Apoc Lite

Forum for alternative clients, mods & discussions on the same.

Moderator: Phades

Apoc Lite

Postby Xcom » Fri Sep 20, 2013 9:43 pm

Apoc like was initially meant as a continuation of the Ender client made by Ender. The features added are meant to a bridge the gap between the private clients and a public one. At the same time make improvements with more features and fix the bugs. The features added was meant to steer away from scripts so a large audience could find it acceptable. It will be worked on till the end of this world. Any feature suggestion are welcome and will be happily added if possible.

The latest version of the client can be found here.

Apoc lite / Apoc Script release v.05.17.2015
version name: Pathfinder update

Download Link
Works cross platform.

Extract and run the client from the run.bat.
Do not drag and drop on old version as this is a larger update. Simply grab a fresh copy and try move old files into the corresponding folders.
Password and login data is saved in the following location: "C:\Users\[windows user name]\.haven\loginInfo.conf"

Virus scan on file. Link

Github link


Apoc lite hotkeys:

Ctrl + Shift == fast access to pathfinder
Ctrl + Shift + Flower option == fast flower menu pathfinder access
Ctrl + V == toggle pathfinder

Apoc script:
Page up == opens script UI
Page down == closest script UI
Ctrl + Shift + Alt == enables rally selection
Backspace == area selection or rather referred to as position by landmark (PLM)
Delete == stop script
World click (walking left mouse click or right mouse click, not the middle mouse button) == stop script

Multi session:
Ctrl + Page up == switches to next session
Ctrl + Page up == switches to previous session
Ctrl + End == closes session
Ctrl + Double Right Click == closes session
Shift + Double Right Click == clicks any "Yes" button in all forms (useful for accepting party and oath)
Double Right Click == locks said session for any click events

Text fields (turn on from Options menu):
Select text with Left Mouse Button. Alternatively use Shift + Left or Right arrow keys.
Double click will select the paragraph.
Ctrl + A will select all text fields.
Ctrl + C will copy selected text.

Shift + G == Turn on server grids.
Ctrl + Home == Bring all windows into view.
Shift + Right Mouse Button + Flower Menu Open == Select first flower option without hovering over the option. Spam right click for best effect.

Item hotkeys:
Alt + Right Mouse Button == Transfer items with same name, lowest quality first.
Alt + Left Mouse Button == Transfer items with same name, highest quality first.
Ctrl + Alt + Right Mouse Button == Drop items with same name.
Shift + Right Mouse Button + On Seedbag == Opens seedbags, transfers to the last opened container. Make sure to open or reopen the container after the seedbag windows have been opened.
Shift + Ctrl + Alt + Right Mouse Button + On Seedbag == Sorts seedbags and picks up the highest quality seed for shift planting.

Alt + Right Mouse Button == Transfers the items sold into the barter-stand out.

Toggle hotkeys:
Ctrl + A == Turn on auto drinking. See options window under Combat tab for more adjustable options.
Ctrl + Z == Turn on miner safety. See options window under Addons tab for more adjustable options.

Alt + S + Hovering cursor over:
Items on the Ground == Pickup all items with same name.
Cows, Sheep, Pigs == Tag animals with orange halo for easier animal domestication.
Shift + S + Hovering cursor over:
- Items on the Ground == Pickup all items with same name in a small area around the first item.
- Cows, Sheep, Pigs == Untag animals with orange halo for easier animal domestication.

Combat targeting:
Up or Down - To scroll through combat targets during combat.
Shift + Scroll - To scroll through combat targets during combat.
Double Click + Combat Skill == Auto cast combat skill on target at the top of the target list.
Single tap attack: Shift + Combat Skill == Manually cast a combat skill. To prevent auto casting when single tap attack is turned on.

Shift + Left Mouse Button == Place on primary auto slide.
Ctrl + Left Mouse Button == Place on secondary auto slide.
Alt + Left Mouse Button == Place on tertiary auto slide.

Shift + Landscaping == Turn on auto landscaping over a selected area.
Shift + Feast Button == Eat all foods when sitting at a table.
Right Mouse Button + Tea Buff Icon == Turn on auto tea logoff. (Client will turn off when 100% tea buff have been reached)

Older hotkeys:

General Hotkeys:
Alt + C == Mute chat.
Ctrl + S == Start typing in Area Chat.
Ctrl + F == Turn on FPS meter.
Ctrl + D == Turn on debug menu.
Ctrl + G == Turn on tile grids.
Ctrl + H == Turn on hide objects.
Ctrl + K == Toggle object rendering of objects outside view.
Ctrl + L == Toggle Land Management for measuring areas.
Ctrl + O == Open options menu.
Ctrl + P == Turn on object highlighting.
Ctrl + X == Turn on X-ray.
Ctrl + B == Open Kin window.
Ctrl + N == Toggle night vision.
Ctrl + T == Open Character window.
Ctrl + I == Open Inventory.
Tab == Open Inventory.
End == Take screenshot.
Home == Center camera on player.
: == Open command prompt.
Keys A to Z == Hotkeys for options found in the build menu.
F1-F12 or 0-9 or Numpad 0-Numpad 9 == Hotkeys for the hotbars.

Shift + Left Mouse Button == Create rally points to walk from point to point. (v10.15.2014 works when sitting in a boat as well)

Ctrl + R == Cycle between run speeds.
Alt + Q == Set speed 1.
Alt + W == Set speed 2.
Alt + E == Set speed 3.
Alt + R == Set speed 4.

Inventory and Items:
Shift + Scroll == Move items in and out of containers. (Works with curio inventory as well)
Shift + Left Mouse Button Items == Move items in and out of containers.

Character Window:
Scroll Hover Over Character Stats == Increase or decrees character stats.
Shift + Scroll Hover Over Character Stats == Increase or decrees character stats by factor of 10.
Ctrl + Plus Button of Character Stats == Maximize the levels that can be bought with unspent LP.
Ctrl + Minus Button of Character Stats == Remove all levels in selected skill.

Full Feature List
First Update: 2013 13 sep

- Fixed the camera bug (ONLY on the fixator cam for now)
- Fixed a few null pointer exceptions.
- Fixed the crash without going to loggin screen.
- Fixed the rounding calculation made reducing the accuracy of placement of objects and signs.
- Alt + Right click on items - Transfers selected items with that exact name (i.e. items that are exactly the same) from inventory to container or vice versa.
- Right click on the ISBox to instantly transfer items into a sign. ISBox is the small box in the build menu with individual material types.
- Shift Right click on the ISBox to instantly transfer items out of a sign.
- Alt + Shift move around - By holding Alt + Shift you can now move around holding items on the mouse cursor.
- Added three check boxes in the Options menu:
1. Edged tiles giving edged tiles (increases FPS slightly).
2. Open game on max window on start up or without.
3. Fix for the broad leaf tiles.

Second Update: 2013 26 sep
- Added mufflan and auraches in the minimap.
- Removed the annoying animal circles around animals, except on boars and bears.
- Added a hide blood, ridges, village idols and mining supports to the hide objects menu.
- Auto sliders, to move your belief sliders.

Third Update: 2013 19 nov
This version contains some of the most requested edits in general.
-Added automated flask drinking
-Added mining safety
-Added double tap on combat moves auto casting on top most combat image
-Added quick pickup script to pickup items from the ground

See page 2 for more details.

Fourth Update: 2013 24 dec
This was not an easy update to add. Hope you all enjoy and Merry Christmas to you all. :)

-Added a fully supporting multi char and auto login feature.
-Added buttons for Auto Drinking, Miner Safety and Pickup Items.
-Added an adjustable key to connection of the auto flask.
-Other general bug fixes regarding combat crashes and login crashes.

A small note: the Character save files are saved in the Users/.haven/loginInfo.conf file. I am unsure how this might affect the mac and linux clients. If you have issues please report and I will try and find a fix.

Fifth Update: 2014 19 jan
Huge update with about every possible bugfix and feature that ever been requested. The Alt bugfix will become very relevant when updating to the new java 1.8 for windows users.

-Added pink rams.
-Added barter stand quick item output.
-Added player lines based on kiln color.
-Added Soft HP combat damage on top combat portrait
-Stole flask meters from romovs client ¦]
-Added LP per hour on both curios and in the study window.
-Added memorizing night vision and hide objects.
-Ctrl + Home forces windows into view distance.
-Added 3 different types of targeting markers for combat.
-Added percentages of damage on objects.
-Added check boxes to options menu so most things can be toggled on or off.
-Added the satellite features to options window. USE WITH CARE!

-login bugs
-F10 and Alt release fixes

Here is a nice picture I made for the update.

At this point there are only 2 minor features that are left to add. I could add them if anyone is interested but it seams its just about every possible fix there is to add other then straight up scripts. But as it stands I want to avoid using scripts on this client so its more mainstream and useful for everyone. Hopefully people can report any bugs so I can try and plug them swiftly. Enjoy.

5.1 Update: 2014 25jan
Managed to track down and plug the bugs that was reported sense last update.

Also managed 3 smaller features.
-Added single button combat action, hold shift to cancel auto attack for manual attack.
-Added mini combat info on top of targets.
-Added auto tracking on login.

Apoc Lite Update: 2014 17 feb
As a lot of people had problems with the client I made heavy edits to the old Ender client, updated the res collection and ran a filter to correct the hitbox data. The finished client got a few new folders and files added and I ziped the files based on a 32 bit and a 64 bit ready for download, unzip and simply run. On top I added all the suggestions I was ever asked for and renamed the client to Apoc Lite, based on the lighter version of the client its based on.

Features added in the latest update:
-Added auto hearthing to village instead of hearth fire.
-Added a pink color to female silk moths.
-Added a full hide mechanic in the options menu.
-Added a color scroll bar for changing the color of hitboxes.
-Added a focus hide button for hover and hide of individual res objects.
-Added animal tagging using Alt + S to tag and Shift + S to untag domesticated animals.
-Added disabling of map saving.
-Added server grids toggled with Shift + G and red lines on regular grids to show map grid lines.
-Added sound alerts through various world object appearances, aggro mechanics, deaths of characters and pearl crafting notifications.

-Fixed view box on minimap showing true view box based on server grids.
-Fixed hitbox corrected res files.

Here is a nice picture of all the latest features.


Apoc Lite Update: 2014 19 mar
After a lot of experiments I managed to find a hotfix for the problem. The client should now forcefully locate the original neg files found in the haven-res.jar and load them from there. This means custom res files no longer causes hitbox problems. There might be rare instances where this type of hotfix might mess up so please report bugs.

I did also include the most popular custom res files in the "custom_res" folder. If you dont like them simply delete them and the client should go back to the original graphics.

-Fixed the custom res hitbox problem
-Added popular custom res files in the "custom_res" folder

Apoc Lite Update: 2014 04 may
Found and squished the bug that messed up the hotfix from the previous update. Also managed to add the features that people requested.

-Fixed the hitboxes for good this time.
-Added the qwerty bar. Note that the qwerty bar will disable the hotkeys found in the same keys on the keyboard. It can also be removed from the options window.
-Added a checkbox for enabling and disabling sound ID memorizing as well as a button to clear the IDs. This checkbox will basically make it so the same target wont repeatedly play a sound when walking in and out of the view distance and the button will remove the IDs that it has memorized so the sounds will be played again when the same object shows up. Warning! Take caution disabling sounds outside of combat as snipers can take advantage of it.
-Added both village claim and personal claim memorizing. The client will remember what state it was in even after reboot.
-Added speed memorizing similar to above.
-Fixed the blood hitbox showing up when not needing to.
-Added a secret feature. (Boars turn into wolfs during full moon. They wont show up on minimap and they don't have the red circle boars and bears have.)

Apoc Lite Update: 2014 16 may
Added a few more features and fixed a few bugs.

-Fixed a few bugs and removed a few exceptions that caused crashes.
-Fixed a few missing food and curio information's that wasn't showing.

-Made a separate combat tab in the options window and moved check boxes around.
-Added a volume control for alerts.
-Added accurate max damage to all weapons, note the damage can be off by 1 damage because of rounding.
-Added a feature to scroll through combat targets with mouse scroll wheal while holding shift key down.
-Added a toggleable option to force drink from the flask when switching targets and having any moves on a target. This will break combat moves on a target making it easier to switch targets. Note that its vital to have the correct flask key in the options menu hot keyed or this will not trigger.
-Added a very popular request to make first flower action easy accessed. Holding shift will auto-click the first flower option instead of closing the flower menu making spam right click on different objects easily access the desired flower action. The flower action will not automatically queue, the 2nd right click will trigger it. Note that in some instances undesirable flower options can be chosen automatically because of this.

Apoc Lite Update: 2014 07 aug
The script update.

-Added auto landscaping for harvesting crops, paving stone, turning grass and stumping mudflat over a selected area.
-Added auto feasting food on a table. Note the foods will be eaten from left column to right column.
-Added automated log out after 100% tea buff.
-Added drying time on items in a herbalist table.
-Added timers on cheese in cheese racks.
-Fixed more accurate curio timers.
-Added auto dropping of ore and junk curios during mining.
-Added a toggle option to turn of auto drinking so automated flask refilling can be used.
-Fixed more accurate buff icons. Tracking, criminal and swimming should now be properly synced with server.
-Added a new option of combat display.

Apoc Lite Update: 2014 15 aug

-Fixed the tracking bug where it sometimes showed incorrect direction going east.
-Fixed the tracking numbers so they show proper degrees now.
-Added broadcast tracking to other Apoc clients, broadcast is sent to the current chat so you can even send it privately. Small downside is that your location will determine the tracking pie so don't move around or the broadcast pie will end up offset from your own.
-Added different hitbox color options for crops.
-Added a transparency meter to hitbox colors.
-Added URL linking in chat. This way any URL links starting with "http://", "https://" or "www." will auto detect as URL links and can be clicked to open in an external browser.
-Added chat logging to save all chat logs in a folder found in the main directory similar to maps.
-Added quick sorting of seeds in seedbags by Shift + Ctrl + Alt + RMB on a seedbag inside the inventory.
-Added quick seed extractions from seedbags by + RMB on a seedbag inside the inventory. Make sure to reopen the window you want to extract into after seedbags have been opened.
-Changed hotkeys around too
+ Ctrl + Alt + RMB drop all items with similar names.
+ Alt + RMB or LMB will transfer items with same name to or from the inventory, RMB or LMB will transfer with highest or lowest quality first.
-Added more togglable options in the options menu.
-Added an option to revert to custom neg incase hitboxes are not displayed correctly.
-Added option to disable flavobjes.
-Fixed varies bugs relating to incorrect cheese timers.
-Fixed a few build descriptions.

Apoc Lite Update: 2014 17 aug
Bugfix update

* Fixed the animal maiting animation.
* Fixed a bug that caused crashes to login screen.
* Fixed other fep, craft and curio info.
* Changed hotkey for miner safety from Ctrl + S to Ctrl + Z as it interfered with other hotkeys.
* Some other aesthetic changes.

Apoc Lite Update: 2014 18 aug

* Fixed the small bug that caused the crashes on v.08.17.2014. Really hope there are no more surprises.

Apoc Lite Update: 2014 15 okt

* Added the boat rally when holding Shift + LMB.
* Text selection, make sure to turn it on in the Options menu / Addons.
* Added kin search.
* Added small numen window.
* Holding shift will center the tree plantation when using a sprouted tree.
* Fixed some bugs.

Apoc Lite Update: 2015 27 jan

* Updated client to newer version of openGL
* Added kritter highlights and minimap icons
* Added double click on ground, auto targets closest target in combat
* Added Multi Hotkey combat moves in same belt slot
* Added Overview for easier targeting and aggroing
* Added auto crinimal on login
* Added sound for finished timers
* Added few useful hotkeys including
- Right Mouse Button for disabling auto cast on single tap
- Ctrl click objects for lifting said object (optional)
- Space to teleport to Hearth fire (optional)
- Ctrl + Space to teleport to Village
* Added default hotkey for recetting to a preset hotkey setup
* Added hotkey to expand personal claim faster using Ctrl or Shift
* Added a strange requested feature for calling WORLD STAR in fights
* Moved belt files into belts folder
* Moved config files into config folder
* Moved jogl files into lib folder
* Fixed critical hidden background windows that caused ban from server after death
* Fixed flask hotkey for qwerty bar
* Fixed a few combat hotkey bugfixes

Apoc Lite Update: 2015 28 jan
* Fixed a typing bug that caused double type events

Apoc Lite Update: 2015 09 april
* Seperated Apoc lite and Apoc script
* Added scripting UI and API
* Added Auto Compiler for scripting
* Added party lines for combat
* Added party circles and fixed incorrect display of said circles
* Added hotkey for scripts
* Added a very "stable" version of auto aggro
* Added extended numpad hotkeys
* Added object counter in Landwindow
* Added display for boats on land
* Added transparancy for objects as walking behind them, Added options for disabling said highlighting
* Changed hidden slen circle icon
* Changed Ctrl + Left click for lift to Ctrl + Right click
* Finalized scripting API, script drawing, script UI and auto compiler

Apoc Lite Update: 2015 15 april
* Multisessioned the client
* Added the Overview
* Added flask refill amount
* Fixed combat double and single tapkeys
* Added combat sword disable option
* Added fast scroll while holding shift
* Added slen half circle hiding and moved buttons to the menu
* Fixed the freestyle camera bug
* Fixed bugs relating to chatlog saving
* Fixed proper chatlogs in private PMs

Apoc Lite Update: 2015 28 april
* Added full pathfinder support to main client
* Added multiple new scripts
* Added Blue Thunder
* Added hunger amount to all foods
* Fixed bugs introduced from last update
* Fixed flask drinking to work smoother in combat

Apoc Lite Update: 2015 17 may
* Fixed pathfinder to work in most instances
* Fixed flower menu bugs
* Fixed flower menu script bugs
* Fixed multiple scripts

Older versions
First Update: 2013 13 sep

Ender source code with the changes. Link
Ender compiled based on the source code above. Link
To use the haven.jar. Download and update Enders to v02.04.12. Then just replace the haven.jar downloaded from the the link above.

Second Update: 2013 26 sep

Source of update 2. Link
Compiled version of the source update 2. Link
Extract the content inside the rar file into your haven folder replacing old haven.jar and adding other res files.

Third Update: 2013 19 nov

Download link for the third version found here.
As before simply paste the content of the winrar file on top of a freshly installed and updated Ender Client.

Fourth Update: 2013 24 dec

Download link for the fourth version found here.
As before simply paste the content of the winrar file on top of a freshly installed and updated Ender Client.

Fifth Update: 2014 19 jan

Download link for the fifth version found here.
As before simply paste the content of the winrar file on top of a freshly installed and updated Ender Client.

5.1 Update: 2014 25jan

Download link for the 5.1 version found here.
As before simply paste the content of the winrar file on top of a freshly installed and updated Ender Client. Or drag, drop and overrite over older versions of this edited version of Enders.

Apoc Lite Update: 2014 17 feb

Download 32bit version here.

Download 64bit version here.

Apoc Lite Update: 2014 19 mar

Download 32bit version here.

Download 64bit version here.

Apoc Lite Update: 2014 04 may

haven.jar found here.
Simply replace the haven.jar on top of the (Apoc lite 2014 19 mar) client and replace the old haven.jar.

Apoc Lite Update: 2014 16 may

haven.jar found here.
Simply replace the haven.jar on top of the (Apoc lite 2014 19 mar) client and replace the content from this version.

Apoc Lite Update: 2014 07 aug
Update files found here.
Simply replace the content of this zip file with the client (Apoc lite 2014 19 mar).

Apoc lite v.08.15.2014

64Bit version link

32Bit version link

Apoc lite v.08.18.2014
version name: Mating Bugfix

64Bit version link

32Bit version link

Apoc lite v.10.15.2014
version name: Text Selection

32Bit version link

64Bit version link

Hotfix for 2 known bugs that will cause crashes. Please update with the following file.

Replace the haven.jar with the one found in the main directory.

FAQ and Installation guide

Installation guide
1. Download the client from the download link in the main page.
2. Unzip the client to the desired location on your hard drive.
3. Double click the run.bat to start the client.
4. If the client doesn't start or a crash happens. Look at the bug section for more details.

Warning to all custom res users
Do not place any custom res files into the "res" folder, make sure to place all custom res files into the "custom_res" folder. If your experiencing issues with hitboxes or crashing issues it could be due to this problem.

Bug reporting
Make sure to paste the console error in the description of your bug report. If you don't see any console printout then you can follow this guide to get the console printout. Without any console printout or detailed descriptions the bug tracking becomes impossible.
Please include this in the report:
1. Operative system and other drivers as graphics card if known.
2. Client version.
3. Possible steps you took to get the error.
4. Most importantly, console printout.

Q. I crashed and there is no console to aid in the bug report.
A. Place a pause in the run.bat. There is a detailed description here.

Q. Can I use the code in my client.
A. All code in this client are free software similar to the original haven source. You are free to use it in your client or other free projects. Links to the source would be appreciated.

Q. I have a suggestion, can you add it.
A. All suggestions are happily added. Some of them might be impossible to add, but gladly post in the thread and an attempt will be given to include it into the client.

Q. I want to add other resource packs into the client. Is this possible.
A. The client have a custom_res folder where you can add all the customized resource packs. Make sure to not place them in any other folder as it can cause problems otherwise.

Q. How does the scripts included in the client work.
A. Go to this link for more details.

Q. Some of the short keys don't work.
A. You might have enabled the QWERTY toolbar. The QWERTY tool bar disables the hotkeys in the corresponding keys.

Q. Can you help me with a script.
A. I would gladly help but as my time is limited I would suggest to post your questions so others can possibly aid in the problems you have.

Q. Are there guides for how to script in the client.
A. In the coming future there will be a simpler guide but right now there isn't one.
Last edited by Xcom on Sun May 17, 2015 4:22 pm, edited 108 times in total.
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Re: Upgrading the ender client

Postby ghost347 » Sat Sep 21, 2013 1:06 am

Sweet man I know you have been talking about doing this for a time now but now that you have done it I think it is epic and I hope ppl will like it

and if ppl are wondering if it is safe or not I can say that Xcom would never do anything to hurt any players all he dose is try to help others and I have been using these updates myself for a few weeks now and I love them
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Re: Upgrading the ender client

Postby NOOBY93 » Sat Sep 21, 2013 1:10 am

Just a heads up, alt shift changes keyboards.
For example, from Cyrillic to Latinic.
It will fuck up for people with special keyboards such as Russians.
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Re: Upgrading the ender client

Postby Xcom » Sat Sep 21, 2013 1:15 am

NOOBY93 wrote:Just a heads up, alt shift changes keyboards.
For example, from Cyrillic to Latinic.
It will fuck up for people with special keyboards such as Russians.

Thanks for that advice. I dono what key combo to use for mouse item disable. Maybe Alt and Ctrl?

One more feature I forgot to add to that list would be quick item pickup. A script to pickup items from the ground very very fast.
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Re: Upgrading the ender client

Postby NeoBasilisk » Sat Sep 21, 2013 6:18 am

What is broadleaf tile fix supposed to do? I have both coniferous and broadleaf tiles in range when I toggle it, but nothing seems to change.

Edit: Never mind. I guess you have to restart the client for the difference to take effect. Very nice!
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Re: Upgrading the ender client

Postby windmaker » Sat Sep 21, 2013 6:37 am

insert some engine bot and the client can be better..
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Re: Upgrading the ender client

Postby Xcom » Sat Sep 21, 2013 11:17 am

windmaker wrote:insert some engine bot and the client can be better..

Intentionally didn't add any bots or scripts to make these changes as generic as possible. It was meant for public use as to make sure non-botters would like the changes as well. If people like the changes enough Ender might add them to his public client updater.
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Re: Upgrading the ender client

Postby Timothy123 » Mon Sep 23, 2013 9:57 pm

I think there is a problem with the combat cause when I enter aggro I crash this only started when I downloaded this :(
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Re: Upgrading the ender client

Postby Xcom » Tue Sep 24, 2013 1:48 am

Timothy123 wrote:I think there is a problem with the combat cause when I enter aggro I crash this only started when I downloaded this :(

Thanks for reporting. I'll look into it.

If anyone else wants some of the other listed features please comment.

Edit: took a 2nd look, dono if this problem is related to anything I tweaked. Could you give a description on when this happens.
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Re: Upgrading the ender client

Postby Timothy123 » Tue Sep 24, 2013 4:49 am

Xcom wrote:Thanks for reporting. I'll look into it.

If anyone else wants some of the other listed features please comment.

Edit: took a 2nd look, dono if this problem is related to anything I tweaked. Could you give a description on when this happens.

Well when I would aggro a animal or person with a move I would automatically crash I re-downloaded the old version and it was fixed this may have just happened on my computer i will re-try this again and tell you any further information
Also I like these ideas-
- Add mufflan and auraches in the minimap.
- Remove the annoying animal circles around animals, except on boars and bears.
- Add hide ridges and village idols similar to the blood hiding.
- Quick pickup script to pickup items from the ground very fast.
- Auto sliders, to move your belief sliders.

Edit/: ok I re-downloaded and it's not so much crashing just freezing so I still have the problem /:
Last edited by Timothy123 on Tue Sep 24, 2013 5:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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