Changes to Backpacks

Thoughts on the further development of Haven & Hearth? Feel free to opine!

Re: Changes to Backpacks

Postby Nolidor » Fri May 23, 2014 7:42 am

How about exponential growth?

Q 5 backpacks give 2 columns.

Q 50 gives 3.

Q 500 gives 4.

The specific qualities could be reformed, but that's the gist of it.
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Re: Changes to Backpacks

Postby Nolidor » Fri May 23, 2014 5:01 pm

Another system of growth could be:

Q5 = 2 columns.
Q25 = 3 columns.
Q125 = 4 columns.
Q625 = 5 columns.
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Re: Changes to Backpacks

Postby AnnaC » Sat May 24, 2014 7:17 am

That's not how quality progression works in the hearthlands. I don't know the mathematical term for it, but it's based on square roots. Basically quality level divided by 10 gets a whole number, and that is rooted to basically determine its factor: so a q10 as base, is 10/10 = 1, rooted to 1. The next real "level up" is quality 40, which is 40/10 = 4, rooted to 2 (so a q40 object will be twice as potent as a q10 item). q90 is the next level up at 3x the potency of a base item, relatively speaking.

So a progression in this regard more consistent with the game mechanics would be 2 columns at q10, 3 at q40, 4 at q90, 5 at q160, etc.; although combined with other objects the growth potential would stop at q90 I'd imagine. I'm not sure what the deal is with traveller's sack quality, though, that item they didn't deal with that at all and just had a relatively arbitrary quality threshold between the "good" and "bad" versions.
Hearthlings: Marona; Chamberlain (retainer alt), Vincavec (shaman of the Dryad Wells Forest)
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