Pitching the idea of one time purchase.

Thoughts on the further development of Haven & Hearth? Feel free to opine!

Pitching the idea of one time purchase.

Postby Cartion » Sat Aug 29, 2015 12:30 am

I think we can all agree that the game has to have some kind of money thrown at it as the creators do need to live off something, however the current model for purchase is not going to work for me. First off the 48 free hours might seem large, but if we're looking at a game like haven and hearth where it is time based, taking days to do anything, 48 hours is not that much as well as the 12 hours a month. As well I don't even want to think about going afk and losing all of my playtime by accident. So what I propose is a one time purchase, no subscriptions and no membership. Currently the game is as expensive, or more, as large known MMOs that are controlled by hundred man teams. If there were to be a one time purchase I feel like it should be 20 dollars and at most 30 dollars. This is an indie game and it needs to be treated as one, although this game is great and I love it I am not paying for this game if I can buy multiple games off steam for the price of subscription. As for those who want to pay more, add a donation option, so those who want to can help the creators. This change really needs to be done, even if some individuals are okay with the change most are not, and the game will suffer for it.
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