Apocoreo wrote:I think seeing the criminal with the scent was a really simple suggestion and as usual, in an attempt to go above and beyond, it's turned into a whole big debate.
The fact is, as a mid level player I don't know the capabilities of my foe. If I'm scented, I'm going to assume I'm being Scry'd. I'll be hiding in a basement unless I have siege objectives against that player to pursue, in which case I'll probably do whether or not I'm being scry'd, because I'm not leaving the basement for anything that doesn't have to be done.
If I'm the one Scrying, I'll always do it from a room so the void doesn't stare back. If my Scry alt can't see the foe, I'll assume I'm heavily outclassed and probably not bother tracking. If it can, I'll try to catch the fellow outside or use it in conjuncture with tracking to find their base.
All in all, I don't see much change for me. I thought the point was to give people a chance to punch up a bit, maybe catch a stronger, brazen foe in an ambush, I think stats checks limit that, not sure quite how the different stats will measure up but I know every character needs int and many crime alts have some stealth. Them being able to look back is funny. Will probably screw over the stupid and uninformed but fuck them, let's not build a game around them. I see a lot of outlaws sleeping in basements while the player hops on another characters, as usual.
As has been repeated multiple times across multiple update threads, you are not going to catch a much stronger player in an ambush. They will have a faster snekkja, they will run better, and their friends will port over. I don't think anyone intended scrying as a mechanic for nabs to fight back against hostile factions. Your inability to fight them has more to do with the combat system itself, possibly b12 q and fep if you've bad resources, and general skill. And there is skill in PVP. Go duel a competent pvp player in Valhalla with equal stats and gear. You're going to get clipped, mistime your cleaves, etc.
Also all of your issues are basically solved by removing the "does he see the eye" stat check, since you can just port home if you're spooked. Idk why you're hiding your toons in basements while they have outlaw, that's a bit over the top.