Sword of Stroms did nothing wrong

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Sword of Stroms did nothing wrong

Postby r0ck4ev3r » Fri Dec 22, 2023 7:58 pm

If we are going nerf the opening of SoS (30% to 25%), then nerf KiTo's opening from 20% to 15% as well- Should also buff Ravens bite and Rip Apart if we are going to flip the combat meta up.

Personally I want to see some new maneuvers/weapons before any combat nerfs.
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Re: Sword of Stroms did nothing wrong

Postby MightySheep » Fri Dec 22, 2023 8:08 pm

imo jorb and loftar too far out of loop with combat system they should just pick someone they trust and have that person decide on if/how combat moves should be rebalance

for a while now balance is done by who can brigade hardest and its so stupid, SoS is brokenly OP but conveying that point shouldnt be a matter of SoS haters outspamming SoS abusers in a stream chat
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Re: Sword of Stroms did nothing wrong

Postby r0ck4ev3r » Fri Dec 22, 2023 8:25 pm

MightySheep wrote:imo jorb and loftar too far out of loop with combat system they should just pick someone they trust and have that person decide on if/how combat moves should be rebalance

for a while now balance is done by who can brigade hardest and its so stupid, SoS is brokenly OP but conveying that point shouldnt be a matter of SoS haters outspamming SoS abusers in a stream chat

A bigger issue with SoS running wild in large fights is that Zig-Zag, Dash and Art keep fueling it, hardly anyone Regains Composure because Striking isn't the meta.

The devs, and majority of community don't pvp- and the spruce caps hardly pve they just find a way to cheese. We, as a community, should have more discussions (not ppl flaming and crying) on combat changes.

We really need to put Valhalla to use testing combat changes before running with them live; I think the whole community would benefit from some live PvP observations by devs, stream idea? (grab some seasoned fighters set stats to a norm and have at it)
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Re: Sword of Stroms did nothing wrong

Postby abt79 » Fri Dec 22, 2023 9:46 pm

r0ck4ev3r wrote:A bigger issue with SoS running wild in large fights is that Zig-Zag, Dash and Art keep fueling it, hardly anyone Regains Composure because Striking isn't the meta.

Regain composure :lol:

regain composure is fucking terrible. Barely shorter cooldown than artful and obviously way less versatile.

Even if Swords becomes completely dominant meta nobody will use that shit move. If I wanted to survive without giving free IP I’d just use Jump xdd and if THAT becomes the meta you know shit’s gone off the rails
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Re: Sword of Stroms did nothing wrong

Postby maze » Sat Dec 23, 2023 1:14 am

They don't want to nerf Zig-Zag because its their Cleave fuel too.
They think they are the biggest pvpers because they dont lose in pvp; but then they whine they can't kill anyone with SoS~ well duh SoS is the noob build.
Thats what cleave is for it's the killers build.

Since we all pull experience then, my part type job is an analyst/UX tester/Dev for a few MMO's; Many players on the player killer, PvP combat like to grief and ruin the game and like to make suggestions to actively kill the game.

Sure I make the troll post or dumb post that will make changes positive to myself as well; but in accords to pvp, there is many problems and SoS is not one.
The lack of defense is mainly one~ we don't have a beginning red move for noobs; everyone should start with a red clear.

green & red clear -6IP (can use at 0-4 IP will just set you to 0)
Keep your defenses up. opening can only go up to 25%, opening would not change for 8 secs, CD 30 sec, 4IP

We need to add cooldowns to the game so that we can use a quick skill but make those quick skills none spam-able with CD being anywhere from 30 secs to 4 min cooldowns.
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Re: Sword of Stroms did nothing wrong

Postby overtyped » Sat Dec 23, 2023 1:26 am

r0ck4ev3r wrote:If we are going nerf the opening of SoS (30% to 25%), then nerf KiTo's opening from 20% to 15% as well- Should also buff Ravens bite and Rip Apart if we are going to flip the combat meta up.

Personally I want to see some new maneuvers/weapons before any combat nerfs.

Kito cleave has been so dominant and oppressive, and the factions have been enjoying it so long, that any challenge to it makes them immediately want to nerf storm, so that their build stays the top dawg forever. How about allowing some other builds to exist rather than yours?

No, I think the combat system is fine as is. Storm is good for noob players in group fights, while kito, opp knocks cleave is stronger in groups for players with more experience. I have seen both builds win against each other convincingly. Infact, kito opp knocks probably rolls over storm every time if your coordination is very good. I have seen it. If storm was really the best in all group situations, then why isn't every single player running it? Well, even if it were the best(which it's not) They aren't because there are massive drawbacks in your ability to KO. To some players, never getting a ko makes fighting pointless to them.

While Koing is very hard to do with storm, the opposite is true for kito opp knocks cleave by design.
1v1ing with storm is also terrible. If your opponant spams kito, they just win outright.

Also, what really makes storm good for noobs is not storm itself but zig-zag. Noobs have trouble getting coins on everyone in a fight, which makes them struggle to attack effectively. However, because nobody runs jump because there's no good red defense besides zig-zag, and since zig-zag covers yellow too, there's no point in using jump. ( If you don't run zig-zag you just lose to kito spam. Kito is just an insane attack for what it costs, and the meta basically revolves around dealing with it. ) If kito is gone, jump becomes good, and that means no coins to feed storm.

At the end of the day, I really don't think there is anything inherently wrong with having builds that noobs can utilize to good effect. If combat is made any harder, it's going to be more difficult to get more people into it.

My two cents however, is that kito costing 1 coin is practically a joke, it's functionally a 0 coin move. No, rather, it generates 1 coin rather than costing one, since zig zag is all you have for it. WITH ONLY 35 cd that opens 20% RED. It's dmg is also great. The saddest part is, the only other way to deal with kito is yield ground, which feeds cleave by opening blue. It's a farce. If you make yield ground close blue and red instead, then zig-zag won't be required in EVERY build ever. Kito is literally the sun that every build revolves around, yet the discussion is about storm? Kinda hilarious.
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Re: Sword of Stroms did nothing wrong

Postby Nightdawg » Sat Dec 23, 2023 4:49 am

kito flex opk cleave turned into spam low cleaves, turned into jugular spam, turned into SoS spam
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Re: Sword of Stroms did nothing wrong

Postby SnuggleSnail » Sun Dec 24, 2023 4:32 am

Roaku you literally don't PvP. Not like when people bully each other for not wanting to fight specific groups, I mean I've known you for 3 world's and I've never seen you aggro somebody except when shooting at people through visitor gates.

It seems very SUSPICIOUS that you, along with like a dozen other brosgar Bois who are similarly disinterested in PvP advocating for SOS/removal of movement tech as if you know what you're talking about or it affects you.

I know this is a high horse cringe thing to say, but when offering arguments to the Devs you should be more concerned with the health of the game than the success of your village.
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Re: Sword of Stroms did nothing wrong

Postby overtyped » Sun Dec 24, 2023 7:29 am

SnuggleSnail wrote:Oh n0oo00oo, cleave kito was meta for 10 worlds in a row now! What will we do now that SoS is seeing some success recently? quick boys, we better pressure the devs to nerf it immediately! *clutches pearls*

SoS seems fine, it's not like most factions are even using it, they just don't like that another viable deck exists.

Aren't you tired of the kito cleave meta? I don't think it will, but if sos actually became the meta for large group fights, that would be a lovely change. Someone who clearly isn't even willing to entertain a world where cleave kito is no longer meta shouldn't be berating others about anything lmao.
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Re: Sword of Stroms did nothing wrong

Postby yym331 » Sun Dec 24, 2023 8:19 am

As a PK player with experience in small-scale, sensibly conducted PvP matches, I have to reiterate that the nerf to "Go for the Jugular" is excessively severe. "Cornered" and "Reeling" are now practically useless, especially with the Zig-Zag Ruse. Changing +10% Reeling to +10% Dizzy might be a step, but I believe some more fine-tuning is necessary.

However, as mentioned in the live update from the developers, fully incorporating the opinions of PvP players could lead to dominating balance adjustments (For PVP players). Thus, I understand the difficulty in making decisions solely based on the perspectives of the player community.
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