BBC official opinion: the stone axe is the shit.

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BBC official opinion: the stone axe is the shit.

Postby Miss_Min » Thu May 07, 2020 3:37 pm

OK so, BBC Radio 4 (the srsbsns radio station for grownups) just broadcast a 15 minute program about how highq stone axes have been a Thing since basically forever, using an example of one found in Britain that was made probably about 6000 years ago from Italian jadeite.

They also mentioned how some of these highq axes have even been found in rivers. As a hearthling who owns a highq stone axe and an item of gilded jewellery that I found in a river, my thanks to anyone who drops these things deliberately, and my prayers for the souls of those who lost them on their death. And in honour of highq stone axes, here's the link to the program: Jade Axe. It's part of the History of the World in 100 Objects series, which also features other interesting shiny things that have been looted or otherwise acquired by the British Museum over the years.
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