Exploit: Building Visitor Gate Bound to Cave Entrance

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Re: Exploit: Building Visitor Gate Bound to Cave Entrance

Postby Clemins » Tue Nov 28, 2023 5:44 pm

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Re: Exploit: Building Visitor Gate Bound to Cave Entrance

Postby DonCheadle » Tue Nov 28, 2023 5:57 pm

Zephroze wrote:I love that somebody pointed out my news post in WB's discord. I wrote it to be as sarcastic as possible because I knew how much of a shitshow this thread would be xd


its really not hard to check the names of people posting support for nuking Whatever Bay’s enemies ITT in your discord and finding the “World 15 resident” role so whether or not you were “memeing” the resulting brigade is obvious
Last edited by DonCheadle on Tue Nov 28, 2023 6:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Exploit: Building Visitor Gate Bound to Cave Entrance

Postby Apocoreo » Tue Nov 28, 2023 6:02 pm


Maybe your thread could have been taken seriously if you didnt have blatant Whatever Bay/Misa propaganda in post 1. WB leadership showing their hypocracy as usual. Let people tell you who they are. The "Im not snail" badge you love to flash isnt fooling anyone other than the inexperienced. Im sure when you successfully use the exploit it will be justice served. Just like when people disagree with you theyre "alts" but you call for reinforcement.

Because it is an exploit.

Its not worth a nuke and this case isnt "gamebreaking" it was a two KOs, they couldnt even kill noniek and misa and they were trying.

The real shit would be using a rage alt to imprison them in their as long as the server stays up. Cue trying to take out the alt with cave ins, or god forbid seige now that whining children have softened it to meaninglessness.

And I dont vibe with "just peek". Fuck If I want to lose distance in a chase. If they want to trap, they can bring their friends to jump the chaser. At least the chase continues, now turned around. You know, like Misa, noneik and a third dude did to the peaceful, gentle and much beloved Dan (see, I can propagandize too!). Not peeking being an instant loss and trap for potentially days (if the trapper leaves a pc logged in on the alt) is lame.

And thinking jorb and lorb are going to nuke based on your transparant begging is a failure of your social skills. At least write me some good content
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Re: Exploit: Building Visitor Gate Bound to Cave Entrance

Postby Kirche » Tue Nov 28, 2023 6:08 pm

Robben_DuMarsch wrote:It is pretty funny to see the alt-brigade come out of the woodwork at the thought that there may be some punishment for exploiting in PvP though.

says the guy summoning an army of single digit posters who barely have any idea how the game works let alone know anything about the mechanics of the "exploit" in some flimsy attempt to manipulate the devs to get revenge for you
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Re: Exploit: Building Visitor Gate Bound to Cave Entrance

Postby azrid » Tue Nov 28, 2023 7:27 pm

Some kind of punishment feels appropriate seeing how the exploiter is a repeat offender.
How many times has snail been punished in some way by the developers?
What kind of example are we setting if the guy who uses an exploit gets away with it?
I'm curious to hear from the snail supporters ITT if they believe this abuse should be punished in some way.

It must be really thrilling to live with snail tbh. At any point you have a chance to lose all your shit because he decided to use an exploit on someone :D
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Re: Exploit: Building Visitor Gate Bound to Cave Entrance

Postby TheServant » Tue Nov 28, 2023 7:46 pm

Apocoreo wrote:"Rangers"

Maybe your thread could have been taken seriously if you didnt have blatant Whatever Bay/Misa propaganda in post 1. WB leadership showing their hypocracy as usual. Let people tell you who they are. The "Im not snail" badge you love to flash isnt fooling anyone other than the inexperienced. Im sure when you successfully use the exploit it will be justice served. Just like when people disagree with you theyre "alts" but you call for reinforcement.

Because it is an exploit.

Its not worth a nuke and this case isnt "gamebreaking" it was a two KOs, they couldnt even kill noniek and misa and they were trying.

The real shit would be using a rage alt to imprison them in their as long as the server stays up. Cue trying to take out the alt with cave ins, or god forbid seige now that whining children have softened it to meaninglessness.

And I dont vibe with "just peek". Fuck If I want to lose distance in a chase. If they want to trap, they can bring their friends to jump the chaser. At least the chase continues, now turned around. You know, like Misa, noneik and a third dude did to the peaceful, gentle and much beloved Dan (see, I can propagandize too!). Not peeking being an instant loss and trap for potentially days (if the trapper leaves a pc logged in on the alt) is lame.

And thinking jorb and lorb are going to nuke based on your transparant begging is a failure of your social skills. At least write me some good content

Which propaganda i made? Wheres the hypocrisy? We only ko dan because hes playing with a bunch of hermit killers, we didnt know he was peaceful and me and him talk after and i never will attack him again, hes a chill dude, i like him lots. You talk too much but don't show evidence. We lost top gear for exploit, tons of steel that takes weeks to be made..
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Re: Exploit: Building Visitor Gate Bound to Cave Entrance

Postby donbot » Tue Nov 28, 2023 7:55 pm

azrid wrote:Some kind of punishment feels appropriate seeing how the exploiter is a repeat offender.
How many times has snail been punished in some way by the developers?
What kind of example are we setting if the guy who uses an exploit gets away with it?
I'm curious to hear from the snail supporters ITT if they believe this abuse should be punished in some way.

It must be really thrilling to live with snail tbh. At any point you have a chance to lose all your shit because he decided to use an exploit on someone :D

all of us are chilling lmao huff some more copium

TheServant wrote:Which propaganda i made? Wheres the hypocrisy? We only ko dan because hes playing with a bunch of hermit killers, we didnt know he was peaceful and me and him talk after and i never will attack him again, hes a chill dude, i like him lots. You talk too much but don't show evidence. We lost top gear for exploit, tons of steel that takes weeks to be made..

you bought that gear
What amazes me more than how light the punishment was, is how nothing was done about it ingame. I'm actually starting to think people are frightened that you'll do it again, so to protect the server, they work with you instead of going against you, all in the hopes that you will leave the server alone.
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Re: Exploit: Building Visitor Gate Bound to Cave Entrance

Postby Olympus » Wed Nov 29, 2023 2:32 am

Back to the actual topic, snail is once again using his exploit in a pvp situation. He is camping by it like a safe zone now that he has taken some damage from our militia for KO'ing random villagers right outside of our gate.
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Re: Exploit: Building Visitor Gate Bound to Cave Entrance

Postby SnuggleSnail » Wed Nov 29, 2023 2:48 am

lmao what the fuck are you talking about
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Re: Exploit: Building Visitor Gate Bound to Cave Entrance

Postby keiclay4 » Wed Nov 29, 2023 5:05 am

Man i think i picked the wrong side this world :roll:

gonna install these on all nearby caves to avoid getting into a hostile one. ez
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