best kill of world 8?????

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Re: best kill of world 8?????

Postby Pan_w_okularach » Mon Feb 08, 2016 11:33 pm

you pretended that you're taking the kid in your village then your baboons killed him for lols
that's really low mate
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Re: best kill of world 8?????

Postby ChildhoodObesity » Mon Feb 08, 2016 11:36 pm

Pan_w_okularach wrote:you pretended that you're taking the kid in your village then your baboons killed him for lols
that's really low mate

we never killed him xD dam leeches, he knew before we wouldnt actually take him into our village ok he asked me like 300x and i said no every time, i told him i would kill myself irl b4 i let him in and even on the way over hes liek "lel ur gonna keel me"

wen did u get any morals neways i seem 2 remember a lot of scenting items in trade hmmmm hmmmmmmm
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Re: best kill of world 8?????

Postby spawningmink » Mon Feb 08, 2016 11:40 pm

still shit at this game
ChildhoodObossite wrote:I actually lowkey admire Frosty, sometimes he can be a really cool guy

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Re: best kill of world 8?????

Postby ChildhoodObesity » Mon Feb 08, 2016 11:46 pm

spawningmink wrote:still shit at this game

says u XD ur known as 1 of the biggest shitters 2 ever play this game bro didnt u buy like 20 chars because u couldnt make a single char of ur own and u died every day even tho u never killed anyone
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Re: best kill of world 8?????

Postby spawningmink » Mon Feb 08, 2016 11:47 pm

ChildhoodObesity wrote:
spawningmink wrote:still shit at this game

says u XD ur known as 1 of the biggest shitters 2 ever play this game bro didnt u buy like 20 chars because u couldnt make a single char of ur own and u died every day even tho u never killed anyone

still refusus 2 1v1 me
ChildhoodObossite wrote:I actually lowkey admire Frosty, sometimes he can be a really cool guy

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Re: best kill of world 8?????

Postby ChildhoodObesity » Mon Feb 08, 2016 11:48 pm

spawningmink wrote:
ChildhoodObesity wrote:
spawningmink wrote:still shit at this game

says u XD ur known as 1 of the biggest shitters 2 ever play this game bro didnt u buy like 20 chars because u couldnt make a single char of ur own and u died every day even tho u never killed anyone

still refusus 2 1v1 me

i remember 1v1ing u xDDD very fun
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Re: best kill of world 8?????

Postby Pan_w_okularach » Mon Feb 08, 2016 11:50 pm

he recieved an invitation to join Odditown that day then you guys created a fake conference where you all pretended it is all legit and you personally played along
if you try really hard you can find an excuse for anything mate
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Re: best kill of world 8?????

Postby ChildhoodObesity » Mon Feb 08, 2016 11:51 pm

Pan_w_okularach wrote:he recieved an invitation to join Odditown that day then you guys created a fake conference where you all pretended it is all legit and you personally played along
if you try really hard you can find an excuse for anything mate

im not trying 2 hide it bro it was hilarious 10/10 times
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Re: best kill of world 8?????

Postby TheRakeHello » Tue Feb 09, 2016 12:10 am

Pan_w_okularach wrote:he recieved an invitation to join Odditown that day then you guys created a fake conference where you all pretended it is all legit and you personally played along
if you try really hard you can find an excuse for anything mate

I mean he knew what was going to happen and he was going to quit this shitty game anyway xD

spawningmink wrote:Half of this is wrong, I didn't kill the cows it was you guys XD don't be a fag, 2nd they asked me to join the town so I had nothing to lose I was going to quit anyways, I knew it was trap the whole time walking there but like I said I was quitting nomatter what. I was hoping for atleast a 1v1 but troll said to me and I quote "you would probably beat me because your stats are 2x mine!" So they made me put my gear in a chest and walk into a pen. Then troll tried for about 10 min to shoot me and fails. This is haven and they couldn't even fight a poor scrub like me!i had a fun ride and pissed a lot of people off I just want it to be known that troll was to scared to 1v1 me and I'll put the map location up at the end of this aswell as some pics of the town and the members. Let it be known that they are massive faggots. As for my skull I'd imagine it's pretty fucking good, my stats were 150/150 with 200 str 100 agi and 170 con. I guess this means I c an go to Valhalla!!! I left most my shit of my crafter so that's Gud
Here's the map they are to the right of the mountain!!!!!!!! Anyways boys was a good run and I'll see you all in Valhalla

Thats the price you pay for being kinda braindead i think?
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Re: best kill of world 8?????

Postby Onep » Tue Feb 09, 2016 12:22 am

Frost are you really so autistic and faggy? Or is it just some sort of hard core twisted roleplay?
“We still, alas, cannot forestall it-
This dreadful ailment's heavy toll;
The spleen is what the English call it,
We call it simply, Russian soul.”

An idea to consider: Tedium, a Feature.
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