Game Development: Rednosed Yule

Announcements about major changes in Haven & Hearth.

Re: Game Development: Rednosed Yule

Postby Dawidio123 » Wed Dec 27, 2023 4:52 pm

Okocim wrote:
SnuggleSnail wrote:It's crazy how people who don't regularly fight manage to make like 6 different assertions per sentence all of which are wrong. Here, I've underlined the bits of what you said that were retarded. Hope this helps.

1. I might have exaggerated a little, but point stands.
2. Why don't you click the critters when chasing?
3. How much speed advantage do you actually get, given both parties are experts at clicking the critters in your opinion?
4. Alright, hotkey to click furthest critter in a general direction is not full automation.
5. This one is something I really need explaining, how does this change affect water consumption?
6. You are saying that you were only catching up to people when they ran out of water so far? Not because of bad drinking or thanks to critters?

1.It doesn't.
2.We do click critters when chasing and yet the gap increases.
3.Quite a bit actually, i always managed to get away quite quickly after finding a critter (especially a bunny but i would be happy even without bunnies being extra op) since it can result in me catching the said critter or finding another critter in a slightly different direction that makes it chasing the previous critter not good for the chaser, or i can just pick the critter up if i get lucky enough for it to not go into bad direction (which actually makes it worse for the person chasing too). And the super important part is that unlike speedboosts the critters give gap to THE WHOLE group, so you can actually create more gap without leaving behind your party.
4.Nobody has that (You would see it in their pvp videos), stop making shit up. Biggest thing for clicking critters are auras (that are in nightdawg's client) that put a circle around them that you can click. But ard bootleg has the ability to make the critters bigger for similar effect, or you can just click on map. Stop making it seems as if people had scripts to click critters for them just because most of your players refuse to improve and learn how to click them. I can imagine the narrative already "oh he was clicking the critters so fast i couldn't click them before him, he must have some script"
5.Chases are longer, therefore people need to run for longer, thus they waste more water, hence the possibility of running out is greater (mind you, ppl ran out of water before but that's bcs they brought 1-2 waterskin, now you can run out even with 3-5 that were recomended to those players that cried on forums about it).
6.Obviously people not clicking critters made it easier to catch them, but just because they choose/are unaware of this mechanic doesn't make it disadvantegous for escaping in general. Chasing someone competent was basically impossible as they could just click 2-3 critters, get a speedboost and be out, basically when you saw someone running well you just left them bcs you knew you didn't have much of a chance to catch them (without doing stuff like going ahead on a horse, tping to thingwalls, using roads around your village, etc.).
Last edited by Dawidio123 on Wed Dec 27, 2023 4:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Game Development: Rednosed Yule

Postby DonVelD » Wed Dec 27, 2023 5:18 pm

This whole situation could be described like this:

People not wearing seatbelts die in accidents, this is why we should remove seatbelts. It is not fair for people not wearing seatbelts if others survive.
Clearly people wearing the seatbelts are wrong, just because they have it better.

Result: More people die just because some people didn't use the safety measures.

I don't know what to tell you Okocim, I even purposefully let myself get surrounded from every side by your fighters (that had more stats and better gear than me) trying to catch me under your palisade during the siege when i was alone, and i got away every time because i clicked one or two critters and they ran away because it was too much effort for them to chase further. It happened at least 10 times because i was just fucking around for fun. They never got me, nor they dealt any damage beyond 10shp.

Why die on this hill?
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Re: Game Development: Rednosed Yule

Postby pawnchito » Wed Dec 27, 2023 5:49 pm

Reindeer tamable. sick.
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Re: Game Development: Rednosed Yule

Postby TheServant » Wed Dec 27, 2023 6:05 pm

i wish i could make ppl reply why big walls in low effort posts... only if donbot wasnt banned... wtf who read this forum seriously
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Re: Game Development: Rednosed Yule

Postby Okocim » Wed Dec 27, 2023 7:08 pm

DonVelD wrote:1. That still doesn't change the fact that you may be wrong if we're talking objectively
2. Idk why you are trying to assume stuff just because he didnt specify. You are clicking the critters BUT (look at number 3)
3. The person that is trying to run away sees the critters first, therefore gains a tile or two of gap per every critter. Worth mentioning: a bird that flies off screen & the person running gains constant boost while others are too far away.
4. I'm not aware of such hotkey, and we have one of the most autistic clients. The only thing that made the thing easier was halos to make critters easier to click at. Anyway, automating that sounds like an easy way to get fucked by edge cases.
5. You can't get away as fast as before, therefore you're mostly relying on water & food. Critters made it significantly easier. Now it's random, you never know if you'll get a speedboost or not, or if there's someone on a horse a minimap away catching all speedboosts so you don't get them.
6. No, they got away before running out of water, cause they got advantage because of critters.

1. Seen enough to assume I'm not wrong about it.
2. Idk why he said that my sarcastic comment was a wrong statement.
3. Alright, I give you that, someone good at clicking critters can use it to escape quicker.
4. Seen this function already and it does not seem to be that complicated. I'm definitively not wrong here, but I don't think it should be taken into consideration anyways, as stated before.
5. Time was usually on the side of the party running away, you could get a snekk or prepare safe pali, this is the way most of casual players escaped in my experience.
On the other side, yeah It fucked over more experienced players. I still think it was cancer, but it might be true that we need something in it's place.
6. How often do random players manage to escape when you are trying to chase them down? Not talking about the faction bois, I only heard of 2-3 cases of regular WB residents succeeding, there were a lot of KOs.

DonVelD wrote:I think that you have your own narrative and you're trying to find explanations for that instead of listening to what we're trying to say to dispute such narrative (+ assume things for no reason)

You have your own narrative too and you pushback with insults and try to drag down anyone trying to dispute it.
I can rarely have any discussion here, what you are usually saying is "if you don't agree with me, you are retarded" and then proceed to try dragging the topic down to sewers.
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Re: Game Development: Rednosed Yule

Postby Okocim » Wed Dec 27, 2023 7:13 pm

hafenplayerbigidea wrote:...

Please stop with the AI generated bs.
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Re: Game Development: Rednosed Yule

Postby Dawidio123 » Wed Dec 27, 2023 7:24 pm

Okocim wrote:1. Seen enough to assume I'm not wrong about it.
2. Idk why he said that my sarcastic comment was a wrong statement.
3. Alright, I give you that, someone good at clicking critters can use it to escape quicker.
4. Seen this function already and it does not seem to be that complicated. I'm definitively not wrong here, but I don't think it should be taken into consideration anyways, as stated before.
5. Time was usually on the side of the party running away, you could get a snekk or prepare safe pali, this is the way most of casual players escaped in my experience.
On the other side, yeah It fucked over more experienced players. I still think it was cancer, but it might be true that we need something in it's place.
6. How often do random players manage to escape when you are trying to chase them down? Not talking about the faction bois, I only heard of 2-3 cases of regular WB residents succeeding, there were a lot of KOs.

1,2,3 - idc
4. Idk where you've seen that function but none of the clients any of us uses has it, stop making shit up or provide some proof since you can look at all the pvp videos there are on yt and if someone had it you would be able to see it. (Maybe someone from your side has it, but we don't, and yet we are arguing about bringing critter speed boost back)
5. The easiest way to run away was to find a critter/speedboost and just run in a straight line it's seriously not that hard, and you don't need a safepali or snekkja to manage it.
6. And that won't change with the removal of critters. Give your people an hour or two of running training and they would be able to escape anyone in 90% of situations, especially if they clicked critters. Right now most of them will run out of water since they have like 5 tools on their hunter's belt.
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Re: Game Development: Rednosed Yule

Postby DonVelD » Wed Dec 27, 2023 8:11 pm

Okocim wrote:1. Seen enough to assume I'm not wrong about it.
2. Idk why he said that my sarcastic comment was a wrong statement.
3. Alright, I give you that, someone good at clicking critters can use it to escape quicker.
4. Seen this function already and it does not seem to be that complicated. I'm definitively not wrong here, but I don't think it should be taken into consideration anyways, as stated before.
5. Time was usually on the side of the party running away, you could get a snekk or prepare safe pali, this is the way most of casual players escaped in my experience.
On the other side, yeah It fucked over more experienced players. I still think it was cancer, but it might be true that we need something in it's place.
6. How often do random players manage to escape when you are trying to chase them down? Not talking about the faction bois, I only heard of 2-3 cases of regular WB residents succeeding, there were a lot of KOs.

1."my limited experience perception is good enough for me to assume everything about this topic and say im right"
2."i was only joking therefore you cant say im wrong"
3."ok, if you're great at it then MAYBE you have a point"
4."im not wrong"
5."no ur wrong they escaped differently because surely every casual has 10 safepalis lying around or 20 friends with boats nearby"

im not gonna even try to respond to those cause its not worth having a back and forth about "no im right!!!" "no ur wrong!!!"

6. a lot

Okocim wrote:You have your own narrative too and you pushback with insults and try to drag down anyone trying to dispute it.
I can rarely have any discussion here, what you are usually saying is "if you don't agree with me, you are retarded" and then proceed to try dragging the topic down to sewers.

wouldn't you do the same if you were talking to a wall? no? too bad that's what i do when i see theres no point
Last edited by DonVelD on Wed Dec 27, 2023 8:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Game Development: Rednosed Yule

Postby DonVelD » Wed Dec 27, 2023 8:17 pm

Dawidio123 wrote:4. Idk where you've seen that function but none of the clients any of us uses has it, stop making shit up or provide some proof since you can look at all the pvp videos there are on yt and if someone had it you would be able to see it. (Maybe someone from your side has it, but we don't, and yet we are arguing about bringing critter speed boost back)

or you could use 2 braincells to clickidy clackidy the rabbit but alas, we're talking with whatever bay echo chamber
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Re: Game Development: Rednosed Yule

Postby Robben_DuMarsch » Wed Dec 27, 2023 8:30 pm

Or you can try PvPing in a world where you don't get to freely escape if your client is optimized for it and the combination of speed buffs to create distance and kritter speed bonuses means that anything but water is more or less a safe zone.

*Risk* to go with your trolling is a bit scary, isn't it?
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