Extremely rare decay on a full authority village

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Extremely rare decay on a full authority village

Postby Sevenless » Wed Dec 25, 2024 8:57 am

I feel like I'm going crazy, but I live with 2 other people so this shouldn't be a case of "someone did this and we didn't notice". My village has been 90% or higher auth since it was founded because I'm playing actively. I've now seen two instances of decay on my Vclaim.

1) I first noticed a milestone had decayed to 75% that's inside my kitchen. Very weird I thought, maybe my wife or the one other casual I'm playing with partially bashed it for no reason? Whatever.

2) One of my logs decayed into a mirkwood log inside the base. This is only something that happens normally on unclaimed land, I've had logs sit around for 10months IRL before in a base and never seen this, while logs will mirk outside after a couple months.

So I'm not entirely what's going on. it's only these 2 incidents I've seen, it'd almost make more sense if the village was decaying everywhere, but nope. And certainly the mirkwood log wouldn't be a prank, it's in a random area of the base no one goes into. No overlapping Pclaim shenanigans either.
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Re: Extremely rare decay on a full authority village

Postby DonVelD » Wed Dec 25, 2024 1:00 pm

That's odd. One thing to note - if you log in and look at authority it will always be 100% because your curios pop. No idea why that'd happen though.
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Re: Extremely rare decay on a full authority village

Postby exelior » Wed Dec 25, 2024 6:10 pm

Odd indeed. It could be a coincidence but i'd like to put more information in the air.

:idea: There were coincidentally two authority related "raid" just after the new patch. Since i am the paranoid type i will check with our teams and investigate. When did you notice those instance of yours Sevenless ?

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Re: Extremely rare decay on a full authority village

Postby SnuggleSnail » Wed Dec 25, 2024 6:18 pm

you prolly just recruited 1 of razzbane's alts
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Re: Extremely rare decay on a full authority village

Postby Fostik » Wed Dec 25, 2024 10:56 pm

Any of these happened on minimap borderline?
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Re: Extremely rare decay on a full authority village

Postby rfxDarth » Thu Dec 26, 2024 2:38 am

We've had something like that happen a few days ago. There's a small outpost with pclaim surrounded by roundpole fence and things that normally take weeks to decay. But then one day everything inside vanished overnight without a trace or a scent.

I haven't been keeping close attention to authority though, so decay or a wild animals are suspected, but then the weird thing is that the fence is all at 100% while all the insides, some unmoveable, are all gone.

Player interaction is most feasible, but extremely unlikely given the location remoteness and lack of any alerts from the spotters around.

If I were to guess I'd say it might have been due to time shifting shenanigans which might have messed with some of the decay timers, dunno
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Re: Extremely rare decay on a full authority village

Postby caz » Thu Dec 26, 2024 4:04 pm

rfxDarth wrote:We've had something like that happen a few days ago. There's a small outpost with pclaim surrounded by roundpole fence and things that normally take weeks to decay. But then one day everything inside vanished overnight without a trace or a scent.

I haven't been keeping close attention to authority though, so decay or a wild animals are suspected, but then the weird thing is that the fence is all at 100% while all the insides, some unmoveable, are all gone.

Player interaction is most feasible, but extremely unlikely given the location remoteness and lack of any alerts from the spotters around.

If I were to guess I'd say it might have been due to time shifting shenanigans which might have messed with some of the decay timers, dunno

You can't see certain scents if your perception is lower than their stealth or some shit
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Re: Extremely rare decay on a full authority village

Postby Kaios » Thu Dec 26, 2024 9:33 pm

Would like to add my own experience on this issue as well. Have a personal claim that I don't use very often but has not ever run out of presence entirely (though it has reached a point where it's one third or less of the total presence, in case that matters at all) and yet objects on the claim have all decayed, some logs have turned to mirkwood logs, and I logged in to a couple of remaining stockpiles spread across the ground. Claim stake itself cannot be destroyed by hand and does not require any repairs so there's no issue in that regard, but things are still decaying for some reason.

There's nothing worth stealing or destroying on the claim even if I did think there was some possibility that it was done by a person and I could not see the scents. Although even the hearth fires were gone as well which would lead me to believe they were broken (as I don't think they normally decay even without a claim?), but that wouldn't explain why logs are decaying too. Very odd.
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Re: Extremely rare decay on a full authority village

Postby rfxDarth » Fri Dec 27, 2024 5:22 am

caz wrote:You can't see certain scents if your perception is lower than their stealth or some shit

Yeah, I asked the guy with most per*exp to check, just in case, but there were none. But there also would be none if authority dipped to zero at some point.

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Re: Extremely rare decay on a full authority village

Postby Sevenless » Fri Dec 27, 2024 9:44 pm

Sorry didn't get back to the thread sooner, have been sick irl.

DonVelD wrote:That's odd. One thing to note - if you log in and look at authority it will always be 100% because your curios pop. No idea why that'd happen though.

Yeah, sorry what I mean was "I've been logging/studying daily". So there's 0 chance my auth dropped below 90% at any point.

When did you notice those instance of yours Sevenless

The day I reported this was when I found the mirkwood log. I had seen the milestone "2-3 days beforehand".

That means roughly around the yule rat patch.

you prolly just recruited 1 of razzbane's alts

>> (in all seriousness though, no new members and no kicking or dying of members)

Any of these happened on minimap borderline?

Just checked, no. Both are a solid 20 tiles away from the ingame grid lines.

If I were to guess I'd say it might have been due to time shifting shenanigans which might have messed with some of the decay timers, dunno

Maybe? One possibility. The milestone I noticed shortly after the last time change, don't know about the underground mirk since it's a relatively un-used area of my base.

Also not possible it's scent related unless village gates borked and someone has a really weird sense of humour.
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