Grand Bazaar - CLOSED

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Re: Grand Bazaar - CLOSED

Postby MightySheep » Sun Jan 19, 2025 3:46 am

Kaios wrote:Sunk cost fallacy. They have spent so much time and effort learning and understanding the intricacies and interactions of the current combat system that everyone else should be forced to do it too. Not only that but also refining custom client features to provide greater advantages in this and previous iterations of combat.

They don’t care if everyone else thinks it sucks.

Not even slightly the case. I'm absolutely certain I would beat you with any combat system. You say sunk cost and talk about "intricacies" like haven pvp is this really deep thing lol it takes 10 mins to learn and a few fights to master idk wtf u smoking

@Tubby idk why u think my post was about u. I was just responding to the trap base thing

Antvgr wrote:I am pretty sure reaching 400 UA or MC would mean either not investing in any other skill at all(and I have been studying since world start), due to how skills cost higher the higher you go, or be otherwise much lower in other skills AND go out in full UA/MC gilded set, which means i cant hunt or do anything else. 400 AC is also extremely high number. When I said decently armored I meant I had ~q120 armor pieces, but 400ac is what, q300 steel full set?

I appreciate the number rundown, but it simply isn't feasible for hermits.

This is my stats I think its similar for most ppl I pvp with (probably average 6k lp/hr)
I just dont buy that you cant get 250 green MC or UA at this point. You said youre raising both? Thats obviously a big mistake. The whole pumping 1 stat thing is not done that much anymore because of equalization its just way too easy to stay inside x2 range so most ppl dont see the point trying too hard to pump 1 stat, its such a pain to multi account. We never used to have equalization now that we do have it I find it kind of amazing that people would still act like its an issue. I bet if you did the maths getting 200MC (+50 from gilds bare minimum) would require studying like 2 basic curios from the start or something lol.

Its like you put in absolutely no effort then decry that its too unfair. Sure, Its a lot harder to keep up with AC or attributes but on the topic of just being able to run away it kinda doesnt matter. You spam defences and people cant deal big damage through low openings, the enemy shouldnt be on your ass for long periods of time if you have any ability to run at all.

My main point in defending this pvp system is that its the best were going to get from a small india game like this. I honestly doubt anyone here can think of a better way to do it thats simple enough to fit this game and wouldnt require a ton of work. Its never going to be albion or some big studio tier mechanics. All the attempts to redo it sucked. This current system is actually good in its simplicity yet still requiring skill and teamwork and having low barrier to entry.
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Re: Grand Bazaar - CLOSED

Postby springyb » Sun Jan 19, 2025 8:52 am

Tubby_Squirrel wrote:The trailer and screenshots on the steam page and official site do nothing to make the player expect a hard core experience.

Read the store page.


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Re: Grand Bazaar - CLOSED

Postby Kaios » Sun Jan 19, 2025 1:55 pm

MightySheep wrote:Not even slightly the case. I'm absolutely certain I would beat you with any combat system. You say sunk cost and talk about "intricacies" like haven pvp is this really deep thing lol it takes 10 mins to learn and a few fights to master idk wtf u smoking

No matter what you say the facts are undeniable. There are very few players that care about the current combat system enough to engage with it and spend time learning it and even fewer that actively participate in any pvp at all.

Most players do not enjoy the combat nor is it even close to being one of the main reasons to play this game. If you seriously think this is the best combat system we are ever going to get then I can certainly assure you that no one will ever change their mind about how terrible it is.
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Re: Grand Bazaar - CLOSED

Postby Skrain » Sun Jan 19, 2025 3:36 pm

"his pvp system is that its the best were going to get from a small india game like this"

Its the best we'll get when incredibly stupid, ill meaning, cunts like yourself Sheep and Snail scream and cry and piss and moan when the other 99.9999% of the playerbase has a problem with a system that obviously is not functioning as intended. People can suggest the most reasonable change and yet its the same crew who will show up and cry about it, because the truth is you cunts have fallen into sunk cost. You don't want shit changed because you know this current system has entrenched skillless pvp that you exploit. In no other game have I encountered any group of people so resistant to change, if you think Haven is the peak of what PvP could be in a game like this, you are very very stupid.

PS: You saying PvP is skilled is hilarious
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Re: Grand Bazaar - CLOSED

Postby DDDsDD999 » Sun Jan 19, 2025 5:41 pm

Kaios wrote:There are very few players that care about the current combat system enough to engage with it and spend time learning it and even fewer that actively participate in any pvp at all.

Because the barrier to entry is way too high, and little incentive to try to scale it. Top stats and top quality gear take tons of hours to obtain and Jorbtar have done very little over the years to make it accessible to anyone but non-sweats, despite numerous suggestions.

No combat rework is going to increase the number of people capable of fighting when the vast majority of players get smashed in under 2 seconds because the difference in stats and gear is so vast.
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Re: Grand Bazaar - CLOSED

Postby MightySheep » Sun Jan 19, 2025 8:47 pm

Skrain wrote:"his pvp system is that its the best were going to get from a small india game like this"

Its the best we'll get when incredibly stupid, ill meaning, cunts like yourself Sheep and Snail scream and cry and piss and moan when the other 99.9999% of the playerbase has a problem with a system that obviously is not functioning as intended. People can suggest the most reasonable change and yet its the same crew who will show up and cry about it, because the truth is you cunts have fallen into sunk cost. You don't want shit changed because you know this current system has entrenched skillless pvp that you exploit. In no other game have I encountered any group of people so resistant to change, if you think Haven is the peak of what PvP could be in a game like this, you are very very stupid.

PS: You saying PvP is skilled is hilarious

I've just pointed out how dumb that argument is already so why repeat it like a brainlet? What changes did people cry about? Storm of swords being meta? So you wanted a system where people just have to press 1 button and dont have to coordinate or think about anything other than hammering 1 button on the keyboard? Thats your skill based system that were gatekeeping against? If not please tell me exactly what new system we prevented from happening.

Was it the clicking on rabbits? AKA 1 of the few small elements of skill expression. Yes people didnt want the game to get dumbed down even more its already way too simple. Youll find nobody is resistant to real "change", people are just resistant to making things worse. People liked equalizing UA and simplifying food system.

You can say theres absolutely no skill in current pvp and I would agree there isnt much but why is it that if you tried to join a big pvp fight youd probably be the 1st person to get KOd? Obviously there is some skill in pvp, not a huge amount but just enough for it to be fun and for the more skilled team to come out on top every fight. Gear, stats, number of players are really not even that important compared to just playing well and not making mistakes. Thats been proven time and time again. There was even 10v30 fights this world where there was multiple KOs and nobody from the 10 side got knocked. So you saying pvp has no skill is hilarious while you simultaneously spend half your day crying that you cant leave your walls because you lack the basic skill every pvp player possess to be able to run in a straight line. Which is why I think current skill level is perfect because this community is really not too smart it has to be this simple.
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Re: Grand Bazaar - CLOSED

Postby Virs » Mon Jan 20, 2025 7:33 am

Guys, forgive him, he's british and, most likely, starving. Even at perfection nutrition muricans and brits are merely capable of trying to convince you that 30 UA 20 MC hermit, who only started playing 6 days ago, is able to survive and outrun 50 waterskin carrying B12 +100 stat PKer who caught him rowing around in his dugout on the lake 14 grids away from his place.
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Re: Grand Bazaar - CLOSED

Postby SnuggleSnail » Mon Jan 20, 2025 7:44 am

Only 14 minimaps? That's not at all an unreasonable ask to run on a naked alt with a bucket. Like, obviously somebody who has no idea what they're doing is going to lose in most situations regardless, but if your extreme case hyperbole example is a situation where a decent but not even rly 'good' player would escape 99/100 times vs. the best players on the server I think you've at very least misidentified the problem.

Don't get me wrong, I'm team making every ""real"" character at least somewhat viable in PVP, industry easier, etc. But it's never going to matter how equal the numbers are if the game never teaches you how what to do at even a basic level
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Re: Grand Bazaar - CLOSED

Postby MightySheep » Mon Jan 20, 2025 8:29 am

I remember at the start of the world I had my annoying religious chat macro naked alt with a bucket at whatever bay and robben tried to gank it but I just kept max distance and held him in aggro for like 15 mins while he tried both chasing me and running away, desperately trying to lose aggro he practically did a lap around the whole province it was funny but nobody came to get him :(

We can debate all sorts of things about this combat system or how balanced it is etc but 1 thing thats not really debatable is how easy it is to run away from people and how big of an advantage the person being chased has. If you genuinely think you can't escape a 1 man gank on foot then you really are just lacking an extremely basic skill and you should do something about it. Like idk spend 5 mins practicing. The only thing that should be changed is forager+bunny slipper bonus should be made default like putting it on a cheap skill or something.
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Re: Grand Bazaar - CLOSED

Postby DonVelD » Mon Jan 20, 2025 9:16 am

clearly if they never try running they will always think its an impossible task that requires you to do 50 things at once, have 10000 stats and 1000 armor class while benefiting the person chasing (no)
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