Grand Bazaar - CLOSED

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Re: Grand Bazaar - CLOSED

Postby Virs » Mon Jan 20, 2025 9:28 am

It's so simple, guise. Just practise blank running for 5 minutes a day without such factors as stress, panic and adrenaline you'd normally face if you were a 6 days old sprucecap and god forbid you didn't know about having to turn off the trees, turn the bounding boxes on, changing the camera setting, wearing bunny slippers, clicking critters that have like 20 3D vertices, consider meadow/rock/dirt/clay landscapes while also right clicking a drink button at your best convenience while also avoiding aggressive mobs.

All very intuitive and commonly occured in vast majority of PvP based video games, especially the slippers thing. Speak about misidentification. I've no idea why you even start with the idea of majority of players being familiar with all the mentioned details as if it was common knowledge the first day you launch this game. For new player such encounter is more likely to be their last contact with the login screen of this game. I'm certainly not the first one to lay it all down to you but you're as biased as computer nerd who doesn't understand that common people have no adblock installed on their browser.
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Re: Grand Bazaar - CLOSED

Postby MightySheep » Mon Jan 20, 2025 10:15 am

First you scoff at the notion a low stat player can run from a high lvl player then I tell you an example where I've used naked alts with a bucket and had run indefinitely from a high stat/gear player and now you ramble on about trees and shit? Theres people in this thread complaining pvp is no skill, youre saying running in a straight line is too high skill. I really cant win with you people.

When I told you practice for 5 minutes I didnt mean every day I mean literally just 5 minutes, am I asking too much? We're talking about running in a straight line in a video game here and youre acting like its simply out of the question like holy fk what a turbo nerd I am to PRESUME ppl can spend 5 minutes to learn the absolute basics of staying alive in a perma death game. Yes a brand new player might panic and fail to escape from a 10 year veteran, that is certainly true. Maybe then they will take 5 minutes to learn how easy it is to stay alive? What other game would this not be true for lol since when can new players be expected to play perfectly in any game. The truly pathetic ones are those like yourself that are 10 year veteran and still making excuses why you shitted your pants and got KOd in 10 seconds when someone gank.

Like I said if you wanna discuss combat mechanics or stat/gear balance, theres room for argument there but theres no debate to be had with the chasing mechanics. Its kinda just basic common sense that if everybody is running at the same speed then whoever is in front will get all the speed boosts and should always be able to escape.
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Re: Grand Bazaar - CLOSED

Postby Tubby_Squirrel » Mon Jan 20, 2025 3:08 pm

Virs wrote:It's so simple, guise. Just practise blank running for 5 minutes a day without such factors as stress, panic and adrenaline you'd normally face if you were a 6 days old sprucecap and god forbid you didn't know about having to turn off the trees, turn the bounding boxes on, changing the camera setting, wearing bunny slippers, clicking critters that have like 20 3D vertices, consider meadow/rock/dirt/clay landscapes while also right clicking a drink button at your best convenience while also avoiding aggressive mobs.

All very intuitive and commonly occured in vast majority of PvP based video games, especially the slippers thing. Speak about misidentification. I've no idea why you even start with the idea of majority of players being familiar with all the mentioned details as if it was common knowledge the first day you launch this game. For new player such encounter is more likely to be their last contact with the login screen of this game. I'm certainly not the first one to lay it all down to you but you're as biased as computer nerd who doesn't understand that common people have no adblock installed on their browser.

Running from animals could be good practice. Intentionally get agro'd by a boar or something and just practice running without panicking. Could be made into a tutorial.
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Re: Grand Bazaar - CLOSED

Postby Tubby_Squirrel » Mon Jan 20, 2025 3:10 pm

springyb wrote:
Tubby_Squirrel wrote:The trailer and screenshots on the steam page and official site do nothing to make the player expect a hard core experience.

Read the store page.



Description is not screenshots nor video. So My post is still factually correct.
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Re: Grand Bazaar - CLOSED

Postby Kaios » Mon Jan 20, 2025 5:23 pm

DDDsDD999 wrote:
Kaios wrote:There are very few players that care about the current combat system enough to engage with it and spend time learning it and even fewer that actively participate in any pvp at all.

Because the barrier to entry is way too high, and little incentive to try to scale it. Top stats and top quality gear take tons of hours to obtain and Jorbtar have done very little over the years to make it accessible to anyone but non-sweats, despite numerous suggestions.

No combat rework is going to increase the number of people capable of fighting when the vast majority of players get smashed in under 2 seconds because the difference in stats and gear is so vast.

That is not what players in favour of the current system have been saying though. You've been arguing that anyone can jump into combat, running is not that difficult, stats are not that difficult and equalization lessens their impact, if you don't get to such and such stats it's because lazy/bad, etc. I don't necessarily disagree with you, for example there is certainly a huge disparity between the AC of a casual sprucecap vs someone that plays with a PvP mindset and is faction affiliated, but when have you ever been making those arguments?
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Re: Grand Bazaar - CLOSED

Postby DDDsDD999 » Mon Jan 20, 2025 5:54 pm

Kaios wrote:I don't necessarily disagree with you, for example there is certainly a huge disparity between the AC of a casual sprucecap vs someone that plays with a PvP mindset and is faction affiliated, but when have you ever been making those arguments?

You are mistaking me for MightySheep, I have a job. I have suggested many things to lessen the barrier of entry to PvP:

DDDsDD999 wrote:
  • Simplify animal breeding so optimal quality growth doesn't require literally thousands of animals. Remove breeding quality and individual quality %'s.
  • Do the stat equalization thing that was planned for world 15.
  • Some sort of gear equalization in PVP would be cool, so even smaller players that don't want to grind industry can still compete. E.g. some rare drops like gilding leafs/stones from various activities that you can plug into your weapons/armor, and makes them equalize vs high q gear, while not pushing your quality. These rare-drops could tie into those in-game events previously mentioned, and people with top industry wouldn't hunt for and hoard all these rare drops since they're specifically for lower q gear.
  • Shifting industry grind towards end-products (weapons, tools, armor), and away from infinitely raising anvil/workstation quality in general would be a good move imo. Factions putting in q10 inputs and still getting high q items because their tools are so high q is kinda silly. But it would require a pretty massive industry overhaul.
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Re: Grand Bazaar - CLOSED

Postby MightySheep » Mon Jan 20, 2025 6:14 pm

I dont have any issue with any of that shit, Im not a grinder at all. I hate stat grind and Ive spent almost no effort on it this world. I stopped eating for weeks at a time because its boring and it didnt really make any difference in fights when I fell hundreds of stats behind. LP is 100% lazy/bad issue, if you cant maintain equalization on a main while getting other skills you simply playing wrong. Its not even a new player issue, you could study dragonflies and water striders and stay in range.

You dont have to be able to compete or be able to win vs the highest players in the game. Why is that even a reasonable expectation when youre not putting in the same effort? All you have to do is be able to survive and you can because running favors defender. If you stay inside equalization range then just spamming defence and running in a straight line will be good enough.

If you do want to compete in pvp then like I said you can be hundreds of stats behind, 1/3rd ur opponent even and have much worse gear but with smart play, coordination, numbers etc you can still win. Zerg fights have often been filled with shield up players that have 1/3rd or 1/4th the stats of others and it didnt matter they were still able to play a role and secure KOs. That time we full killed felix in dungeon he have probably x2 my stats and x2 gear quality but we trapped him so it didnt matter, thats the beauty of sandbox. Half the gankers currently running around like headless chicken with mrage active would almost certainly fall for any kind of bait or trap if a new pvp group joined haven but had crappy stats and gear. Its about the player not being a bitch more than anything its just a different mental very rare in haven.
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Re: Grand Bazaar - CLOSED

Postby sloplive » Mon Jan 20, 2025 8:45 pm

springyb wrote:
Tubby_Squirrel wrote:The trailer and screenshots on the steam page and official site do nothing to make the player expect a hard core experience.

Read the store page.



Bold to assume most of the tards can read anything past the second line.
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Re: Grand Bazaar - CLOSED

Postby KwonChiMin » Tue Jan 21, 2025 1:17 am

MightySheep wrote:I remember at the start of the world I had my annoying religious chat macro naked alt with a bucket at whatever bay and robben tried to gank it but I just kept max distance and held him in aggro for like 15 mins while he tried both chasing me and running away, desperately trying to lose aggro he practically did a lap around the whole province it was funny but nobody came to get him :(

We can debate all sorts of things about this combat system or how balanced it is etc but 1 thing thats not really debatable is how easy it is to run away from people and how big of an advantage the person being chased has. If you genuinely think you can't escape a 1 man gank on foot then you really are just lacking an extremely basic skill and you should do something about it. Like idk spend 5 mins practicing. The only thing that should be changed is forager+bunny slipper bonus should be made default like putting it on a cheap skill or something.

Same guys without all the macro clients: oh mom how do i poo?
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Re: Grand Bazaar - CLOSED

Postby MightySheep » Tue Jan 21, 2025 1:42 am

whats a macro client? I made a chat macro in autohotkey which just sends text and presses enter lol

are we back to talking about made up shit now?
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