immediately when spawning met new people, who were making palisade. they were suspicious of me at first, but guess I talked a lot like a noob and they invited me to join.
We went to hunt a bit and I helped making food. And it was nice. Then I went exploring and went into a cave. It was claimed from inside so I couldn't go out and explored. I found other way out and when I went, whoa!
I was in the middle of village and cave was blocked by a lot of statues. And I saw people with axes. They went like 'oh look a noob!'. And invited me into the village Taquemathi. And gave me second green cloak I ever had.
It was way better than first one I had, but it felt too good for me. When I went back to guys I spawned near one of them wanted my new cloak a lot. i didn't want him to be sad, and I felt like I'm too noob to help in any way in the village...besides chopping tree and who likes that. D: So I said I wont play this game anymore, gave him all my good gear and quit that char.

Awesome guy

I also met the most awesomest guy who lived around and he gave me necromancers robes, good saw, axe, hat, bear talismans and monocle. He also tried to teach me hunt and melee kill animals, but I'm bad at that and I forgot everything. I never could make as good things as the ones he gave me even when I tried. And thats what was mostly looted from my corpse I guess.

Taking a break

I visited near river and we made a village that Bushbaby joined. I also fed animals, but feeding animals was horrible. I gathered beetroots and it was so slow and cows ate too much.
Also I had real life things. So I stopped playing for 2-3 months without saying anything to anyone. Later I rejoined h&h again. Surprisingly Bushbaby wasn't kicked from the village. Best people ever. <3

Forever alone

It was around then when I wanted to try mining. I had joined Valfort, a recruitment village, and last time I was on with a freshly made char,that found some inactive village to loot so got strength to bash heart fire, there they had things like pickaxe and stuff. I took things and went on a boat trip towards Bushbaby's home. But when I finally arrived I got contacted by the guy who had recruited me before. Apparently he though I had quit (and I had)and I still could prove myself. Get village authority back and pave and make brick wall around.
I wanted more people contact, because while farming was nice, I usually never seemed to be on at the same time as someone from my kin list was on. So I said yes and teleported back with stuff I took. Which turned out to be useless for boss guy anyway and he said I can keep it all. So I paved around, I planted seeds I even moved Adata char to farm there. But I was the only one living in the village.
It was even more boring. So to keep doing things I started to think of Valfort as a second home. And I was willing to do even useless things at home. I also started getting bricks for brick wall.
Then I think for all my effort I got into main village. It was... big. I didn't remember where anything was. And my skills were low. And I hadn't finished brick wall at valfort. Also usually I didn't see anyone when I logged in again.
After few days I decided that main village is no Valfort that I loved a lot, so I left. Destroyed heartfire and started random spawning.

Pig village

Then I joined Crestfall village on a new char. I was the second person besides out leader guy. It was... unexpected place. Half eaten patches of yellow grass and a lot of pigs. We got a bit LP from swamp bugs. Then new people joined and we started building a village and it was fun.
Our farmer was someone with more experience at haven and probably not farmer experience, other farmer was kinda new, and our hunter liked to challenge people to spar. I learned that I am awful at sparring and will die in any fight. We met a cool guy near who had walls! And who could walk fast because of this mysterious stamina thing. He had the best stories.
So we had no walls and random people sometimes visited and it was the best fun I had for a while. My character was trying to learn mining again, because even though I now have some experience I never feel knowledgeable miner.
We met a guy who lived near and had the same name as our leader at the time. But then I died to a bear and stopped playing. Partly because the new skills were bad and partly because mining took too much time. Then I restarted but new village doesn't feel the same. (Must be those walls!)

Attacked village

I also joined this village who said on forums they are being attacked. I hoped maybe I will get to experience my first death from a player. And maybe it'll be fun.
So I joined and we went to boat around and loot inactive places. Then came back, logged out to eat and when I logged in someone had killed ams, or what his name was. Then when I teleported to heartfire later I saw a person in bear cape and sword.
He said we could join some village named 'terribad cove' 'because dying 7 times is sad'. But village people were suspicious, idk why, maybe there is something worse than death, and we moved and then than new place never got much playing in. But I guess no one kept dying, so it's safe.

Argentina guys

Adata random spawned near a place where two new people from Argentina played. They were nice and invited to stay. I got a house near swamp and few freshly planted willows. But then they went to two week holidays.

Cheese village

Around Christmas I felt wanderlust for Bushbaby, so I started random spawning. My place was nice but already explored. I found a place, plowed it and planted some seeds. When I went exploring I found two polish guys who were tracking some scents.I followed because it was interesting and we found Arkham.
Then they went away and I have no idea what happened. But I wanted to join new village. Turns out there are two Arkhams and I joined the one that wasn't near me. I thought I could farm, but near 200 farming (or maybe I had less) was too little. So I made cheese a bit but it was boring. But nicest people ever.
Then I random spawned until I came back around familiar and just farmed around.

wao wat a spai?

Then I wanted to join Malachite city and I did on new char, because it was time when you couldn't oath from distance. I wanted to join on Adata who at the time was living on some random mountain logging in and putting curio only. There I had to make a stone house. I never got straw in sign lol. Too much! There were nice people joining. Pretty friendly but I think one didn't like my joking manner of talking. But they learned that I live not in one village and probably thought I'm a spy and I never logged in again. Not fun to play with suspicious people and I'd feel guilty worrying them.

Meeting people

And surprisingly met a lot of people in the area all of sudden. I met two noob Russians and they one was rude while other was nice. I invited them to my base and one of them stole some tin bar I had foraged. One of three. Then I met some nice Russian people near Kastepo Fort. A husband and wife. I gave them some bear talismans,hats saw and stuff like that that I could make. Then around that area I met a Russian person who demanded I give him a boar and when I didn't, dekinned me. One other person I met around, gave me a better farmers hat and purple merchant robe. One lived near and then some more, mostly new people. But still it's fun to talk to.

White dot

One of them I invited to my old base to eat pumpkins. So I harvested them and then went a bit around when I saw a new white dot appearing. It was a guy with a sword. I could say 'pls stop :/'. And feebly run around. I am very bad at running too. So I decided to go into house, maybe aggro drops, but the guy went too and we got stuck. I realized that I'm probably dead and closed client. It was a last resort,sometimes it worked with boars. But seems people are different.
I wanted to make alt and talk, but I didn't remember a single heart secret. So I logged in on char to look. Too bad that char had keys and was sleeping in the same house. Really stupid from me, it's mostly because I don't remember where all of alts are. He later closed like two gates and two no for some weird reason, so I could add a bit to my unfinished skeleton spiral maze. Then I made new alt outside, but it couldn't go in, because no theft. And I think attacker stayed inside for idk what reason.

Meeting Death

As a first death to a player where I wasn't afk(not sure if one death was a player or boar) I must say death is more boring than I thought. No witty banter before death. But I guess now I know that closing client is a stupid thing too, what if the guy said something when I was knocked out.
But he seemed like one of those evil killy people. I don't know if they talk when killing other chars.
And finally I made a paving of bird, in the memory of Bushbaby, my best char had like 300 farming without hat almost <3. And I think maybe even good skull. When I died to a bear in Crestfall I had 16 psy but still got grey skull. Maybe int was too low. Now I had like 47 psy (was rising dex mostly) and around 40 something int. I wish I could see my skull. It's probably as awesome as me. :3

The end.

I realized I spent too much time getting attached to char and grinding up and one of best ways for ppl who can't fight is of course go become brick paving master. \o/
(But no it will be just a hobby.)

I will miss you :( One other person I met around, gave me a better farmers hat and purple merchant robe
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Joined: Wed Nov 30, 2011 5:52 pm


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