Game Development: Spy-with-Eye

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Re: Game Development: Spy-with-Eye

Postby kiddoinc » Sun Nov 21, 2021 10:46 pm

telum12 wrote:
kiddoinc wrote:Would be nice if the development direction didnt revolve around one players ability to poop. Why are you all even complaining you all will have crazy stats and will be able to scry back every time so why cry? Have you not been botting those two stats is that it?

The argument before was well red handed does nothing and no one ever uses scents to track people because they are scary. Now its the same darn thing, people arent going to scry because they will just get shit on some more.

Another nab trying to shoot themselves in the foot?

If you get scry'd by a faction member, you will NEVER be able to see that you're being scry'd. This is bad for you.

If you scry a faction member, you will ALWAYS be detected. Changing the see-scry-eye roll changes nothing for you.

Changing the roll (or removing it) is therefore only a benefit to you. However, the concern isn't about you, but about faction vs. faction stuff.

This is actually a satisfying answer, I'll accept it. I think the majority of the player base isn't a faction player though but alrighty. Thanks.
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Re: Game Development: Spy-with-Eye

Postby shubla » Sun Nov 21, 2021 10:47 pm

Not sure what point of the scrying is anyway, seems very useless and consumes devs thoughts away from the important matter of preventing violent sprucecap deaths.
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Re: Game Development: Spy-with-Eye

Postby SnuggleSnail » Sun Nov 21, 2021 10:51 pm

shubla wrote:Not sure what point of the scrying is anyway, seems very useless and consumes devs thoughts away from the important matter of preventing violent sprucecap deaths.

It kinda does. I unironically expect to die to this next world. It's actually going to make the game way more difficult/shit for people getting tracked. Imagine thinking it's okay to cross an ocean on a snekkjawhile scented, or swim across lakes, or go into caves on your main, or kill whales, or do dungeons. All 100% death traps. I might actually start doing the degen alt spam shit ainran does.

Heck, I'm probably going to need alts just to kill whales/hunt. I don't like that I'll have to have so many more alts and my main will probably be ONLY for PVP, but IMO this is probably good tbh

wonder-ass wrote:Very true i think remove psy from this and add 2x ratio to it like ua otherwise its gonna be impossible to beat scry alts.
Just for peering back* the chance for the scry to succeed and be spotted shouldnt be 2x

It's not going to matter what the formula is rly unless it's so trivial to beat that it may as well not exist. You're not ever going to beat a character who has 100% of their LP going into exploration with gildings on every slot.
Last edited by SnuggleSnail on Sun Nov 21, 2021 10:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Game Development: Spy-with-Eye

Postby wonder-ass » Sun Nov 21, 2021 10:58 pm

True but being able to see the eyeball kinda defeats the purpose of scrying. since redhand doesnt exist anymore ill just port away why risk getting ganked.
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Re: Game Development: Spy-with-Eye

Postby Jalpha » Sun Nov 21, 2021 11:01 pm

I like situations like this. Where a complaint by top tier players which most of the community disagrees with turns into a fix which everyone supports. Posting in a rare thread.

I actually like the idea of dedicated scrying characters and the risk this places onto criminals. It might make them actually consider being more careful about the scents they leave. This mechanic is a huge boon to any aspiring ranger. I would like to see this class of playstyle return.

Because the emphasis here is on fights and not on looting scrubcaps bases. Am I right?

To support this maybe consider making some scents (such as those derived from combat related crimes) fall under a different category to vandal and theft scents.
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Re: Game Development: Spy-with-Eye

Postby loftar » Sun Nov 21, 2021 11:10 pm

shubla wrote:Is there some reason why HTTP version of the site does not redirect into HTTPS version? I don't think ability to use HTTP leads to anything else than some poor people with old browsers using the insecure version.

I don't like it when sites don't support plain HTTP. It makes it needlessly hard to debug network issues you might have with them and whatnot. If there's anything that should be added, I think it's just HSTS.
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Re: Game Development: Spy-with-Eye

Postby boshaw » Sun Nov 21, 2021 11:13 pm

Jalpha wrote: It might make them actually consider being more careful about the scents they leave.

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Re: Game Development: Spy-with-Eye

Postby VDZ » Sun Nov 21, 2021 11:29 pm

jorb wrote:
  • Increased the duration of the "Red-Handed" debuff from 5 to 20 minutes.

What's the reasoning behind this? As I understand it, 'red-handed' is merely intended to give the victim/someone associated with the victim a chance to retaliate immediately after the crime by denying the perpetrator instant getaway options, and is not intended as an actual punishment for the crime committed as the game itself does not condemn PVP actions. I don't expect additional time beyond the initial five minutes to make much difference for retaliation. Is this change intended as a punishment for perpetrators?

loftar wrote:
jordancoles wrote:Could be interesting. Being able to look back at who is scrying you is pretty funny

It's probably mostly larpy, since I expect most scrying will take place somewhere in a dark basement. In case y'all think it would be interesting/meaningful, I considered making it so that scrying must take place in the overworld so that the scryer can actually be located.

Conversely, the current state encourages players to perform their scrying somewhere in a dark basement rather than out in the open, which feels appropriate to me.

DDDsDD999 wrote:Not knowing if you're getting scryed can lead to some degenerate ganks, which will probably impact non-faction players the most, especially with the stat-check. I think you should always know if you're getting scryed.

On the other hand, knowing you're getting scryed gives you a clear warning that you should get to safety, which makes it that much harder to gank a criminal. I'd argue that perhaps it would be better if nobody knows when they're being scryed, as that would make retaliation much more feasible. Or perhaps rather than being a stat-check, it could be purely random, favoring neither weaker nor stronger players?
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Re: Game Development: Spy-with-Eye

Postby SnuggleSnail » Sun Nov 21, 2021 11:31 pm

VDZ wrote:On the other hand, knowing you're getting scryed gives you a clear warning that you should get to safety

My guess is we'll end up bot spamming scrying every few minutes on people until they forget its happening. Either a false sense of paranoia that prevents then from functioning, or easy degenerate ganks.

OR maybe people will just be too lazy to abuse the system same as with scents / thingwalls and it will do absolutely nothing. It's really hard to guess, honestly.
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Re: Game Development: Spy-with-Eye

Postby jordancoles » Sun Nov 21, 2021 11:41 pm

I assume if someone is being constantly scry'd they will just sit in their basement until the scents expire
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