Global Newbie Network (GNN)

Forum for discussing in game politics, village relations and matters of justice.

Global Newbie Network (GNN)

Postby kakarot » Tue Jan 07, 2014 12:18 pm

Hello all and thanks for taking the time to read over our proposition to you. It

@mods: Not sure if this should be In Congress or in Dwarves and thieves, we're not actively recruiting members per say, but after seeking diplomatic discussion between other villagers and ourselves.

What is the Global Newbie Network, or GNN for short?
The GNN idea formed a long time ago, between myself and a bunch of friends in real life, who took to this game with great enthusiasm but found it very difficult to master (don't get me wrong, it's a good thing). We found that starting out, especially after the world has began, can be very tough and demoralising, especially when your palisade that you've worked so hard over get demolished in 5 minutes. We who run the GNN, wish to provide FREE assistance to all types of players, although predominantly aiming towards new players, hermits or other small settlements that aren't yet advanced enough to form villages - A sort of "loose alliance".

What types of assistance do you offer?
Here is a small list that we have created so far, that we think will benefit most players, it is a work in progress and we are open for discussion on what we can and can't help with, they are also subject to availablility:

Palisade bashing service
If you need a palisade broken down in your village, for whatever reason but don't have the strength or time to wait for a ram then we can come to you and remove that tiny mistake/Grief in minutes
Ram Service
Similar to the Palisade service, however, mostly aimed at things like mistakes in brickwalls, you place the ram and we'll come help bash it down should you not have the strength to do so alone.
Protection from raiding parties and or tracking of scents, this is subject to a lot as we'll need to assess each situation individually to determine the risk of our own
We offer low to mid tier curiosities, to all those that need that little bit of help raising thier character(s)
Essential Equipment
Backpacks, Waterskins/Flasks, Scythes, Metal Cauldrons, Pickaxes, decent cutting tools
Safe Steel Industry
We have a steel industry, safe behind brickwalls - we will fuel and make sure the steel stays a light (useful if you're going from palisade to brickwall)
Brick baking
We are offering assistance in the form of spawning alts, where ever you may be bricking to help dig clay - We also have a clay node of our own that we can bake bricks at and teleport to you, depending on distance.
Essential materials
Deer Antlers, Bear Teeth, Bones, Glue, Tree Seeds, Crop Seeds

Why are you doing this, and what do you get out of it? There must be some sort of catch?
Well, this question is a gooden, basically we the owners of the Global Newbie Network, will get access to what we hope, will become a vast crossroad network, from which we can better help the community by providing more assistance to even those out of scope and posting on the forums. We also get that warm fuzzy feeling of doing good deeds in a virtual world, you'd be surprised how good it actually feels. :3 So the TL;DR is that we get a CR to outside of your settlement or a place close by.

How will you keep the crossroad hub safe and where is it located?
Secret and again, secret. This information is only given to those who NEED to KNOW it. That's how we shall keep it safe.

What faction are you apart of?
We are not part of any faction, just a bunch of friends who formed a village, who have seen hard times and good times, we know how hard it can be for new players beginning the sometimes long journeys to a self sustained life.
We know how hard it can be when some ass spends 5 minutes locking you inside your palisade, which took you months to build. So if you're a hermit and or a smaller village that doesn't have the luxury of being besties with a
big faction, then PM myself today, I'm sure there will be something we can help you with at some stage.

Do you want to contribute to the Global Newbie Network?
Things you can help with are:
- Low quality metal, for things like repairing plows, stone mansions and other such things that will make life for new starters and small settlements easier.
- Curiosities in any form
- Village idol materials, such as bones/antlers/Bear teeth
- Warriors! If you join the Global Newbie Network and wish to help provide warriors for the front line and people to pilot them, then we will assist you in building a combat character on the merit that you will assist others
part of the Global Newbie Network, obviously there is more to it than this, so you'll need to discsuss more in private with me at a later stage when we start taking in extras.

Is my village too small/large to join the Global Newbie Network?
Not at all! All are welcome for assistance, we will help anyone :)

How do I know you won't just raid us?
Well nothing I say will ever convince you 100% that the Global Newbie Network will never raid you. You simply have our word, which I claim I honor. As a sign of good faith, all those that sign up to be part of the Global Newbie Network
will be given a basic care package, which will consist of basic things you and your village need at that point.

How does the alliance work, are we all some part of a mega alliance?
No, this is why I use the term "Loose Alliance" While we are all working together, ultimately you are not in the same alliance - meaning those that are part of the Global Newbie Network, are advised against telling anyone they
are part of it. We realise that if you are to proclaim you are part of this alliance, then raiders will obviously come seeking some fun, which is the exact opposite of what we want. We want to avoid confrontation when possible
as we prefer peace and diplomacy over the clash of steel. This means that if your village wants to raid others, they can do so without the guilt of raiding someone in their alliance, however, this does not mean that you are safe from us, if you do come knocking on someone who is part of the GNN, the defenders always take priority.

Recruitment! and taking in those that need refuge!
Has your palisade been bashed down again, are you tired of repairing and getting no where? Well the GNN is currently recruiting! We have a large space, specifically built for new players, or players that wish to seek a home. Plot sizes vary depending on how many people you'll be sharing your plot and what tasks you intend to take out. You will be part of our main village, however, this new brickwall is located a fair distance away from our main village but still under the same village claim.

You will get access to whats nessisary to do tasks, such as mines, industry although it is still being setup.

We also offer plots of land, under our village claim, but outside of our walls. This means that you can still live the hermit life, have almost 100% control over what, where and how you build, but it must be under our village claim (that way we can set you up with CR's and such, and you still have access to industry and the like)

We have space for around 20-50 players, so please apply today, we'd love to have more people in our soon to be bustling village :)

Have I missed anything? This is a somewhat rushed idea, that has only really started to eventuate now so if I have, ask away, we're not really expecting this to pick up for a little while, but you never know.

Some final thoughts and some disclaimers;

We will do our upmost to help you when and where we can, however, we run our own village and as such we have our daily duties to perform, such as feeding/milking cows, Mining, foraging,
cooking etc which will almost always come first.The exception to this, is that if you are being raided and are able to contact me while I am on and it is happening, if we have the fighting force we will come aid you.

Obviously I have no way of proving our good intentions, besides this post so as people start to PM me, I ask that if you have the time to post your experience with us after sometime and or ways that we can improve.

We are all English Speaking so you will need to use google translate to talk to us, should you only speak another tongue.

For assistance the first time (if you don't have a village idol) you will need to provide us with your co-ordinants. You must NOT post them in this thread or give them to anyone but myself, via PM (and of course your friends/people you wish to know where you are) the map is found here:

Basic newbie packs - Current stock = 0
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Last edited by kakarot on Tue Oct 14, 2014 2:03 am, edited 4 times in total.
Official Representitive of the GNN (Global Newbie Network)
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Re: Global Newbie Network (GNN)

Postby Prowny » Tue Jan 07, 2014 12:44 pm

This looks interesting. I will contact you later on, when my new little camp is more advanced :)
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Re: Global Newbie Network (GNN)

Postby kakarot » Tue Jan 07, 2014 3:27 pm

Our first adventure from the GNN;

it was a local, someone in our area more or less - someone needed assistance with a palisade and other such materials, so I packed in my bag some essentials and headed off to meet them.


Upon reaching them, I was starving so I went and located some delicious cow meat which I gladly shared with my new friend :3


After which we placed the palisade corner post and are now patiently awaiting it to set.
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Re: Global Newbie Network (GNN)

Postby windmaker » Tue Jan 07, 2014 4:02 pm

wow very nice :) , when i was playing this game I helped to lot of noobs without know who is who, i really wish all luck for your project :)
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Re: Global Newbie Network (GNN)

Postby NOOBY93 » Tue Jan 07, 2014 4:17 pm

My interaction with noobs was quite a rollercoaster. Early world, I murder them in creative ways because they're equal to me in stats. Mid-world I ignore them. Late world I help them because I'm really bored.
Every single world I've played in.
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Re: Global Newbie Network (GNN)

Postby Codemanny » Wed Jan 08, 2014 3:35 am

I sent you a PM Kakarot!
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Re: Global Newbie Network (GNN)

Postby LadyV » Thu Jan 09, 2014 8:51 am

I like your idea. I've always tried to help other players I come across. Best of luck! :)
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Re: Global Newbie Network (GNN)

Postby kakarot » Mon Jan 13, 2014 11:44 pm

Thanks to a very kind and helpful hermit, we are now producing newbie kits, free to all those in need - we're currently burning the last of the treeplanters pots, so I will updated OP with details and how to apply for a free newbie kit shortly.


Thanks to everyone we have met and talked to so far, all those that have PM'd me and request a place to join, I really wish I had the space - This is my long term goal, so keep working at your hermitages and we will keep you posted.
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Re: Global Newbie Network (GNN)

Postby windmaker » Mon Jan 13, 2014 11:52 pm

a few days ago, and with the help of a friend, I spwaning in random places (no hf/no village idol), leaving farming equipment and seeds of medium quality (40-50) with the guys who i see, destroying old claims for the new people can take it, im interested on what items have the noob kit, and i see if i can craft it without problem
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Re: Global Newbie Network (GNN)

Postby Eemerald » Tue Jan 14, 2014 12:08 am

this is sweet. if you need some help, let me know:)
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