Declaration of Russian Jihad

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Re: Declaration of Russian Jihad

Postby Seizure » Sun Jan 24, 2010 10:10 am

a123 wrote:To the pair of fuckers, who massacred Bitardsk and Stalingrad:

There are 211 hearthlings playing. Lol, idiots. I doubt that the looting of Stalingrad, where lived less then 10 people, severely reduced the lags. Well, and what results you achieved from your Jihad? Well, you saved the world from the so-called "Russian invasion" and the terrible lags?

You really dumb enough to think thats all that is going to happen?
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Re: Declaration of Russian Jihad

Postby ElGato » Sun Jan 24, 2010 10:10 am

Reasoning behind Jihad:
It's fun killing you guys :D
burgingham wrote:We are all Gato, and Gato is Delamore of course. Goons blablabla...

Caradon wrote:Gato, the anti-ghandi

Sabinati wrote:yeah we're gonna kill you gato!!!
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Re: Declaration of Russian Jihad

Postby a123 » Sun Jan 24, 2010 10:21 am

Seizure wrote:You really dumb enough to think thats all that is going to happen?

It is already happened, if you don't know.
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Re: Declaration of Russian Jihad

Postby Paskal_07 » Sun Jan 24, 2010 10:31 am

It's really funny, but in each 10 kills there are 8 kills of normal players who come first from bay12 russian imageboard and only 2 newcomers from some crappy russian imageboards like your
It's the main fail of this jihad. As one of the russians say, bitards from imageboards have 300% surviving skill in any environment - they will come and come with new characters (not from main account) just to troll you and to show what you can not scary them.
Its not the way it works, guys. You just give them additional target in game - "grow up and revenge" - and they will recruit more players from friends and lags will be *really* huge (like now, 200+ players online, lol).
Also, i'm still alive. And you want to sleep, i know=)
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Re: Declaration of Russian Jihad

Postby Vesper11 » Sun Jan 24, 2010 11:39 am

If somebody posts a link on english imageboards, who are you going to kill then?
server lag will pwn you anyway

...oh and yea:
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Re: Declaration of Russian Jihad

Postby moor-i-arthy » Sun Jan 24, 2010 2:16 pm

Well this is true. Those imageboard guys will piss you out with spamming by new and new chars more and more.
And normal ones who just want to play and live in peace will be punished for it. This is not way it is working. But anyway the war has escalated.
Nothing can be stopped now just by pair forum posts.
Only possible solution is to wait for Jorb to solve lag problem imho.
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Re: Declaration of Russian Jihad

Postby Cookie » Sun Jan 24, 2010 2:50 pm

This has nothing to do with the lag, or the nationality of the new players. It's all about Wayneville.

Wayneville has a history.

First, they cheat. By cheat I mean deliberately concealing bugs in the game from the devs so that they can get as much of an advantage from them as they can.

Second, they are indescriminately malicious. The first clear historical record of this was when they were informed that the cheating they were doing was going to be stopped and rectified and they went on a killing rampage in retaliation, killing all the other players they could locate. In this instance the devs had to shut down the server to make them stop. Population was then concentrated around RoB and they were being successful in destroying the game for numerous other players.

To correct the cheating they did, the dev's cut the quality of all items that were above q100 to q10. This hurt a lot of dedicated honest players as much as it hurt Wayneville.

Continuing their history, Wayneville concentrated their pvp against villages and individuals who were playing as farmers and producers. Their liking for pvp was such that instead of looking for other players who wanted to fight, such as Delamore's crew, they chose to go after people who were unable to defend themselves.

Not unexpectedly given such carelessly directed aggressive traits, when one of their key players was assasinated, they assumed an inside job and promptly killed some of their own friends. Backstabbing as well as killing non-competitive players seems to be something that recurs in their group. Their forum presence cannot be called constructive, consisting mainly of threats, put downs, belligerance and other bandwidth wasters that discourage the exchange of useful information.

That they have now attacked newcomers, loudly justifying this on spurious grounds is a continuation of their expected behavior. It is probable that they only killed some very new players, and possible that the majority of those they killed were characters who did not yet have Will to Power and the capacity for any counter attack whatsoever. They don't actually like any kind of opposition. It's "fun" to kill other players but when one of their own number is successfully attacked they have a double standard that allows them to respond indignantly on the forum.

Like JTG, who went to considerable trouble to ensure that when the goons joined Haven and Hearth their welcome would be mistrust, fear and anger, Wayneville has set the grounds for an uneasy co-existance with the new settlers. The Russians will not know how many players resent them and wish to harrass them; they are likely to assume it is a number far greater than the few people in Wayneville who are bent on creating more unwilling victims.

I do not know how many people there actually are in Wayneville. Their pugnacity makes them appear to have much more than they do. Their role is now like that of the school bully who roams the school yard tormenting the vulnerable. Those who are less vulnerable are keeping their heads down, either because they feel it doesn't matter to them, or because they don't want to be the next to attract notice. Now a family of new kids has joined the school and the bully has zeroed in on them. It's only one village attacking the Russians, but I'm sure Wayneville will be delighted if the new arrivals end up assuming that there is anything remotely resembling universal hostility towards them.
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Re: Declaration of Russian Jihad

Postby Paskal_07 » Sun Jan 24, 2010 3:08 pm

Cookie wrote:Wayneville has a history.

Thanks for this history lesson, now we know who we fight with.
They will defeat someday, not by me, but by other angry russians (kinda trolled, coz' if you want not to die, you just keep you character offline - that's all).
Let it be.
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Re: Declaration of Russian Jihad

Postby moor-i-arthy » Sun Jan 24, 2010 3:19 pm

This lays some light on the situation. Thank you Cookie. I owe you one.
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Re: Declaration of Russian Jihad

Postby burgingham » Sun Jan 24, 2010 4:23 pm

lol. Kinda interesting that we have quite god relationships with almost all established players, only nubs or some shadowy alts created some days ago seem to rant against us.
I find most of your stuff quite entertaining cookie, only thing I have to strongly disagree with is that we are not productive at all. We now communicate with the devs about any bug we find and also have many, many posts in the critique and bug section. But it is of course always easier to create a black and white picture of the world, than to actually try to find out the truth.
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