
The worst monsters in the Hearthlands warp the fabric of space and time...


Postby Vnalor » Tue Jul 14, 2020 1:22 pm

I've just resumed playing and was going to build a palisade around my claim, when I put over a palisade cornerpost.
I had not stockpiled enough wood so I automatically stopped building.
Weird thing was, the thing appeared to be completed even though it wasn't.
I tried logging off and on, the issue was "fixed" until I made another cornerpost for a gate.
Still the same thing, leaves a palisade model that can't be interacted.
I've tried building other constructibles but only the walls has the issue.
I'm using Ambers' client btw.
its just a nuisance when building walls for claims, dunno if you guys have experienced this thing.
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