Pet thread

General discussion and socializing.

Re: Pet thread

Postby vesakes » Sun Jun 14, 2015 1:47 pm

spawningmink wrote:wtf is that thing.............i want 10

I think its a bird, correct me if im wrong.
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Re: Pet thread

Postby spawningmink » Sun Jun 14, 2015 1:47 pm

ChildhoodObossite wrote:I actually lowkey admire Frosty, sometimes he can be a really cool guy

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Re: Pet thread

Postby vesakes » Sun Jun 21, 2015 12:01 am

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Re: Pet thread

Postby Shadow7168 » Sun Jun 21, 2015 1:03 am

This is my cat Lenny. He's a lazy sack of shit.

In other words, exactly like me.
Potjeh wrote:They're using swords as throwing weapons now? Damn cheaters!

MagicManICT wrote:Most raiders aren't into choking another man's chicken. They can do some pretty gay shit, but that's usually the line.
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Re: Pet thread

Postby Amanda44 » Sun Jun 21, 2015 7:46 am

Lol, cute. If I tried that with mine she'd have my arm off! She doesn't do 'playing', I keep trying but she just goes for me and not the toy.

I keep wondering if getting another one is a good idea or not, my way of thinking is that it might make her better when she sees how a 'normal' cat behaves and at least I would have a pet I can interact with and actually pet but I'm not sure if Seven would be happy with that and I have concerns over whether she would hurt it. I also worry that the new addition may learn from her, especially since I'm out during the day and then I'll just have two savage cats.

Idk. I miss my dog. :(

On a lighter note .......

A dog trots into a butchers shop, just as the owner goes to shoo him out he sees $10 and a note in his mouth, the note reads: "10 lamb chops, please."
Amazed, he takes the money, puts a bag of chops in the dog's mouth, and quickly closes the shop.

He follows the dog and watches him wait for a green light, look both ways, and trot across the road to a bus-stop.
The dog checks the timetable and sits by the bench.
When a bus arrives, he walks around to the front, looks at the number and then boards the bus.
The butcher follows, dumbstruck.
After a while the dog stands on his back paws to push the "stop" bell, and then disembarks with the butcher behind him.

The dog runs up to a house and drops his bag of chops on the step. He barks repeatedly.
No answer.
He goes back down the path, takes a big run, and throws himself -Whop!- against the door. He does this twice more but still no answer.
The dog then jumps on a wall, walks around the garden, barks repeatedly at a window, jumps off, and waits at the front door.
Eventually, a little old man opens it and starts cursing and shouting at the dog.

The butcher runs up and screams at the man: "What the hell are you doing?! This dog is a genius!"
The owner responds, "Genius, my backside! It's the second time this week he's forgotten his key!"

Koru wrote:
It is like in Lord of the Flies, nobody controlls what is going on in the hearthlands, those weaker and with conscience are just fucked.
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Re: Pet thread

Postby zlob » Sun Aug 23, 2015 10:25 pm

Hope noone will beat me for posting in an old thread, but since it's sigged... I was raided by some koreans and have nothing to do, might as well post photos here.

I've got three cats.
One is called Merlin (don't ask me why) - only male, another one is Zuźka, and another one is Felka - both females.
Merlin is nine years old. We got him from a vet after our last cat passed away - he was sick and the vet told us that if the old one didn't make it, he would get us whatever kitty we want. And we got... him... he's dumb but we still love him! And he loves us back!

Zuźka is eight years old. We adopted her when her last owned dumped her under our balcony (we live in a block of flats, at ground floor) and she was meowing all day long begging for help until she could barely meow at all. We didn't really want another cat, but we couldn't just ignore her. She's very clever, though she doesn't like attention and will mostly growl at any attempt to pick her up off the ground or pet her. Unless she's in a good mood, then she's just like another cat. We think it's an emotional scar caused by being abandoned. (last thing that her owner did was probably pick her up and carry her in hands...)

Felka is probably a little bit more than one year old. One day we found her under the stairs in our block in a box with 5 kittens aboard. She was abandoned along with all the kittens. You know, kittens are fluffy and adorable and sweeeet, so they found new homes quickly. But who wants a mother? So she wandered around, getting more and more skinny, looking worse and worse, until we couldn't stand it anymore and adopted her too. She loves any attention she can get, loves being petted. Behaves like a dog (was raised with a dog presumably) - whips her tail when she's happy (contrary to what other cats do - whip their tail when nervous/angry) and she stands on her legs just like a dog. But she has an emotional scar too - after starving for a few days she now cannot rest until she eats every last bit of food available - often puking after overfilling her stomach.
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Re: Pet thread

Postby Amanda44 » Mon Aug 24, 2015 11:47 am

zlob wrote:Hope noone will beat me for posting in an old thread, but since it's sigged... I was raided by some koreans and have nothing to do, might as well post photos here.

:D - it's fine, most ppl posted at the start but it gets bumped every so often by new players or updates on Seven by me, lol, it's not 'old' anyway ... it's 'timeless'. :)

Thanks for posting and for including their stories. My neighbour works for a stray cat group of some kind, they go out and place food in the areas they know they frequent and try to rescue any kittens that are born, she herself sort of fosters them until homes can be found but like you say, no-one much wants the adults, she says they are often in a really bad way and not welcoming to humans.
Koru wrote:
It is like in Lord of the Flies, nobody controlls what is going on in the hearthlands, those weaker and with conscience are just fucked.
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Re: Pet thread

Postby zlob » Mon Aug 24, 2015 12:02 pm

Amanda44 wrote:they are often in a really bad way and not welcoming to humans.

From what I know it may depend on how they were raised - a wild cat (or semi-wild), raised without attention of people is less likely to trust them later on.
Kittens, I think I read somewhere, have to be petted in their early life (a few weeks) or else they will mistrust any attempt to touch them in later life.
Oh and it also depends on environment. Merlin liked to go outside (through the balcony) but one autumn he stopped and there was not an option that he would start going out again. Seems somebody threw (or maybe hit, who knows) him with a beer bottle - he's afraid of any green glass bottles. He doesn't trust strangers anymore.
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Re: Pet thread

Postby mvgulik » Mon Aug 24, 2015 12:13 pm

(Mandatory registration and micro-chipping of those that are cruel to animals or that can't handle the responsibility of caring for pets. :evil: )
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Re: Pet thread

Postby zlob » Mon Aug 24, 2015 12:50 pm

I think that severe punishment, while definetely deserved, would change very little. After all, it would be good if all those cases where animals could get any justice were 1% of all situations.
What I hate the most is the mentality of people. Animal is a mindless toy, has to be obedient and you can do everything to it because it's yours.
I don't want to insult anybody, but that's basically how people from villages think - horses, cows, cats, dogs are but tools to be used.
Dog has to guard the home. Blind? Kill or dump. Cat has to hunt mice. Too old? Kill or dump. Unwanted kittens/puppies? Kill or dump.
Also people tend to ignore animal problems. "It's just a cat/dog/whatever".
Until people have more empathy, there will be no change, sadly.
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