The last few patches have brought a lot of attention to pvp and the community's interest in a way to stay safe.
The issue of invulnerable players has been discussed over and over, and there's a countless way to abuse it.
But what if there was a way to meet in the middle? A way to allow players to play safely with some big limitations, so that griefing is not a problem anymore.
Introducing: Passive-Mode. (some of u might have already read it in the patch announcement thread replies)
What does it do? Mainly three things:
1. Makes you unable to engage/be engaged in combat.
2. Makes other players walk through you, just like they walk through your hearthfire, so you can't abuse this to block anyone in any way.
3. Limits your interactions with the world. In simple terms, you'd be limited to walk around, interacting with NPCs and forageables/critters, but very little other than that.
What prevents you from doing? Lots of things:
1. Anything considered a criminal act, including pushing and rummaging.
2. Interact with localized resources. As someone people -somewhat- fight over, it would be unfair to be able to camp it without repercussions.
3. Anything that "alters" the world. Examples include mining, chopping trees, using the destroy action, or building anything from the Build menu. This also prevents a fair amount of griefing.
4. Use large vehicles (or maybe any vehicle?). To prevent bodyblocking with knarrs, snekkjas, wagons and other stuff difficult to destroy or move.
The point here is to have a way for people to do most of their quests in peace (yes, I know some credos require mining or chopping), not have a full PvE experience.
It's debatable if hunting should be allowed in this mode. I don't see a downside to allowing it, but I guess whatever's easier for development works.
How to activate it? Two requirements:
1. Be out of combat.
2. Be at your hearthfire.
Just to be extra safe, add a small timer to it. Maybe 30 seconds or a minute to activate it, to further limit abuse possibilities.
There is an argument to be made about people leaving their invulnerable character afk somewhere as a spy or whatever. If this is truly a problem, I would suggest adding a time limit with a catch. Once the timer runs out (1 hour maybe?), you are forced back to your HF. Then it either deactivates, or it refreshes the timer, whatever works best for development.
How to de-activate it? One requirement:
1. Be at your heartfire.
You'd already be out of combat, so that's a given.
Deactivating should absolutely require a timer. Maybe a 2-3 minutes timer or so. Ideally an amount of time that doesn't make it too annoying to do, but also prevents you from insta-removing it. It being an action requires you to stay on the spot, so you can't just run away from your HF and eventually lose the buff.
Alternatively, as mentioned above, it could auto-deactivate within a time limit, but I strongly believe auto-HF is the way to go for that, to avoid weird shinenigans with people timing their deactivation while close to someone else they plan to attack.
Last thing: I know most likely pvp guys will read this and be against it on principle. I ask you to be a little bit open minded, and look for actual issues with it, rather than just go against the whole concept. I believe I covered most abuse options, but you guys are the experts... I believe many of you are out of touch with the hermit community and don't realise how many players quit or lose interest in the game because of random attacks while forced far away for a quest (especially for Nomad, but not only that).