Kaios wrote:Did you guys see the latest build 42 update for Project Zomboid? It's massive, I think the pastebin changelog is like 600 lines. They released build 42 about a month ago just prior to the holidays and I did not expect much over the month of January after that but clearly they are working hard.
I know that Indie Stone does have a bigger team now than when they first started but regardless I think those comparisons are something to consider when discussing indie game development or game development in general. Meanwhile over here they added another poorly generated and sparse "dungeon", whoop-de-do. H&H devs would do well to heed the successful examples.
you want jorbtar to break mechanics as simple as boiling water with a patch that takes YEARS to release, and then release a huge patch 'fixing' the shit they broke in the first place? I'm willing to bet that nearly half the changes in this recent patch were them rolling back to previous code.
Unreal. What a garbage comparison. Feel shame.