Disconnected, and now this. D:

The worst monsters in the Hearthlands warp the fabric of space and time..

Re: Disconnected, and now this. D:

Postby HornedOni » Thu Mar 22, 2012 3:45 pm

This keeps getting more mindboggling:

I just did something I'm decidedly not supposed to do: Tunnel my HnH traffic through my work VPN on the laptop. Tunneling to the main office: DOES NOT WORK. Tunneling to the same place I was earlier when the vanilla client worked on the laptop: Works, both on vanilla and Ender's.



Both of my workplaces have decidedly more anal firewall settings, so this makes me want to bang my head on the wall.

Edit: Just repeated the above thrice to make sure this is not by coincidence. Work VPN: Works, over here, does not. Just tried resetting my network adapters, flushing DNS cache, changing DNS server, rebooting the router. No go.

Login via the VPN takes noticably longer, but it's surprisingly lagless otherwise.

Edit2: My guess is that -something- blocks a connection that is supposed to be established through which mapdata is transferred to the client. Hence blank minimap and no ground. Something stops this from occuring over my own network, but not over one of the work networks. And this happens only if I log in to old locations, in some instances, primarily when I'm close to or on other people's claims, not when I return to hearthfire. Any idea what that could be?
Last edited by HornedOni on Thu Mar 22, 2012 4:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Posts: 22
Joined: Sun Mar 18, 2012 3:13 pm

Re: Disconnected, and now this. D:

Postby Snk » Thu Mar 22, 2012 3:53 pm

Based on your last post, is it company laptop or set up by your company? If so that might explain it working over VPN but not otherwise.If not try disabling your FW, if still nothing then your home router might be at fault. Lastly when you said you cleared caches did you clear java ones as well? As in http://www.java.com/en/download/help/plugin_cache.xml. If not try doing that and then run vanilla client.
ps all those ideas are looking for a problem, i don't claim i have the answer :/
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Re: Disconnected, and now this. D:

Postby HornedOni » Thu Mar 22, 2012 4:00 pm

To clarify:
My desktop at home: Does not work, black ground, can't move.
My work laptop at home over my own connection: Does not work, black ground, can't move. Internet works normally otherwise. I'm the IT guy for this company, I set the damn thing up myself.
My work laptop at work: Works fine.
My work laptop at home using VPN to tunnel to internet via work internet connection: Works fine.

Sadly, I can't take my own desktop to work to see if the game works there. :p

Clearing the java cache does not help.

As much of a troll as jock is being in his own thread, this has piqued my curiosity:

jock wrote:i also seem unable to log in now and just get a black screen. or the game freezes. or it logs in with no ground image

Same symptom, at least.

In my case it's not the beltfile, though.
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Joined: Sun Mar 18, 2012 3:13 pm

Re: Disconnected, and now this. D:

Postby Snk » Thu Mar 22, 2012 4:30 pm

Well, i'm officially out of ideas now. Sorry i can't help you.
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Re: Disconnected, and now this. D:

Postby HornedOni » Thu Mar 22, 2012 4:37 pm

Looking at the network monitor: Through the VPN, I see connections on port 80 of the game server opening and closing regularly. Through my own connection, only one connection ever opens during login, then none after that. Same behavior on both computers.

The game seems to register a listening port each for ipv4 and ipv6 on a random UDP port. Maybe my own router cocks up the mapping somehow and the server can't talk to my computer for one reason or another.

I guess I'll be looking at my router settings some more.
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Re: Disconnected, and now this. D:

Postby mvgulik » Thu Mar 22, 2012 7:09 pm

One thing that seems to missing to me is:
Did you get some error message from the clients.
- For this you need to start the clients with "<...\>java.exe <...>" and not "<...\>javaw.exe (or "start <...\>javaw.exe <...>".), And a additional "pause" is advice also. (in case some of the error text is spit out after you close the client.)
-- The <...> part are optional leading(path) or trailing setting. And the quotes are not part of the commands.

Example: (what I use as bare client starter.)
Code: Select all
java.exe -Xms256m -Xmx512m -jar haven.jar moltke.seatribe.se

- - -

HornedOni wrote:Maybe my own router cocks up ...

As it is the general thing that's is (assuming) the same for all your home computers. Its definitely a suspect. (if you can borrow some other router. And the problem disappears when using that one ... you know for sure. (knowing where the problem is, is important. Or else you might screw up things that are actually working ok.)

Don't like things like routers/hubs/network/etc, so can't really help with that. Other than suggesting you drop some specs (model, type, etc) on that router. If its a bad one, others might already know.
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Re: Disconnected, and now this. D:

Postby HornedOni » Fri Mar 23, 2012 7:27 am

I don't seem to be getting any errors output to the console when launching the game in the way you suggest.

I tried switching off all port rules, firewall options etc. in my router and updated the firmware, but that doesn't help. I'll try to get another router to test somewhere, but that might take me a while.

To explain what I'm currently testing against:
I have two characters, one on my own claim, one on someone else's claim that I have full access to.

The one on my own claim works fine, until I instead move it to another claim or near a village claim. If I get disconnected/thrown back to the login screen near a village I get this problem. Since my hearth is on my own claim I can get out of it fine, though.

My other character is on a friend's claim and also has it's hearth on my friend's claim. That one always gets this problem, and I can't just get out of it easily since the hearth is on there. If I walk this character off of the claim far enough, I can log in to old position without this problem occuring.

In both cases things are fine if I use the work VPN instead.

If I first log into the first character (which works), and I then log in into the stuck one without closing the client, the ground -does- show up, but I still cannot act in any way.

For all intents and purposes, the client seems to fully lose connection in that situation (after a few seconds there is no network traffic going on), but the client never moves back to the login screen. Sometimes I -do- get bumped back to the login screen moments after login, though.
Posts: 22
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Re: Disconnected, and now this. D:

Postby Pascal666 » Sat Mar 24, 2012 8:37 pm

What happens when you connect your laptop directly to your modem?
If this does work you should try resetting your router to factory settings, and reconfiguring it.

The blackout of mapdata usally only occurs when there is something wrong with your client, in your case receiving corrupt data I assume.
So far if I've read correctly you have eliminated your pc, your client, or the server to be the cause. The only thing left is either your modem or your router.
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Re: Disconnected, and now this. D:

Postby HornedOni » Sun Mar 25, 2012 12:16 pm

Alas, the DSL modem is integrated into my router, or I'd have tried that already.
Posts: 22
Joined: Sun Mar 18, 2012 3:13 pm

Re: Disconnected, and now this. D:

Postby HornedOni » Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:53 am

Bump. Just got this when it happened this time around:

Exception in thread "Haven UI thread" haven.UI$UIException: Wdgmsg sender (haven.IButton) is not in rwidgets
at haven.UI.wdgmsg(UI.java:226)
at haven.Widget.wdgmsg(Widget.java:277)
at haven.Widget.wdgmsg(Widget.java:279)
at haven.SlenHud.wdgmsg(SlenHud.java:299)
at haven.Widget.wdgmsg(Widget.java:279)
at haven.Widget.wdgmsg(Widget.java:272)
at haven.IButton.click(IButton.java:76)
at haven.IButton.mouseup(IButton.java:95)
at haven.UI.mouseup(UI.java:316)
at haven.HavenPanel.dispatch(HavenPanel.java:338)
at haven.HavenPanel.run(HavenPanel.java:388)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

Edit: More:

javax.media.opengl.GLException: haven.GOut$GLException: GL Error: 1281 (invalidvalue)
at javax.media.opengl.Threading.invokeOnOpenGLThread(Threading.java:271)
at javax.media.opengl.GLCanvas.maybeDoSingleThreadedWorkaround(GLCanvas.java:410)
at javax.media.opengl.GLCanvas.display(GLCanvas.java:244)
at haven.HavenPanel.uglyjoglhack(HavenPanel.java:363)
at haven.HavenPanel.run(HavenPanel.java:392)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
Caused by: haven.GOut$GLException: GL Error: 1281 (invalid value)
at haven.GOut.checkerr(GOut.java:81)
at haven.TexRT.fill(TexRT.java:78)
at haven.TexGL.create(TexGL.java:63)
at haven.TexGL.render(TexGL.java:89)
at haven.TexRT.render(TexRT.java:66)
at haven.Tex.crender(Tex.java:85)
at haven.Tex.crender(Tex.java:89)
at haven.GOut.image(GOut.java:116)
at haven.MapView.drawmap(MapView.java:1278)
at haven.MapView.draw(MapView.java:1427)
at haven.Widget.draw(Widget.java:290)
at haven.RootWidget.draw(RootWidget.java:113)
at haven.UI.draw(UI.java:150)
at haven.HavenPanel.redraw(HavenPanel.java:268)
at haven.HavenPanel$1.display(HavenPanel.java:91)
at com.sun.opengl.impl.GLDrawableHelper.display(GLDrawableHelper.java:78)
at javax.media.opengl.GLCanvas$DisplayAction.run(GLCanvas.java:435)
at com.sun.opengl.impl.GLDrawableHelper.invokeGL(GLDrawableHelper.java:194)
at javax.media.opengl.GLCanvas$DisplayOnEventDispatchThreadAction.run(GLCanvas.java:452)
at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue.access$000(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue$1.run(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue$1.run(Unknown Source)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.security.AccessControlContext$1.doIntersectionPrivilege(UnknownSource)
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(Unknown Source)
Exception in thread "Haven UI thread" javax.media.opengl.GLException: haven.GOut$GLException: GL Error: 1281 (invalid value)
at javax.media.opengl.Threading.invokeOnOpenGLThread(Threading.java:271)
at javax.media.opengl.GLCanvas.maybeDoSingleThreadedWorkaround(GLCanvas.java:410)
at javax.media.opengl.GLCanvas.display(GLCanvas.java:244)
at haven.HavenPanel.uglyjoglhack(HavenPanel.java:363)
at haven.HavenPanel.run(HavenPanel.java:392)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
Caused by: haven.GOut$GLException: GL Error: 1281 (invalid value)
at haven.GOut.checkerr(GOut.java:81)
at haven.TexRT.fill(TexRT.java:78)
at haven.TexGL.create(TexGL.java:63)
at haven.TexGL.render(TexGL.java:89)
at haven.TexRT.render(TexRT.java:66)
at haven.Tex.crender(Tex.java:85)
at haven.Tex.crender(Tex.java:89)
at haven.GOut.image(GOut.java:116)
at haven.MapView.drawmap(MapView.java:1278)
at haven.MapView.draw(MapView.java:1427)
at haven.Widget.draw(Widget.java:290)
at haven.RootWidget.draw(RootWidget.java:113)
at haven.UI.draw(UI.java:150)
at haven.HavenPanel.redraw(HavenPanel.java:268)
at haven.HavenPanel$1.display(HavenPanel.java:91)
at com.sun.opengl.impl.GLDrawableHelper.display(GLDrawableHelper.java:78)
at javax.media.opengl.GLCanvas$DisplayAction.run(GLCanvas.java:435)
at com.sun.opengl.impl.GLDrawableHelper.invokeGL(GLDrawableHelper.java:194)
at javax.media.opengl.GLCanvas$DisplayOnEventDispatchThreadAction.run(GLCanvas.java:452)
at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue.access$000(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue$1.run(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue$1.run(Unknown Source)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.security.AccessControlContext$1.doIntersectionPrivilege(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(Unknown Source)

Edit 2: Actually, the second batch of exceptions is unrelated to my main problem. They happen when I try to log into the game over a remote desktop connection. If I log into the game at the other computer first, then take over the session via remote desktop, it works. If I try to log into the game over remote desktop, the above exceptions are thrown.
Posts: 22
Joined: Sun Mar 18, 2012 3:13 pm


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