Starting a Village For Those Who Play A Lot!

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Starting a Village For Those Who Play A Lot!

Postby Sprinkle » Sat Feb 16, 2019 9:05 pm

I'm interested in starting a village with other english speaking adults who generally play this game every day for at least 4-5 or more hours. Since I've played this game for years now, I've noticed that most of the people I meet only play like 5 minutes to an hour or so every so often and aren't much help at all in that case.. or you have the very few who can play often, but don't know what they are doing and cause drama about anything at all. Basically I want a friendly group who have a lot of time on their hands to play and don't like drama. Only Steam will be used to communicate via text & voice, so if you don't use Steam, please don't apply. Generally interested in those in or near EST timezone North America/South America, but if you are in mainland Europe or Russia and your schedule allows you to stay up all night, feel free to apply as well. I'm an adult in the EST timezone, I've been playing this game nearly every world since the start many, many years ago. This will be my village, claim, land etc, therefore I am the leader and you must obey the rules I give you if you decide to apply and join.
Generally you will be expected to take on any job or role that needs to be filled if we don't have others doing it, and when said jobs are done, you are free to do what tasks you want. In the case that we get a large amount of villagers, you are free to specialize in whatever you like because all jobs will be filled in that case.
Each villager will get their own palisaded & (eventually brick walled), house & yard. There will be general areas that everyone has access to. Certain items may intentionally be hidden to protect from raids, and or based on trustworthiness since we don't know each other outside of this game.
If you enjoy digging & other manual labor jobs or are good at creating bots to do them, I'd love to have you join me.
Also, if you excel at PVP/raiding in this game, I'd also be very interested in having you join, I have a long list of people for you to take out :mrgreen: .
I don't mind if you are new or lack experience in the game, all I ask in that case is, don't argue or try to tell any of the veteran villagers what is best if you have no idea what you are speaking about.

I would like to create a market after the village is set up. We still need to make all of the roads, houses, walls, etc even for the basic village so there's still so much to do for the basics. If you fit the criteria I'm looking for, I don't think you will be disappointed if you decide to join, just don't expect something that grand until we get enough villagers. :P

Even if you are not on the same continent, I may be able to pick you up using a knarr.
Please remember to check the forums every so often if you decide to apply, as I will probably see your message soon after you post it.
You must send your steam profile URL to me in a private message.
You must send the following form in a public reply to my post for accountability purposes:

Will you be making a new character? Yes or No:
If you have a character already that will be joining, what continent are they on? North, West, South etc?:
Are you willing to create a new character if the one you already have is not able to reach the continent of my village?:
How many years of experience do you have playing this game?:
Are you an adult over 18 years old?:
What timezone will you be playing from?:
What country are you from?:
Is English your native language?:
What is a general estimate on how many hours a day you will be playing this game with us?:
If you had to pick two jobs you'd like to do in the game what would they be? For instance Farmer, Digger etc.:
Do you have a microphone you are willing to use to communicate with us?
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Joined: Thu Oct 05, 2017 2:41 am

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