Game Development: World 5

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Re: Game Development: World 5

Postby Junkfist » Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:05 am

ewlol wrote:Social medicine in its current state is not a working practice. You probably can't even call it "social" medicine. The solution is to make it so people are required to purchase insurance (from a private company no less).

Ok in all seriousness,

You'd like to make it a legal mandate to buy a product from private industry as the path toward controlling the evils of unchecked capitalism?

This isn't just stupid, it's tragically stupid.

Really, how do you think Crony Capitalism gets its legs?
Last edited by Junkfist on Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Game Development: World 5

Postby hungrycookpot » Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:05 am

loftar wrote:
ewlol wrote:So you think we should let homeless people who are sick die and wither away in the streets and crazy people kill and harm others, because they lack the funds to pay for their own treatment? Im sorry but I just so completely disagree with whatever you might be implying.

And at the same time, by your own admission, social medicine isn't working in practice. How, then, are you able to suggest it as the solution to this problem? "Something must be done! This is something; therefore, it must be done!"

Social medicine isn't working in the same way that True Communism isn't working. It's never been a fair, uncorrupted, unbiased shot at working. If social medicine was given an honest shot at being a fully funded and viable system without having to resort to appeasements and half-measures because of the constant nay-saying of conservative elements there is absolutely no reason it wouldn't work. In fact works perfectly well in many countries, even with corruption and inefficiencies.

The system that was just put into place in the US will probably not work in the long run, because it is not a full out social medicine program, it's the shell of a good intention which was all that Obama had the balls to put past the Republicans.
Last edited by hungrycookpot on Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:07 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Game Development: World 5

Postby Rhiannon » Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:06 am

loftar wrote:In case it really isn't obvious to you: Obviously, there isn't anyone who actually believes that there shouldn't be good health care for everyone. The real question is how such health care is actually obtained. What reasonable people realize is that it doesn't happen through any action of the government.

Really? And a Swedish pothead knows about American health care from? Ever seen the movie Sicko? Dude, in this country, if you go to casuality (Emergency room) with 2 severed fingers they'll quote you a price on each one and ask you to choose if you don't have the money to pay...LOL THAT'S THE TRUTH! They WILL let SICK CHILDREN DIE if the HMO decides the treatment costs too much. I KNOW such things are SO unbelievable to those outside the USA that they shake their heads and say "You're full of it" because in YOUR country such things would be so shocking it WOULD be unbelievable. But here, it is true. Sure the republicans want health care IF you can pay for it. HERE when you go into casualty the first question they ask is NOT "what's wrong" but "Insurance card please"!. There are been people who have DIED from trying to sew themselves up with homemade stitches by needle and sewing thread or fishing line. People's get kicked out of their homes for morgaging their houses of 30 years to try to pay for an operation! Canadians buy SPECIAL Insurane vouchers from their government before they travel across the border because they are THAT scared of our medical health care system and are afraid of getting caught init when they come down here...Sorry man but that just pissese go back to doodling little curios until your stoned ass comes over here and catches the flu one good time and see how your totally UNINFORMED opinion changes.
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Re: Game Development: World 5

Postby nicklepontius » Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:09 am

ewlol wrote:This is the most ridiculous thing I thing I have ever read in my entire life.
0 Doctors? What on the fucking earth are you smoking.

P.S. Ain't nobody saying FREE universal health care, bro.
P.P.S. How much Glen Beck have you been watching lately? Wait, make that Fox News in general.

Is it that you're for ignoring rules placed on governments, or for no rules at all?

What is universal health care? Can you tell me what it is? It's not just a paradigm of health care, it's someone from government enforcing a system, right?

Who is going to have to implement universal health care? Do you suggest the federal government? Have you read Art. I, Sec. 8? Why do you want Congress to exercise a power the do not have? What is the point of granting Congress any power if they can exercise every power?

Of course "free" or not "free" universal health care is not going to be free, especially for those service providers who are now under some governmentally enforced mandate. How can it be universal without the mandate, a mandate which forces one thing or another, and those people being forced with be any of the following: doctors, hopsitals, insurance, etc.

0 doctors (or 0 insurances, etc.) is a thought experiment: what if all persons who are now in that profession dropped it? How would universal health care be implemented? So to whom is it fair to constrict those persons simply because of those professions they have chosen? How far away from slavery would we be willing to approach to implement this universal health care?

As for foxnews derogations and implications, you should know that I very aware of the two-party tag-team of tyranny who regularly break the rules for government, for which a federal health care bill is but a single example. But it is the example for several pages on this thread. I don't watch this foxnews and I knew that government had rules to follow, too, long before glenn beck, whom I also don't watch, became some 'popular' tv figure.

I don't understand why people are so obsessed with force at the federal level. Why not just try to put through universal health care some lawful way? It's clear that decades and decades of lawbreaking have given people the wrong idea about their government, each lawbreaking making the people think it is more right, and each people asking their government to break more law leading to more lawbreaking.

Could you please provide something less ridiculous than violating the supreme law of the land?
Last edited by nicklepontius on Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Game Development: World 5

Postby pyrale » Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:10 am

loftar wrote:And at the same time, by your own admission, social medicine isn't working in practice.

It's working in France.
jorb wrote:
Joseph Sobran wrote:Stuff[/url]
So why exactly should anyone vote ? Doesn't rich people benefit from roads, police and all the infrastructure ? Therefore, they're benefiting from the government's actions, and shouldn't be given the right to vote. This is about the level of idiocy of your quote.
Last edited by pyrale on Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Game Development: World 5

Postby Junkfist » Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:11 am

Hi I'm Rhiannon I learn everything I know from Michael Moore and Alan Grayson please remove my uterus before I breed.
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Re: Game Development: World 5

Postby sabinati » Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:12 am

sabinati wrote:
Serpensio wrote:
FireSplitter wrote:
People who are doing this should be exterminated. For stopping the "stupidity" spread among the increasingly fewer people with brain.
<3 Communism!
FO! :twisted:

Unfortunately for you, Communism actually supports stupidity, and lazyness, and poor education, and following the crowd.

but america isn't communist??

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Re: Game Development: World 5

Postby jorb » Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:15 am

pyrale wrote:So why exactly should anyone vote ?

I ask myself that all the time.
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Re: Game Development: World 5

Postby howyadoin988 » Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:16 am

Alecela wrote:
howyadoin988 wrote:
Rhiannon wrote:health..except MURDER where we rank number 1...

Do you mean total number of murders or number of murders per capita?

You're my honorary friend now. He of course means murders per capita :)

Thank you kind sir/ma'am/it/furry/person/thing.
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Re: Game Development: World 5

Postby pyrale » Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:18 am

nicklepontius wrote:Of course "free" or not "free" universal health care is not going to be free, especially for those service providers who are now under some governmentally enforced mandate. How can it be universal without the mandate, a mandate which forces one thing or another, and those people being forced with be any of the following: doctors, hopsitals, insurance, etc.

0 doctors (or 0 insurances, etc.) is a thought experiment: what if all persons who are now in that profession dropped it? How would universal health care be implemented? So to whom is it fair to constrict those persons simply because of those professions they have chosen? How far away from slavery would we be willing to approach to implement this universal health care?

So let's imagine every single weaponmaker in the world decides to stop working ? Slavery or second amendment violation ?
jorb wrote:I ask myself that all the time.

Yay, let's go for no government, somalia style then. Problem solved :d.
Last edited by pyrale on Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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