Yet another Idea on the P2P

Thoughts on the further development of Haven & Hearth? Feel free to opine!

Yet another Idea on the P2P

Postby Kimparo » Sat Aug 29, 2015 4:02 pm

First off, to anyone saying this is pay 2 win...yes. It sort of is. However, hasn't haven always been "The more you can play, the better off you'll be than everyone else,"? That said, I don't like the idea of it being P2W, not this heavily. But this is not a topic for bitching and complaining. This is a topic for how to fix this.

Free Account:
Currently, the free account time is 48 hours with a 12 hour refill at the end of the month. This takes away from everyone, even those paying, as there will be less people to play with than before, as not everyone can afford this, regardless of the price.

How to improve the free account. Increase the time. Two days is extremely short. It's no fun for ANYONE. It just stresses your players out that can't pay. Changing this to 5 days would be enough. That's 120 hours out of 720. You get much more time to play and enjoy the game, but there is still a limit, still a wall there that is very real and any hardcore haven player is going to blow through those 5 days of time in about 6-7 days. While others that have a job and play casually will take around two weeks. The time refill should then also be increased to 5 days, aka, 120 hours.

Verified Account:
Currently, the verified account time is 48 hours + another 24 hours, and your refill time goes up to 24 hours. (Unless that means it stacks with free account and it actually goes up to 36 hours). This is still VERY small and even worse that it costs $15. However you do get unlimited Haven W7 gameplay for this. So that's nice.

How to improve the Verified Account. Increase the time to 10 days and the time refill to 10 days WITH 1 day of overflow from Verified refill time. 240 hours out of a months 720 will still be used up fast by a hard core player that has all the free time they need, and anyone casually playing it should be set for almost the full month.

Overflow explanation: If you spend 9 days out of your 10, and the month rolls over, you will now have 11 days of playtime. If you spent 8 days out of your 10 and the month rolls over, you will still only have 11 days of playtime.

New payment option: $5 W7 for life!
Exactly what it says. Just $5 to play w7. If you buy this, then later go to buy the Verified account, then the price of the Verified Account is reduced from $15 to $11. (Buying the bundle is better folks!)

I think that the tradable time is fine at this time. Though a bit of a very risky move. EDIT: I read the tradable time thinking it was actual time and not days. My mistake. Just change that to time and then it's fine too.

I think there is only 2 things wrong currently with subscriptions, and no, it's not the price.

You guys went ahead with this new time system that I think is just fine, if not BETTER than a day system that most MMO's do. But then you went with a day system anyway for your subscription? The hell is wrong with you two? That was a BIG mistake! On top of this, you have silver and gold tiers for no reason other than the cosmetic hat OR if someone wants to fork over even more money to support you guys. Don't do that! Yes, there are some people who are going to want to support you two even more than the listed prices of bronze, but anyone who doesn't that sees this is going to shit themselves in a fit of 10 year old rage.

Fixing the subscriptions!

First things first. Subscriptions need to be changed to a TIME system, not a DAY system. Why? The time system is SOOO much better! It's infinitely better! With a DAY system, that's it. Those days are up you're done kid. Didn't use 30% of them? Too fucking bad. With a time system, once 30 days are up, you've most likely used anywhere between 40-90% of your hours depending on how you play! You still have time for the next month!!! It's a great deal and nearly everyone's happy! (Because there's always someone who will be upset.)

On top of this, for the later tier, Silver and Gold, the amount of time you get should increase. Currently a 30 day silver is $20! Make it so that a 30 day Silver would net you an added bonus of up to 5 days of overflow from Free/Verification time per month. (Up to a max of 15 days)

90 days silver would net you 10 days of overflow from Free/Verification time per month wit the max increasing to 20.

I'm not sure what to do for the 180 days and 1 year time myself honestly, and the same can be said for gold tier, but you get the picture. Maybe fancy name borders/color selections as another added bonus.

Anyway, just my ideas for this system. Where it stands now, it's not the worst, but it could have been so much better you guys!
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Re: Yet another Idea on the P2P

Postby MrBober » Sat Aug 29, 2015 4:17 pm

I think the Verified account should have unlimited time. Even your "improvement" is not enough.. I mean, 34 hours monthly (let's ignore for a moment the first month, that is a one-time deal) is a little more than 1 hour a day.. not enough to do anything, especially if you don't play with 10 other people..

At this point, I would prefer to have small limits (e.g. not being able to found a village or limited alts on my account) rather than limited time.. They decided not to sell items to avoid the "pay 2 win" deal, but limiting play-time is just the same.. If you pay, you can play more, and get more stuff..

I already imagine your village being under siege for days, with subscribed users waiting for the free/verified ones to just end their monthly time and "vanish"..
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Re: Yet another Idea on the P2P

Postby Kimparo » Sat Aug 29, 2015 4:33 pm

MrBober wrote:I think the Verified account should have unlimited time. Even your "improvement" is not enough.. I mean, 34 hours monthly (let's ignore for a moment the first month, that is a one-time deal) is a little more than 1 hour a day.. not enough to do anything, especially if you don't play with 10 other people..

At this point, I would prefer to have small limits (e.g. not being able to found a village or limited alts on my account) rather than limited time.. They decided not to sell items to avoid the "pay 2 win" deal, but limiting play-time is just the same.. If you pay, you can play more, and get more stuff..

I already imagine your village being under siege for days, with subscribed users waiting for the free/verified ones to just end their monthly time and "vanish"..

With the new Verified time suggested, if you play the game casually due to a job or something, you should be playing around 8 hours a day but not counting weekends(most likely less) this is enough for a full month, 30 days. IF YOU ARE PLAYING MORE THAN 8 hours every single day, YOU OBVIOUSLY HAVE MONEY TO SPEND ON THIS GAME as you are doing almost nothing else with your time. That or you are someone unable to work due to being too young or something else that I don't understand.

Taking away from what a free player can do is never EVER a good idea in any game imo. Even more so a game like Haven.

Yes, I do see the issue between paid and non paid players, but once again it all just comes down to time again with this new system compared to the one they have listed. Me and my friends played w7 a fair bit, daily, and for long periods of time. We were still raided a few times while we were offline and lost plenty of gear. Raids don't take long to pull off. They take up to an hour at most with a well developed character, which in the late life of a world, is no issue for most.
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Re: Yet another Idea on the P2P

Postby Shardok » Sun Aug 30, 2015 11:27 pm

I think this is definitely a good point that paying that $15 fee barely does anything, increasing it to something more reasonable of an average of 6-8 hrs a day worth of playtime (But one lump monthly playtime amount, so that I don't feel like I waste days) is definitely the kind of idea I could get behind.

The seemingly small amount of playtime offered even for verified makes me pretty much feel like this isn't even worth it, especially when just a few days ago I could have played Haven for free... And with the amount of time I have to play hafen before it stops letting me I don't really get a chance currently to find out if Hafen is really worth the extra price.
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Re: Yet another Idea on the P2P

Postby Tonkyhonk » Sun Aug 30, 2015 11:32 pm

Shardok wrote:something more reasonable of an average of 6-8 hrs a day worth of playtime

you must be joking.
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Re: Yet another Idea on the P2P

Postby Granger » Sun Aug 30, 2015 11:34 pm

continue here: viewtopic.php?f=48&t=39713

one thread repeating the same sruff endlessly is enough...
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