[W4] Two Players Looking for Village

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[W4] Two Players Looking for Village

Postby Ysh » Mon Jan 10, 2011 4:34 pm

Greetings all, I am posting this on behalf of myself, Ysh, and my friend, Levybreak.

A bit of background on the two of us before I say any more: We first started playing this game in world 2. There were three of us and we set up a small settlement next to a mulberry tree working towards the skills needed for finding a mine. Much to our distress, this turned out to be quite impossible due to the lack of mines from being so late into world 2, and we later lost interest in the game. A few months or so later I decided to see if anything interesting had gone on and noticed the world was reset yet again. Our same group decided that this time if we could not find a mine, we would trade for the metals we need from one of the more prominent factions. We again got the skills needed to search for a mine, and much to our surprise Levybreak had actually found a mine on the western border of the map. After a long several hour trek down there, we discovered the mine was actually several tiles outside of the bounds of the map, and after a period of rage, we moved on. After moving a while we decided to stop because "this spot is as good as any." We established a village, rather downtrodden due to the hope of having found a mine stripped away, but life went on regardless. Later, whilst scouting our new surroundings, it was discovered there was an abandoned mine very close to our settlement, and we of course acquired it at once. Having now become somewhat set-up as a village, we began recruiting other real-life friends until our village was a decent size of 8 people. Eventually, interest among the others faded, despite our successes, and our well-oiled machine dissolved to a pile of rusted scrap. Then of course comes the world reset, a new world for a new chance. This time, as Levybreak and I are seemingly the only ones still interested in the game, we've decided we will attempt to team up with other like-minded individuals and go even farther than we have previously.

We were unable to get anywhere in worlds 2 or 3, so we've decided to mix things up and try again in world 4.

We are both in the Eastern Time Zone, UTC -5, and are able to play for several hours a day. We would prefer if any potential villages:
-Use English as the primary means of communication
-Are active, dedicated players (hopefully with at least a few in/around our time zone)
-Use some form of VoIP (not as important)
-Are somewhat established, not "well, if you join us we're up to 3 people!"

Who is this Ysh character?
Now, I supposed I should post a little about myself. My name is Ysh, or at least that's what I'm going to tell you, and as said in the backstory, assuming you bothered to read it which you probably didn't, I've been around since world 2, even if I wasn't a prominent player by any means. In our previous groups, I generally just picked up whatever skills we were lacking, and therefore wouldn't have a problem with doing any sort of job in the village. I'm not above paving a road, but not below complicated tasks. I know a moderate amount of the game mechanics, and therefore shouldn't require much instruction on how/why to do something. It may/may not be worth mentioning that I was the Lawspeaker of my previous village, although not exactly because I was determined the most qualified (although I probably was, or at least a top pick), but mainly because nobody else wanted to spend the 20k LP on it. My point is that if something needs to be done, I'll try to get it done if it's possible. I'm not quite sure what else to put here, so if you have any other questions about pretty much anything, feel free to send me a PM.

Who is this Levybreak character?
I am a hardworking friend of Ysh's, here. I can stay on about as long as he does in the US Timezone, on most days of the week. I am enthusiastic about technological progress, and was incredibly active in our last village, and, in fact, was the last player to long on there. I also have a jabber account set up that I've been using to monitor trespassing on my property, and it works quite nicely. When it said someone had trespassed on our village claim and I found the scent, I immediately searched the area for the likely suspects (found 'em), warned them against any actual theft in the future, and then had Ysh log on and shut the gate (Which was open for the now-inactive-people's convenience, since they could never be bothered to get their travel weariness down). I consider myself a vigilant player. I prefer to be a smithy (been my goal since day 1, I don't care what you say, being a smith rocks), with an off-spec into combat if need be (shared stat: strength, ofc.), but I will conform to any role, aside from silk harvester, as that is way too damn time-sensitive. We've tried that before, it's hard. In our first village attempt in world 2, I was manual labor all-around guy. I had the long-term goal of grinding up smithing and making high-Q goods. In our world 3 settlement, I actually achieved this goal, but we never acquired tin (I was the only one willing to travel to Sodom/Nople w/o fast travel across 3 supergrids) because a crash/bug/error caused me to have to go back/lose goods to trade all 6 times I went there. Not fun. Attempting to not-crash while in a boat is pretty impossible when it's the server itself crashing. But yeah, our friends went inactive (quite abruptly) and the village has been sitting in the twilight of low-authority for the last few weeks.
Anyways, I just like to be a contributing member of an active, social village with mah bros.

Yes, this was long, but we needed to be different than all of the other threads, yes? If you have any questions or are interested in recruiting us, either post here or send either myself (Ysh) or Levybreak a PM.

If you are welcoming new hearthlings into your fold, please send me (Ysh) a PM with the following:
-Name of village
-Most active timezone(s)
-Open jobs
-Goals as a village
-Any out-of-game/forum contact information, we're on steam daily, and both have most other communication services as well

I wish you all luck in the new world, may the ancestors smile upon you.
Kaios wrote:Spice Girls are integral to understanding Ysh's thought process when communicating, duly noted.

I have become victory of very nice Jordan Coles Contest! Enjoy my winning submit here if it pleasures you.
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Re: [W4] Two Players Looking for Village

Postby Levybreak » Mon Jan 10, 2011 4:34 pm

I approve of this message.
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Re: [W4] Two Players Looking for Village

Postby Lusewing » Mon Jan 10, 2011 4:43 pm

Beautiful written and i wish you all of luck in your quest
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Re: [W4] Two Players Looking for Village

Postby Gh0stw0lf » Mon Jan 10, 2011 9:02 pm

Hello Ysh,

Before I go into a long speech about how I would enjoy having you amongst a comrade to count on let me say this - your grammar, structure of your post and frankness of yourself and situation is what prompted me to post this in hopes you are not yet recruited.

I am the Chieftain of Mourningwood/New Mourningwood. I do not wish to prolong this post any longer than it needs to in such a public thread, should you require more info or are just interested I will be happy to converse through Skype. That being said, let me delve straight into my proposal. In World 3, My villagers and I were not as successful as we wished to have been, not because lack of drive but because of extenuating circumstances outside & inside the game. However, this will no longer be an issue and with a new world comes a fresh new start.

Thus, I am looking for like-minded individuals (like yourself) to join us not as a villager or an outsider, but rather a potential founding figure in a brand-new, great village. The list of those who stand alongside me now are at least 3 but quantity of players is not a factor but rather quality. So now that you've read that, I hope you take this deep into consideration and you can either reach me through PM or in this very thread. I look forward to hearing from you and moreover - working alongside you.

Best Regards,

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