I like to cum out the window of tall buildings and think about it hitting women
I'd be religious if jesus wasn't ugly
The perfect women is racist & deaf
Only gay virgins get a lawyer during the interview. You a gay virgin?
You can't be based without a little bit of cringe
Gaysheep is just what would happen if PyroCynical were black
You will never know the feeling of a nice meth cum after furiously jerking off for 8 hours straight
It's called benzosexuality and we're valid
Sometimes I talk to my cum like I'm a famous online influencer. There's millions of individuals in there.
I'm like a charity for guys sick of their boyfriend
So then my mom's like "he's too old to date you" and I just ask "are you gonna buy me alcohol at 1 in the morning?"
ye bro nice tri-force tshirt I bet your mom thought you'd stop wearing it before you turned 35 sure showed her
Snail cried at the end of Idiocracy
the feeling you get from being seen in a white dress on your wedding day is the same as the feeling you get from posting a nude a lot of people retweet
As a sigma male if any girl's holding out on me, I just make it about trust and how I'll kill myself if she doesn't trust me.
Birth rates are down but new people every day
Forgive me father for I have sinned. Please make these urges go away, my cousin is not hot, my cousin is not hot...
I wish they had rehab for ugly people. All the toothless meth heads keep hitting on me.
They say they're not laughing at me, they're laughing with me... But I'm never laughing
I'm an empath but I lose my powers around ugly people
pavlovian conditioning is poggers I get a boner every time I brush my teeth
lock me in the metal canister and throw me in the ocean for 6 years, coward
Given the opportunity you're morally obligated to go back in time and molest baby hitler to stop WW2
the government is fine with this
Misa is like a guy from one of those biker groups that go to court in child abuse cases to give children courage except the opposite
every day my neighbor gets to gaze upon my beautifully landscaped yard while I overlook his shithole this is an injustice
You have depression because you no longer feel the dopamine video games used to give you
Women are disgusting, they randomly start bleeding failed babies out of their cunt once a month. Femboys don't even shit, they smell lovely
my soul feels itchy