A Plea for Moderation

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Re: A Plea for Moderation

Postby VDZ » Mon Nov 11, 2024 7:33 pm

Kaios wrote:It doesn't matter though because he already made my point for me by responding to my post with some nonsense about "not in this thread" instead of replying on a topic that matters. What does that even mean, not what in this thread???

The post Jorb replied to was
Kaios wrote:As usual when someone is right your first resort is ignore the post and troll. Like I said, bunch of idiots.

It had nothing to do with the thread topic (moderation issues) nor any subject being discussed at the time. Your post before it was properly related to moderation issues, but this one just insults someone and is likely to derail the thread, as it indeed has. This thread is about moderation issues, not about how jaded you are with the game, the developers and the community. Only your jadedness with the forum moderation is relevant here.
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Re: A Plea for Moderation

Postby Kaios » Mon Nov 11, 2024 7:59 pm

Uh yeah you are making the same point as I did in the post you're quoting, but with more words. Don't act like he would have made some relevant post regarding the current discussion if not for mine, if I'm derailing he's just as guilty for replying to that with a useless post instead of veering the discussion back on track or replying to something important.
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Re: A Plea for Moderation

Postby Zentetsuken » Mon Nov 11, 2024 8:35 pm

kaios im not trolling my man, I just jumped in here with a quick clarification and now you seem to be on a long and emotional rant

not everything has to be an argument

there doesn't even have to be a right and wrong person

this is a game forum and we should all just be enjoying the game man you just need to relax and find a more positive mental state

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Re: A Plea for Moderation

Postby Kaios » Mon Nov 11, 2024 8:40 pm

Indeed, and I responded saying it was a dumb clarification. How about stating who took the screenshots rather than where they originated.
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Re: A Plea for Moderation

Postby joojoo1975 » Mon Nov 11, 2024 10:28 pm

What I do not understand is the Hatred towards WB in general. I tried them out in W16 and so far I feel it's been a nice community for the most part. The Discord is humming with people willing to help one another and doing community projects.

I also don't know Mesa personally. I did see the screenshots, and, I'm having a hard time seeing point of views in here.

Legally speaking, he did nothing wrong.

IF we are going on the grounds of Morality. Then I guess there is no black and white here as it's, once again, point of views.

I have read "it's because the person is not an adult emotionally or mentally" Well my question then, I take it you never had one night stands? or never used those "tinder" apps? I mean how can you sensibly tell how mentally competent your partner is when you just get together and smash?

This is a game forums, Not a morality "platform" If it was, should we then talk about abortion?

To be Frankly Honest I just want to know why the history of the WB hate.
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Re: A Plea for Moderation

Postby Austinh15 » Mon Nov 11, 2024 10:47 pm

joojoo1975 wrote:What I do not understand is the Hatred towards WB in general. I tried them out in W16 and so far I feel it's been a nice community for the most part. The Discord is humming with people willing to help one another and doing community projects.

I also don't know Mesa personally. I did see the screenshots, and, I'm having a hard time seeing point of views in here.

Legally speaking, he did nothing wrong.

IF we are going on the grounds of Morality. Then I guess there is no black and white here as it's, once again, point of views.

I have read "it's because the person is not an adult emotionally or mentally" Well my question then, I take it you never had one night stands? or never used those "tinder" apps? I mean how can you sensibly tell how mentally competent your partner is when you just get together and smash?

This is a game forums, Not a morality "platform" If it was, should we then talk about abortion?

To be Frankly Honest I just want to know why the history of the WB hate.

No I do not have one night stands with 15 year olds who would "do anything for it" as Misa pointed out. You're right, morality is a spectrum, and anyone who leans towards Misa's side is on the wrong side.

Children are much more impressionable and easier to trick at that age as they're trying to figure themselves out. This makes them easier to groom towards actions you wish them to do. It is the adults responsibility to circumvent that situation all together, not the teenager who would "do anything for it". This is why consent isn't a thing at those ages, and the only grey area should be teenagers of roughly the same age because they're both immature and not fully ready to make decisions like that, so there's no position of mature power.

It's more about the time the person has had to develop mentally than it is about where they finally ended up. At some point you have to assume an adult has the autonomy to consent, but a 15 year old still hasn't reached the end of their mental growth and hasn't even had the opportunity yet to get there. It's predatory. The age gap was 8 years, over HALF the girls age.
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Re: A Plea for Moderation

Postby Kaios » Mon Nov 11, 2024 10:58 pm

It's been an on-going thing for more than a year actually, it's no wonder the forum is so full of garbage threads. I was saying the same thing back then that I'm saying now, a game forum is not the proper medium to report those matters.


There's little merit in pointing fingers because ultimately it's something the devs need to make a decision on, and if they don't care, why are you not blaming them?
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Re: A Plea for Moderation

Postby waga » Mon Nov 11, 2024 11:02 pm

This is why consent isn't a thing at those ages

This is not true at all. 14-16 is the age of consent in most countries in Europe. But also most of them have a maximum difference between the two involved.
Before you get on your high horse, I'll remind you of the age for marriage in certains states in the US.

That being said 15-23 is SUPER FUCKED UP morally , even if not reprehensible legally in the country. and anyone associating with that person has some issues.
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Re: A Plea for Moderation

Postby mulamishne » Mon Nov 11, 2024 11:03 pm

Kaios wrote:It's been an on-going thing for more than a year actually, it's no wonder the forum is so full of garbage threads. I was saying the same thing back then that I'm saying now, a game forum is not the proper medium to report those matters.


There's little merit in pointing fingers because ultimately it's something the devs need to make a decision on, and if they don't care, why are you not blaming them?

Iirc, that era was the Jalpha pedophilia stuff, but it's kinda bonkers that havens had more than one person out themself as a pedo.
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Re: A Plea for Moderation

Postby Austinh15 » Mon Nov 11, 2024 11:05 pm

waga wrote:
This is why consent isn't a thing at those ages

This is not true at all. 14-16 is the age of consent in most countries in Europe. But also most of them have a maximum difference between the two involved.
Before you get on your high horse, I'll remind you of the age for marriage in certains states in the US.

That being said 15-23 is SUPER FUCKED UP morally , even if not reprehensible legally in the country. and anyone associating with that person has some issues.

I guess I would say they could make (in my opinion) stupid decisions amongst their age group, and I think most countries acknowledge that. But anything 4 years between in that group is usually not allowed no? And even if not legally, like you said, it's morally fucked.
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