The Durmstrang Wizardry School has suddenly become the most secure prison in the magical world?
The Ministry of Magic in Britain has confirmed that some muggles might've spotted Durmstrang - the best magical school for young wizards and witches - which caused a lot of perturbations in magical world. For the time being, a full evacuation has been announced, and from now on the place will be protected by the Ministry's Dementors and some of the most successful prison defence wizards. That said, the school also turns into a prison for the most dangerous and wanted wizards for indefinite time. All students will be returning home and, if needed, forwarded to Hogwarts or Beauxbatons Wizardry Schools.

Durmstrang, the first and best wizardry school
Official reasoning for the event are unknown, however a rumour spread around wizards says it might have something to do with recent actions of Willy Potter, who supposedly caused a lot of turmoil in one of the muggle's cities. Why, however, and what exactly happened - we are still waiting for explanations from Durmstrang's representatives or the Ministry itself.
We went ahead and asked some of Durmstrang's students about the event, we are talking with Skretti Shacklebolt:
"- Hello Skretti!
- Hello.
- What do you think about recent events the Ministry have taken regarding Durmstrang?
- I for one, am looking forward to the upcoming wars between the factions. This verdict can create a rather large amount of drama, which will stimulate the political standpoint for the current world.
- How does it affect your education?
- Well, I'm pretty upset that I have to postpone some of my exams but I'm looking forward for Hogwarts School, as well.
- Thank you very much.
- No problem bro."

Right now, some of Azkaban Prison architects are working on defences system of Durmstrang. Works are going swiftly and Dementors are already being moved into the chambers.
What does this situation mean - we don't know. Are rumours about Dark Lord's forces gathering again real? There's always speculations, but we aim to bring you the truth!