The Sudden Downing of an unfortunate adventurer

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The Sudden Downing of an unfortunate adventurer

Postby Longshanks87 » Sat Feb 10, 2018 4:05 pm

Something i have noticed in relation to being unfortunate enough to have to be outside the safety of your claimed walls is this.

travelling around is dangerous granted, and we all take whatever precautions we feel we need to ensure we can run from titanic barbarians.
such as riding what one would consider a decently levelled horse. or having teleport to hearth on hotkey.

In the situation where you stumble upon one of these said barbarians in the wilds whilst on horseback, and they happen to be slightly more sweaty for the hotkeys than yourself, what can possibly be done about it when they decide to not only attack you but to rear your horse from underneath you and proceed to try and kill you on the spot, without so much as a second inbetween thoughts to react.

im unsure whether it is my lack of having a fast pc or whether it is simply because i have not yet gained enough experience to know how to run away from such things but surely there should be some way of stopping your horse from kicking you off when faced with almost certain death.

some of these guys knocking around have the ability to do in excess of 1.2k damage to me in 2 shots.
i dont understand how one can possibly compete against such titanic stats.

especially since hiding is not an option, and since running is clearly not an option.

Am i supposed to try to get higher quality resources by imagining them into existence or am i supposed to just die trying.

thing is. it all happened so quickly, one moment im travelling along looking for things to pick up and enjoying the countryside
the next thing i know, im under attack from a guy with a giant axe and my horse wont move.

the best thing i could advise is some sort of counter to the horse rearing mechanic. quell the beast didn't work, which by the description of it makes no sense at all. and attempting to run from the guy didn't work as he did so much damage in his attack.

staying in my village forever is not what i consider to be a fun way to spend my time on this game, its grindy enough without having to be confined to the inside of a village for fear of being killed if i do so much as step foot outside.

so in a nutshell guys.
what can someone who doesn't have bots, mods, and sweaty fingers actually do in this game anymore?
without a competing stat base to actually remove openings from these guys there is simply nothing i can do to prevent them from ending me on sight.

i know the death thing has been introduced. for which i am eternally grateful, i didn't die, which is a blessing in and of itself.

but once again i am brought back to the fact that without competing stats i will be downed on sight if i don't have the reaction speed to run the hell away.

this is not fun at all. and instead of making meeting others in game a fun and interesting experience. it makes my heart pound, my adrenaline pump, and my time spent collecting worthless..

this cannot continue if we ever hope to have a large playerbase.

open floor.
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Re: The Sudden Downing of an unfortunate adventurer

Postby NOOBY93 » Sat Feb 10, 2018 5:04 pm

Run, pick up speedbuffs, have a coracle on your back, get your friends to pick you up on boats.

Also if you see someone get off your horse immediately and run.

Or, if they haven't rawhided you yet, gallop away.
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Re: The Sudden Downing of an unfortunate adventurer

Postby dafels » Sat Feb 10, 2018 5:45 pm

the hearthlands are dangerous indeed, but not as dangerous as they were in past times....
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Re: The Sudden Downing of an unfortunate adventurer

Postby Ysh » Sat Feb 10, 2018 6:16 pm

Longshanks87 wrote:this is not fun at all.

Longshanks87 wrote:it makes my heart pound, my adrenaline pump

Kaios wrote:Spice Girls are integral to understanding Ysh's thought process when communicating, duly noted.

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Re: The Sudden Downing of an unfortunate adventurer

Postby svino » Sat Feb 10, 2018 6:33 pm

Longshanks87 wrote:so in a nutshell guys.
what can someone who doesn't have bots, mods, and sweaty fingers actually do in this game anymore?
without a competing stat base to actually remove openings from these guys there is simply nothing i can do to prevent them from ending me on sight.

its a big world, and there is rivalry between being the strongest. among this rivalry you sit like a small pawn.

if you want to just explore and survive, you need to live with the risk of something terrible happening, or learn how to run and escape.

if you want to join the bigger game, you need friends - and lots of them.
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Re: The Sudden Downing of an unfortunate adventurer

Postby tyrtix » Sat Feb 10, 2018 7:05 pm

first: if you're a pacific fellow that likes more building and having a meaningful life, do NOT go around with a horse. Use a rowboat and stay more safe on the rivers...more, but not much, i've been killed even while server crashed, so no way to be safe in this game at all.

Second: download amber client, or another client with autoteleport when on sight of another player.

Third: do not trust people saying you need to join a village, they're just trying to find someone that will do in the village what they don't want to, ie make you a slave.
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Re: The Sudden Downing of an unfortunate adventurer

Postby MadNomad » Sat Feb 10, 2018 7:29 pm

tyrtix wrote:i've been killed even while server crashed

u should F5 the main forum page every 1-2 minutes to avoid, it's very likely that it would save you.

tyrtix wrote:do not trust people saying you need to join a village, they're just trying to find someone that will do in the village what they don't want to, ie make you a slave.

some people will do it, some won't do it. Don't be superstitious.

tyrtix wrote:no way to be safe in this game at all.

make a brickwall in L4 cave... oh what am I saying, now everyone will know where it is, make it in L3 cave then...... nevermind. :roll:
Last edited by MadNomad on Sat Feb 10, 2018 7:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Sudden Downing of an unfortunate adventurer

Postby kris_hole » Sat Feb 10, 2018 7:44 pm

svino wrote:its a big world, and there is rivalry between being the strongest. among this rivalry you sit like a small pawn.

The world really isn't that big and this "rivalry" is just Frosty & Co running around NK killing people because he's bored. Not much of a rivalry just a dick being a dick.

And not everyone has the option of "just get someone to pick you up on a boat" especially if you're way inland and don't belong to a huge village.

But which also comes to there's not really much you can do, there are no stat caps or anything making it literally impossible to catch up unless the "strongest of the strongest" suddenly just stop playing for a few months.

They want a world reset and the best way to get the dev's to do this is apparently to just ruin the player base by killing everyone constantly until enough people quit and "force" a world reset. but y'know what direction would people even want haven to go in to counter this? Make it punishable and considered toxic just for "playing the game killing people", sadly there's no real solution that wouldn't kill that part of this game, unless they were to make it so you had a bigger restriction on killing someone to make it a bit less shit for people who join the world late since its apparent the world reset won't be happening any time soon.
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Re: The Sudden Downing of an unfortunate adventurer

Postby Ysh » Sat Feb 10, 2018 7:50 pm

kris_hole wrote:Make it punishable and considered toxic just for "playing the game killing people"

You have the power to make it so! Go and punish these player that you do not like.
Kaios wrote:Spice Girls are integral to understanding Ysh's thought process when communicating, duly noted.

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Re: The Sudden Downing of an unfortunate adventurer

Postby NOOBY93 » Sat Feb 10, 2018 8:04 pm

The world really isn't that big and this "rivalry" is just Frosty & Co running around NK killing people because he's bored. Not much of a rivalry just a dick being a dick.

Not true at all, don't make assertions about ingame politics if you don't know anything about it

And not everyone has the option of "just get someone to pick you up on a boat" especially if you're way inland and don't belong to a huge village.

Yes you do, join a village or make friends, it's part of the game. that's like saying not everyone has the option to claim land, sure you do, just buy yeomanry, if not buying yeomanry is your playstyle you don't get to enjoy the rewards of having yeomanry. also if you're way inland even better, just pick up speedbuffs and run until you're offscreen and then port home

But which also comes to there's not really much you can do, there are no stat caps or anything making it literally impossible to catch up unless the "strongest of the strongest" suddenly just stop playing for a few months.

Join a strong group

Make it punishable and considered toxic just for "playing the game killing people"

>implement murder into the game
>ban people for committing murder

wut? If you don't like getting randomly killed, fight back, make friends, become bait for the enemy faction of the attacker, pay people in gold to track and kill your assailants

There's plenty of ways you can deal with your problems, you just sound entitled and lazy. the same frosty and co aggressive douchebags you're talking about worked very hard for a year to be able to bully you like this, you don't get to magically be able to effortlessly survive or fight back unless you put in the same effort or join a group that did
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