
[ARCHIVE FOR WORLDS 1&2]Forum for discussing in game politics, village relations and matters of justice.


Postby Yolan » Mon Sep 07, 2009 4:04 pm

Well my fellow Hearthlings, a brave new age is finally upon us. The sun sets on our tired old world, and rises on an unknown horizon, untread by man. The trees shiver in fear of the coming iron storm. The bears cower in their woodland nooks!

Well, with the half-arsed prose that this occasion requires aside, to the point!

What are we going to see unfold over the first few weeks, and months, of this new world? The specifics will remain to be seen, but I think we all know that first and foremost, there will be a rush as prepared players seek out good land for their bases to be. Many may well set up temporary bases so as to supply themselves with the necessary equipment and experience to push out even further, seeking to distance themselves from the annoyance of nosy no-gooders.

Be that as it may, what of the middle? What of Brodgar? As I have posted in another thread on this board, I would like to see some form of settlement near the RoB, which can serve as a place for newbies to be well-met and well-treated, and for people to come from their far flung settlements and trade. I would also like to see this place as an experiment in Hearthling democracy.

So, I call on you my good hearthlings, let us build a city of Brodgar! Let it outshine the Athens of yore in its splendorous boulevards and fine buildings!

The first step is simple, and starts in a few hours: Those people of good will, who want to see a democratic and welcoming city near (not encircling!) the RoB, and are willing to give civilization a chance rather than running off into the deep woods, please meet up with me.

The first thing is to stake out a nice spot, and gather necessary materials. One of us will need to claim the general area as an initial precaution, and add the others as kin. Over several days, we lay out the initial design of the city, and find as many members as we can to join us in out work. All of good heart are welcome. Troublemakers beware!

After that, we get a village totem up, and take our first vote on who will be Chieftan, who will be Lawspeaker. The Lawspeaker should be willing to actually start to write up some initial laws for the city, for all citizens to abide. These laws should be passed by majority vote.

That is more than enough detail for now. If you agree with the general aim of this post, and want to help, please PM me, or write in this thread. See you at the RoB!! Lets make H&H history!
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Re: Brodgar!

Postby Peter » Mon Sep 07, 2009 4:12 pm

I admire your project.
I can't promise that I'll stay, but I'm sure I can help in the beginning.
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Re: Brodgar!

Postby Yolan » Mon Sep 07, 2009 4:16 pm

As I see it, trade is going to be so much more important in this next world, and the central area near the RoB makes a natural choice for situating a center of trade. A 'Brodgar' city would be perfect, if set up well.

My suggestion would be, (and I make no claim to being the guy calling the shots on this, that would be up for vote), that the city sets aside land that can be leased (rent payable to a central city treasury), for commercial use. Imagine a central trade square, next to which there are warehouses/shops selling the best resources brought in from distant parts, artisans buying those resources to make good quality items right there in their shops, and people coming to buy those items.

People have noted on these boards of the difficulty of trading when you are only around for so much of the day. But what if you were assured of a safe, walled warehouse within a central city, with a square nearby perfect for hawking your best produce?

This is one of the many major potential benefits for the world of a central city... Lets go to work!
Last edited by Yolan on Mon Sep 07, 2009 4:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Brodgar!

Postby Yolan » Mon Sep 07, 2009 4:16 pm

Peter wrote:I admire your project.
I can't promise that I'll stay, but I'm sure I can help in the beginning.

Thanks Peter! Many hands make light work. At the end of the day, it is up to us if we want to avoid the squalor and sprawl of the first world repeating itself again in this one. A no-build-zone might well extend some space around the RoB, but do we really just want heaps of small scale, soon abandoned wreckage going out for miles and miles?
Last edited by Yolan on Mon Sep 07, 2009 4:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Brodgar!

Postby Etienne » Mon Sep 07, 2009 4:29 pm

I'll probably join, at least for a while (I'm still new to this game so I'm not sure how I want to play yet, or even for how long I'll be playing for that matter).
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Re: Brodgar!

Postby poltifar » Mon Sep 07, 2009 4:51 pm

I might pass through at first to help build the infrastructure and whatnot, and supply myself at the same time. But only if I am guaranteed safety. I dont feel like dying to some random spawnkilling griefer.
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Re: Brodgar!

Postby Yolan » Mon Sep 07, 2009 5:02 pm

Here is my suggestion for a simple layout. Imagine it as being somewhat more symmetrical. Excuse my paintshop horror!

We place the city a short walk north of the RoB. A brick (or eventually stone?) wall would surround the base, with a wide tree-lined avenue taking us up to a meeting/trading square. This square stands before the inner courtyard, which houses the key buildings of the city-state, such as the 'Hall of the Hearthlings', where we meet for voting/law related goodness, and perhaps have a treasury, a militia base (with jail in future if game mechanics permit?), and so forth.

Basically, I think anybody should be able to set up a house in the residential district for free initially, providing they actually live there, and don't claim land for their private use. No farming inside the city. Build your own farm outside for that. However, in the future, I would say that some rent should be payed by all residents, which would go towards paying for weapons for a militia, and free goodies for newbies, etc.

EDIT: On second thoughts, perhaps one or two of the residential squares should be for _communal_ farming/newbie training area, but if you want to grow your own crops for commerical purposes, then you need to do it elsewhere.
Last edited by Yolan on Mon Sep 07, 2009 5:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Brodgar!

Postby Yolan » Mon Sep 07, 2009 5:05 pm

Etienne wrote:I'll probably join, at least for a while (I'm still new to this game so I'm not sure how I want to play yet, or even for how long I'll be playing for that matter).


poltifar wrote:I might pass through at first to help build the infrastructure and whatnot, and supply myself at the same time. But only if I am guaranteed safety. I dont feel like dying to some random spawnkilling griefer.

Well, I have some skill in unarmed combat, so hopefully we will be OK. But I'm not in the position to guarantee anything at the end of the day. The world is a dangerous place, but by working together we might make it safer/pleasant for those that visit in the future. Your call.
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Re: Brodgar!

Postby poltifar » Mon Sep 07, 2009 5:09 pm

Well then I'd prefer to not join this project yet then, because I have low unarmed, and I have no doubt that griefers will fall on us the moment we try to build this 'safe haven for newbs and main trade center' thing in such an easy-to-find-and-access way.
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Re: Brodgar!

Postby Yolan » Mon Sep 07, 2009 5:17 pm

I am hoping a few strong people will want to see this get off the ground, and help us out. Low strength annoying jerks can be dispatched easily enough.

To those strong folks who like a bit of evil shenannigans, my request is to direct it towards those stronger individuals who will be out in the world, amassing riches.

The success of this settlement mean more players in the long run moving out into the world = more target for you to steal from/harrass. So, you might want to consider putting us in your good books for the time being if you have any code of honor.
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