New Village looking for members (southern continent)

Company of Dwarves seeking thief for dangerous mission. Find a group or village to play with here.

New Village looking for members (southern continent)

Postby fatfunnyvalentine » Sat Mar 23, 2019 11:44 am

Hi, so I'm looking for friends & village members! I'm set up on the northeastern tip of the Southern Continent (124, 47 on the map) I don't require anyone to live inside my main base (for aesthetic reasons I would also prefer not to have anyone living inside, I'm unfortunately very picky about where things are and how things look) but I don't mind building a reasonable distance away, and I can help build or provide building materials.

A friend and I have been taming animals, and right now we have sheep and horses. I don't mind sharing livestock once we have a population of them built! I also have a few okay quality stuff especially for newbs/new characters, like q25-40 crops. We are also working on a minehole and have no problem sharing resources to the best of my ability.

However, my main reason for looking for members is that my main character has 1 Charisma thanks to Stitch Patches, and it'll be a long time to recover, and I already have 3 alts trying to maintain the claims authority, and I would appreciate any members that I can give curios to to help keep my claim up.

Hearth Secret is Rat, don't hesitate to say hello in-game if I'm online.

Edit: Unfortunately I only speak English, some broken German but not very conversational in it. I can use a translator without problem though and I don't mind if non-English speaking people join.
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Re: New Village looking for members (southern continent)

Postby Jessie » Sun Mar 24, 2019 12:11 pm

You should remove your coords or you'll get unwelcome visitors!
Posts: 334
Joined: Sat Dec 03, 2011 11:56 am

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