DISgusting DIS dogs killing innocents!

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Re: DISgusting DIS dogs killing innocents!

Postby Jesus_Smith_Nandez » Thu Feb 02, 2017 9:49 pm

Ysh wrote:
pedorlee wrote:Maybe joining other factions to gather more soldiers? Nope, nobody has done that before in history.

It do seem a bit silly for two ''enemy of DIS'' apparent to dislike each other because they think the other is not doing enough to stop this enemy. Are they not aware of ''enemy of enemy is friend?''

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Re: DISgusting DIS dogs killing innocents!

Postby APXEOLOG » Thu Feb 02, 2017 9:53 pm

Ganhart wrote:Hey, no need to be this edgy

Please accept my sincere apologies

Amanda44 wrote:I think our criteria for escaping noob status differs slightly tbh, you seem to be basing it on the fact that I don't take part in pvp, where as I personally think letting someone else provide you with everything you need to build up titan fighter chars and then running around killing spruce caps is far less of an achievement than anything I do each world in the game.

If you play as crafter you should not leave your walls at all. You should have alts for different tasks. If you as good as you said in setting up industry it will be not a problem for you to restore such alt.
And if you are going outside of the village with your main character, then you should be preapared to run away/call for a help/use that sweet intended autologout feature when you face danger.
So if you are dead with your crafter then you are not matching "expirienced player" criteria, if you are dead with alt i don't see what's the point of this thread
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Re: DISgusting DIS dogs killing innocents!

Postby Kaios » Thu Feb 02, 2017 9:57 pm

Yes that's right, Haven & Alts.
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Re: DISgusting DIS dogs killing innocents!

Postby razfen » Thu Feb 02, 2017 10:19 pm

MagicManICT wrote:Not really any purpose of this thread other than to get a simple answer that some of you special children don't seem to know how to give. Everyone's got to be a fukkin comedian....
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Re: DISgusting DIS dogs killing innocents!

Postby MagicManICT » Thu Feb 02, 2017 10:35 pm

APXEOLOG wrote:intended autologout feature

I think you're confusing what is allowed with what devs would actually like to see. One day maybe this isn't the case and what is intended becomes reality, which means no more autologouts and other client exploits. Until then, I'll enjoy having them available as much as you, though. :)

Overall, I'll have to say recent events has really changed my mind on the political landscape of Haven. Maybe I just haven't kept up on them in the past and so my opinions weren't properly formulated. I'm just glad Amanda plays the game for the game and keeps on keeping on. We could use more people that provide this kind of commitment showing there is life after death. Too many people use it as an excuse to quit playing until the next world.
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Re: DISgusting DIS dogs killing innocents!

Postby Patchouli_Knowledge » Thu Feb 02, 2017 10:38 pm

MagicManICT wrote:We could use more people that provide this kind of commitment showing there is life after death. Too many people use it as an excuse to quit playing until the next world.

I think the issue is because people tend to have too much of an attachment to their characters that losing it hammers their morale down into the ground. Doing it from a RotMG style may help since they are only semi-permanent and are expected to die. (or imagine it as Dark Souls 2 permadeath edition)
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Re: DISgusting DIS dogs killing innocents!

Postby jordancoles » Thu Feb 02, 2017 10:38 pm

MagicManICT wrote:Too many people use it as an excuse to quit playing until the next world.

I think that a problem with the game has always been that the daily tedium has people searching for excuses to stop playing
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Re: DISgusting DIS dogs killing innocents!

Postby Ysh » Thu Feb 02, 2017 10:42 pm

MagicManICT wrote:Overall, I'll have to say recent events has really changed my mind on the political landscape of Haven.

What do you mean by this?
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Re: DISgusting DIS dogs killing innocents!

Postby Amanda44 » Thu Feb 02, 2017 10:52 pm

Amanda44 wrote:I think our criteria for escaping noob status differs slightly tbh, you seem to be basing it on the fact that I don't take part in pvp, where as I personally think letting someone else provide you with everything you need to build up titan fighter chars and then running around killing spruce caps is far less of an achievement than anything I do each world in the game.

If you play as crafter you should not leave your walls at all. You should have alts for different tasks. If you as good as you said in setting up industry it will be not a problem for you to restore such alt.
And if you are going outside of the village with your main character, then you should be preapared to run away/call for a help/use that sweet intended autologout feature when you face danger.
So if you are dead with your crafter then you are not matching "expirienced player" criteria, if you are dead with alt i don't see what's the point of this thread

And this is where we differ ... I don't use alts at all, well, not in the way you mean. I have a main char, she is the one I'll make a village with and if it's my hermitage then she will do everything, hunt, forage, craft etc ... I raise all her stats equally ... I don't have the time in game to raise an alt for each task and tbh neither do I want to, I don't see the game in the way you guys do because I'm not playing it to compete against anyone. That doesn't mean I don't end up with a full working village with everything the game has and an industry, it just means it takes me longer.

I do leave the village on her and every time I do I accept the risk, I've been playing the same way for over six years now and only ever been killed twice, neither time did I even mention it and I didn't make this thread. :)

Though saying that, I do also have to say that I don't believe accepting the risk means I can't say anything or comment when I'm killed. :)

The char that was killed here was an alt in that it was not my main char this world, I usually have an explorer alt that travels the map, at some point she will find a project, as in this case and settle, so although it was an undeveloped char and not my main, it was not totally unimportant or a 'throwaway' alt as you guys have.

In any case I think the point of this thread is that you guys killed an unadvanced char happily digging stone ... aren't a lot of threads in the moot about factions killing peacefull farmers ..... :P
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Re: DISgusting DIS dogs killing innocents!

Postby Hourai_Chimes » Thu Feb 02, 2017 10:52 pm

I am going to start the timer of how long will it take before Polski or Dis will backstab the other. Starting now!
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