The Sudden Downing of an unfortunate adventurer

Forum for discussing in game politics, village relations and matters of justice.

Re: The Sudden Downing of an unfortunate adventurer

Postby kris_hole » Sat Feb 10, 2018 8:31 pm

NOOBY93 wrote:Not true at all, don't make assertions about ingame politics if you don't know anything about it

Really... ok mate since you know so much enlighten me as to why if you walk for more than 15/20 mins around central NK you'll eventually come across either Frosty & co or some other group just going around bashing for the sake of bashing because they're bored.

NOOBY93 wrote:Yes you do, join a village or make friends, it's part of the game. that's like saying not everyone has the option to claim land, sure you do, just buy yeomanry, if not buying yeomanry is your playstyle you don't get to enjoy the rewards of having yeomanry. also if you're way inland even better, just pick up speedbuffs and run until you're offscreen and then port home

Joining a village, while it has benefits, is still never going to let you "catch up" to anybody who has been playing since world start.

NOOBY93 wrote:>implement murder into the game
>ban people for committing murder

missing the context of that sentence like the guy above also did, its a rhetorical question that answered itself with a stupid answer to help make the point that there's not much you can do about it. learn to read.

NOOBY93 wrote:you just sound entitled and lazy.

You just sound like a brat. You can't just go around calling people entitled and lazy just because they prefer to enjoy the creative side of a game opposed to PvP.

worked very hard for a year to be able to bully you like this
wow what an achievement... "I spent a year playing a game and how do I show my achievements? Killing newbies for fun" my point still stands that that's just a dick move.
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Re: The Sudden Downing of an unfortunate adventurer

Postby NOOBY93 » Sat Feb 10, 2018 8:46 pm

kris_hole wrote:stuff

(changing up format a bit)

1 - because they are bored and like attacking noobs? That in no way implies there's no rivalry of powerful groups in the game, are you retarded?

2 - It's possible to catch up because even the top players don't play 24/7, but even if you can't catch up, you can create a bigger group with more active players and fight them that way. A group of 3-4 thousand statted players is more powerful than 1 20k stat player.

3 - k

4 - I didn't call you lazy and entitled because you enjoy the creative side of a game, I called you lazy and entitled because you whine about being powerless in the pvp side of the game without even putting in effort to be powerful in it. nobody gives a shit what you enjoy, enjoy whatever you want, but if you don't want to get destroyed, put in the effort. if you don't want to, which is also fine, then don't whine about being destroyed by people who did put in the effort.

5 - I never said it's not a dick move to attack noobs, I wouldn't do it and I don't condone it, I just said he has a right to do it and if he finds it fun, in a multiplayer pvp game, so be it, if you don't like being a victim, get armed. I also like a good pretty larpy village, I enjoyed Cookieville more than AD, I enjoyed Aurora aesthetics on the screenshots thread, etc. but what really grinds my gears is people who think they're diplomatically immune because they are harmless larpers. It's the same type of people who major in shit like comparative art then wonder why they don't have a job.
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Re: The Sudden Downing of an unfortunate adventurer

Postby kris_hole » Sat Feb 10, 2018 9:01 pm

NOOBY93 wrote:
kris_hole wrote:stuff

1. There's no argument that bigger political things are going on, but for the most part its just people running around looking for things to do unless you just so happen to stumble across a siege or something going on.

2. Creating a bigger group isn't exactly easy to do, and yeah you're right they don't play 24/7, but they do play with a huge group so they just have resources there to constantly build on that smaller settlements, even developed, just don't have the same level of access to, so yes while you can, in theory, catch up, unless you're developing at a faster rate than them its just never going to happen realistically.

4 I also at no point "whined" about putting the effort in, as it happens i'm currently trying to build as a fighter, even though I know ultimately it'll be a wasted effort because the people i'm likely to end up in combat with will have been around a lot longer than I have since I only joined the world within the last month.

5 I agree, at no point have I ever thought that anyone should have or has diplomatic immunity, its part of the game. Like Aurora, yeah I was bummed that it was raided, and yeah I complained about as to the shitty "reasons" for flattening the place, but I enjoyed reading through the accounts from both sides and I enjoyed the drama that went on during the siege that I witnessed.

One thing I really don't understand is why "larpers" is an insult on this game, unless i'm mistaken i'm yet to see another game have this term considered an insult or even used for that matter, i mean for one "live action role playing" has fuck all to do with a game, secondly its just ridiculous but at least its not radically toxic i guess.
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Re: The Sudden Downing of an unfortunate adventurer

Postby Longshanks87 » Sat Feb 10, 2018 9:08 pm

I'm in support of Chris here.

This game, has two side to it in my opinion.
The first and foremost side of the game is to build/craft your way into being able to tackle the harsh environment, roaming animals that are aggressive are most enjoyable to tame and fight with, then there is the ogres and mammoths which are what i would consider endgame materials for which some time and effort are needed to be able to vanquish.

getting your stats up and learning about the ways in which to get higher levels. crafting curiosities, learning how to use the fep system to your advantage. All extremely intricate and highly enjoyable to learn and progress in.

The second and more important part of the game in my opinion is the aspect of protecting your lands and learning how to fight with aggressive players, defend yourself and ultimately become a champion of your realm.

This second part is debatable amongst certain individuals who feel the game is solely designed for the purpose of ruining someones day.

I concur that the ability to fight IS part of the game, but the part of it that is lacking in my honest opinion is as stated before.

for those of us who do NOT wish to fight our way through the game, and for those of us who do not wish to engage in politics or city raising, What is there to do?

I reiterate my original statement and story of my misfortune to ask we debate the idea that for those of us who wish it, we should be able to run away from such things without being sweaty for the hotkeys and having modded clients and such. something along the lines of an item that when worn one cannot be aggroed ((nor aggro another) This item would be bound to the body until at the appropriate work station), or perhaps an item that when worn allows a one use hearth home even when under the condition of aggro.

Simply, I do not like fighting. I do not like the idea that whilst doing necessary exploring for resources and such. (questing for credo's) i am at the whim of anyone with exp to whip me off my horse, I am at the whim of anyone who wishes to steal my clothes off my back and potentially kill me if my health has taken a knock recently.

aside from that. i Love the game and all of its aesthetically pleasing features, but i hate the fact that it is so easy for those that are bored of it now to ruin all of MY fun for no lack of another reason than that of. "Cos i Can"

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Re: The Sudden Downing of an unfortunate adventurer

Postby Ysh » Sat Feb 10, 2018 9:17 pm

kris_hole wrote:missing the context of that sentence like the guy above also did, its a rhetorical question that answered itself with a stupid answer to help make the point that there's not much you can do about it. learn to read.

Sentence in question:
kris_hole wrote:Make it punishable and considered toxic just for "playing the game killing people", sadly there's no real solution that wouldn't kill that part of this game, unless they were to make it so you had a bigger restriction on killing someone to make it a bit less shit for people who join the world late since its apparent the world reset won't be happening any time soon.

My responding:
Ysh wrote:
kris_hole wrote:Make it punishable and considered toxic just for "playing the game killing people"

You have the power to make it so! Go and punish these player that you do not like.

I think you maybe are the one who has missed my point friend. You offer some hypothetical solutions to ''problem,'' then shoot these down immediate. But in fact, these solutions you think of are not only hypothetical and actually are in game right now! The beauty of this game Haven and Hearth is that each man how powers to affect game as he is seeing fit. It is already consider ''punishable and toxic'' to do just ''playing the game killing people'' by some of the men. And these men who do live as they do believe will go out and punish these ''toxic'' player. This solution already happen, but this part of game is still here! So maybe this ''stupid answer'' is not so stupid after all?
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Re: The Sudden Downing of an unfortunate adventurer

Postby Ysh » Sat Feb 10, 2018 9:33 pm

Longshanks87 wrote:I'm in support of Chris here.

This game, has two side to it in my opinion.
The first and foremost side of the game is to build/craft your way into being able to tackle the harsh environment, roaming animals that are aggressive are most enjoyable to tame and fight with, then there is the ogres and mammoths which are what i would consider endgame materials for which some time and effort are needed to be able to vanquish.

getting your stats up and learning about the ways in which to get higher levels. crafting curiosities, learning how to use the fep system to your advantage. All extremely intricate and highly enjoyable to learn and progress in.

The second and more important part of the game in my opinion is the aspect of protecting your lands and learning how to fight with aggressive players, defend yourself and ultimately become a champion of your realm.

Longshanks87 wrote:This second part is debatable amongst certain individuals who feel the game is solely designed for the purpose of ruining someones day.

If winner exist, there must be loser.
Longshanks87 wrote:I concur that the ability to fight IS part of the game, but the part of it that is lacking in my honest opinion is as stated before.

I think to say combat does lack is not controversy. There is reason for upcoming combat and siege redesign.
Longshanks87 wrote:for those of us who do NOT wish to fight our way through the game, and for those of us who do not wish to engage in politics or city raising, What is there to do?

You can do ''first side of game,'' above.
Longshanks87 wrote:I reiterate my original statement and story of my misfortune to ask we debate the idea that for those of us who wish it, we should be able to run away from such things without being sweaty for the hotkeys and having modded clients and such. something along the lines of an item that when worn one cannot be aggroed ((nor aggro another) This item would be bound to the body until at the appropriate work station), or perhaps an item that when worn allows a one use hearth home even when under the condition of aggro.

As you say:
Longshanks87 wrote:i know the death thing has been introduced. for which i am eternally grateful, i didn't die, which is a blessing in and of itself.

It seem to me that you can already run away from conflict without die. I recommend you to read this posting.
Longshanks87 wrote:Simply, I do not like fighting. I do not like the idea that whilst doing necessary exploring for resources and such. (questing for credo's) i am at the whim of anyone with exp to whip me off my horse, I am at the whim of anyone who wishes to steal my clothes off my back and potentially kill me if my health has taken a knock recently.

I avoid these fights myself, but I like this idea that the better fighter is able to kill me.
Longshanks87 wrote:aside from that. i Love the game and all of its aesthetically pleasing features, but i hate the fact that it is so easy for those that are bored of it now to ruin all of MY fun for no lack of another reason than that of. "Cos i Can"

I love this game too!
Kaios wrote:Spice Girls are integral to understanding Ysh's thought process when communicating, duly noted.

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Re: The Sudden Downing of an unfortunate adventurer

Postby NOOBY93 » Sat Feb 10, 2018 9:44 pm

Longshanks87 wrote:we should be able to run away from such things without being sweaty for the hotkeys and having modded clients and such. something along the lines of an item that when worn one cannot be aggroed ((nor aggro another

But that would ruin the game who enjoy killing people, because suddenly they would be unable to. You keep forgetting that it's a multiplayer game. Sure, maybe you don't care about PvP, but some other players do, and they don't care what you want, what they want is to kill you.

The "go play farmville" is an overused meme but there's merit to it, you can't come to a multiplayer game and basically say "waah im getting bullied and i dont like it, jorb pls make me invulnerable just because i dont want to attack anyone"
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Re: The Sudden Downing of an unfortunate adventurer

Postby LostJustice » Sat Feb 10, 2018 9:54 pm

Tbh... Haven and Hearth did originally advertise and still does advertise as a permadeath game... If you have a problem with this mechanic go play farmville. Like seriously. And for the statement of not being able to catch up, you can catch up. Like that is one of the reasons why you can't catch up is because you don't bother. Even some of these "titanic" fighters die in combat all the time.
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Re: The Sudden Downing of an unfortunate adventurer

Postby Valten21 » Sat Feb 10, 2018 10:09 pm

OP is a little bitch AND hes gay
You may have foiled the plans of BAD-EVIL this time, but there is no rest for the wicked.
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Re: The Sudden Downing of an unfortunate adventurer

Postby iamahh » Sat Feb 10, 2018 11:01 pm

as I understand Raw Ride magic was supposed to debuff horses in PvP

maybe the magic could only apply to players in combat, so horses are still a good advantage for the casual player
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