The politics in runecake making and other blingbling

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The politics in runecake making and other blingbling

Postby Rador » Wed May 22, 2013 3:33 pm

burgingham wrote:
loftar wrote:I don't see what you're implying that I have done. How did anything of that have anything to do with Coles' relation to the happenings in this thread? Or anything else in this thread, for that matter? Or anything else that didn't happen three years ago, for that matter?

So, uh...what about my evidences I gave you about Dis using clients that intentionally lag others? How is that hearsay or anything. That guy posted on these very forums that he abused this shit.

On top that Coon dude...Alex? (too lazy to look it up now) just posted here that they know dozens of server crash options they used in the past.

Jeez...when will you guys wake up and wipe your game off this filth and make it attractive to honest players again? I mean sure, that is easier said than done, but it seems to me that since they started to kiss your ass in Salem you forgot they only act like this to get the better of you and are able to play their dirty games with the support of the devs. That is what Sarchis pic hints at.

People like Coles, Arheolog etc do not belong on the side of your advisors, they deserve a kick out of any gaming community they stick their dirty noses into.

loftar wrote: I have long wanted to bring down a raeghammer on them too, but I've never been able to find out who they were.

This is kinda hard to believe when you make JC a mod on your other game's forums and consider inviting people like Arheolog to the Inner Party of this game...

ewlol wrote:Loftar, you know AD members account were not stolen by brute-forcing, rather hacking into email? I don't know why you are looking for brute-forcing evidence... of course you will never find it if it wasn't used in the first place.

I am having trouble believing that there isn't an shard of electronic trail that reveals who it was that stole 20++? accounts from AD and then subsequently destroyed the city from the inside-out, regardless of your nuking.

You have made it seem like you spent hours trying to fix the effects of AD's DoS, but you haven't spent much time, if any at all, investigating the REASON why they did the DoS in the first place.

As it was said by A.D. members, their private client keylog all accounts and send it to email. That email was hacked and all accounts was taken from there. I think they punish themselves with such things.

Do you see this Loftar: That guy publically admits to stealing other people's email accounts (or at the very least being personally associated with the person who di it) and justifies it by saying he stole from thieves. That is just plain disgusting and you collaborate with such people?

He admitted two times to such actions now in this thread and you still are not on your god account and nuke his fucking city from your game?

Well, I am glad there are several people showing pretty good progress having HnH emulators by now, because this game is lost forever on the public server if there nothing done immediatly.

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