Game over

Forum for discussing in game politics, village relations and matters of justice.

Re: Game over

Postby abt79 » Tue Jan 23, 2018 5:09 pm

OP: Russians killed me and I just can’t believe anonymous people on the internet could be assholes to me, fucking Russians how dare people who have friends ingame and put in the time to get good be allowed to harm ME!?
Its OK though because I’m super rich so give me my own server so I can be the king and no one can ever touch me because I have the mostest moneys and I can have my Singleplayer sandbox all to myself, that’ll show the Russian subhumans and the haters! Jorb, gimme my own server!

Jorb: quietly moves thread, continues to munch popcorn

Buy sub tokens and then git gud, Mr. Trump
Last edited by abt79 on Tue Jan 23, 2018 5:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Game over

Postby tigerlrg245 » Tue Jan 23, 2018 5:10 pm

DaniAngione wrote:Image

(none of the 'developments' on this thread has surprised me at all yet, tho)

gimme some of that

Mario_Demorez wrote:Am I the only one thinking this guy shouldn't join a village because of his obvious prejudist against a large population of this game? Like man, you shouldn't play this game if you think one country is the only country that can be assholes in this game. You will be disappointed very fast. When I first started playing i was raided by English people the most, actually got help from a Russian trader. After I got to where I knew how the game sorta worked I learned that most of the "assholes" I met were actually just people playing the game. Raiding is part of this game, that is why rams and walls have been in the game. If you don't like games where you can log in and have everything gone then you shouldn't play this game because alot of players ( from any country ) will happily raid your settlement for your hard work. Most of those players aren't actually assholes, they just see you as a resource like you see any hills as one. Now if they destroyed all your houses and structures then they are stupid, they just lost you as a resource.

Well said, though theres definitely some argument about when it starts being bullying, still it's a game so life goes on

Amanda44 wrote:I literally haven't stopped laughing ... this thread should be stickied for when you are having a bad day! :D

I thought English people had no humor?

Randomtask21 wrote:Thanks for the effort, Jorb, you really have the basis for a good game here.

lol. I wish this was a shitpost because it'd definitely be my favorite
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Re: Game over

Postby iamahh » Tue Jan 23, 2018 5:20 pm

Plot twist, OP is Pewdiepie undercover
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Re: Game over

Postby blank » Tue Jan 23, 2018 6:17 pm

Yeah bro, this isn't legacy anymore, not all Russians are cocks and only broke ppl talk about their money. You are only roasting yourself. This game is amazing and so are the Russians heh
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Re: Game over

Postby dafels » Tue Jan 23, 2018 6:27 pm

Randomtask21 wrote:hurrdurr I'm so rich hurrdurrr
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Re: Game over

Postby ChildhoodObesity » Tue Jan 23, 2018 6:47 pm

dafels wrote:
Randomtask21 wrote:hurrdurr I'm so rich hurrdurrr

ur just jealous tbh
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Re: Game over

Postby Ozzy123 » Tue Jan 23, 2018 6:48 pm

Randomtask21 wrote:Shame because I really enjoyed the unique aspects the game had to offer, original and well thought out. I was just starting to consider buying a full subscription as well. Nevermind - guess I'll be taking my millions to another game. After inheriting this money, I decided to do my level best to support game companies such as this, but when you have a playerbase choc-full of Russians, this cannot be done. I was an avid gamer long before I inherited this fortune and I will be long after it's spent. .

hmu fam me and my crew are working on a new indie game with no pvp, no permadeath, no griefing, the only player interaction is when they give you free items

also russians are banned
epicbuds wrote:just got this game a bad review on my website and will post on every forum and game page i can think of to tell people to stay away from this site this game is a joke

viruseg wrote:Kill all new players for no reason. Polish scum came running and killed me with a crowd. Suck fuck fucks..
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Re: Game over

Postby GrimShard » Tue Jan 23, 2018 6:51 pm

this post kind of post I have seen from almost anyone in this community. there are a bunch of people that make this game no bloody fun. but that is any game bruv . take a look at archived posts , i'm sure 60% of them have someone being aggey cause they got stomped .. i mean W4 is when i got introduced to being smashed by people that don't want you around , and back in the day it was Korean Botters that destroyed the game not Russian players . and on that note its never a certain race so take that out of the picture here. cause you will only make people SHOOK.

if you are as avid a game as you say you are , then suck it up.. quit crying.. be a gamer , learn from it . get better . that what we all have done in this game, some of us more then others .

and you will never get a server CODE ever no one here will , and they have made this post more times then people have QQed about dying . and that why some of the old players were working on something of their own . but i'm pretty sure its back burner things bro.

you are not the first to ask and or approach them with the idea . and sadly wont be the last .

as for you're control issues , no one but : you , learning , time will teach you how to act. you may say you have money , cool thing , i know it wasn't earned by you , just on how you present you're self to others . people that have actually have earned their millions don't need to flex to get recognition , they just have it cause of their accomplishments, and more so on that , make people want to be you're friend or help you out by being nicer , not holding some title or stature over their head . no one cares how smart , rich or beautiful you are , unless they want something from you. trying to grasp at power you don't have or do not know how to use makes you a big tool.

and hey if you don't like the mood of the community , you can take some of the "millions" + the "wife" on a good vacation , or go buy some pleb friends and make a village . i am sure you can find someone to pretend to respect you enough to run a village .?!
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Re: Game over

Postby dafels » Tue Jan 23, 2018 7:02 pm

ChildhoodObesity wrote:
dafels wrote:
Randomtask21 wrote:hurrdurr I'm so rich hurrdurrr

ur just jealous tbh

got me, you know me so well haha :lol: :lol: :lol:
Last edited by dafels on Tue Jan 23, 2018 7:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Game over

Postby svino » Tue Jan 23, 2018 7:02 pm

hello donald trump here speaking to you directly from the trump tower. these poor guys dont understand anything.

russians are okay. me and putin run a village together. Just wait until you meet mexicans in game covfefe
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