Make Neckbeards Q.Q (Improve the Games Progression Scheme)

Thoughts on the further development of Haven & Hearth? Feel free to opine!

Re: Make Neckbeards Q.Q (Improve the Games Progression Schem

Postby Amanda44 » Thu Feb 05, 2015 7:48 pm

Robben_DuMarsch wrote:Do you sit there, paralyzed, knowing that if you eat your bread you won't have it anymore?

I raised the parallel to "real life death" not because I believe Haven should mirror real life in every respect, but because its value to demonstrate by analogy that the eventual loss of something does not demean its inherent value.

If you can get over associating death only with the negativity of loss, then you may understand its potential value as a gameplay mechanic.

I did get what you were trying to imply, I just don't agree with it. With respect, no matter how you try and paint it, it's value as a gameplay mechanic, imo, sucks. :)

Oh, and FYI, I'm not one of those players who sit behind their walls frightened to venture out on my mains, ask anyone who interacts with me, they all moan at me for it enough, :lol:
Koru wrote:
It is like in Lord of the Flies, nobody controlls what is going on in the hearthlands, those weaker and with conscience are just fucked.
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Re: Make Neckbeards Q.Q (Improve the Games Progression Schem

Postby sabinati » Thu Feb 05, 2015 8:07 pm

so the timescale in haven is 1/3 irl, meaning that 3 days pass in haven for every 1 irl, and if we assume that average lifespan should be around 45 years for a hearthling, then yes, dying of old age after 15 irl years playing that character is perfectly fine. otherwise, fuck off.
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Re: Make Neckbeards Q.Q (Improve the Games Progression Schem

Postby Karede » Fri Feb 06, 2015 3:39 am

sabinati wrote:so the timescale in haven is 1/3 irl, meaning that 3 days pass in haven for every 1 irl, and if we assume that average lifespan should be around 45 years for a hearthling, then yes, dying of old age after 15 irl years playing that character is perfectly fine. otherwise, fuck off.

You beat me to it
What if it's already in the game?
Amanda44 wrote:Oh, and FYI, I'm not one of those players who sit behind their walls frightened to venture out on my mains, ask anyone who interacts with me, they all moan at me for it enough, :lol:

I wish I could be half as brave or foolhardy
Are you full change as well?
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Re: Make Neckbeards Q.Q (Improve the Games Progression Schem

Postby CheetosPotato » Fri Feb 06, 2015 4:01 am

Karede wrote:You beat me to it
What if it's already in the game?

Though, in all honesty, I'm probably not going to be playing this after 15 years anyway. I usually get bored with a game 2-3 months in unless I REALLY like it.
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Re: Make Neckbeards Q.Q (Improve the Games Progression Schem

Postby LadyV » Fri Feb 06, 2015 4:58 am

No, just no.

Unless you greatly expand development, aging, procreation... You open up so many pitfalls and frustrations.
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Re: Make Neckbeards Q.Q (Improve the Games Progression Schem

Postby Amanda44 » Fri Feb 06, 2015 5:18 am

Karede wrote:
Amanda44 wrote:Oh, and FYI, I'm not one of those players who sit behind their walls frightened to venture out on my mains, ask anyone who interacts with me, they all moan at me for it enough, :lol:

I wish I could be half as brave or foolhardy
Are you full change as well?

Lol, it's neither really, I've just never seen the point of building good chars and then never using them to their full capacity. I am aware it's a risk and have had a good old boat chase this world and been ko'd on a mountain, lol, but isn't that the point of playing a permadeath game, taking the odd risk?
For me it adds a bit of excitement, though don't get me wrong, I would hate to lose a char and had a rage quit 24 hrs when my industry char died not long ago in a troll fight, lol, but it's a part of the game and I sort of feel like it's 'cheating' to not experience it fully.

I do have an alt for things like clay digging or moving animals on a raft, things where I'm going to be exposed for long periods of time doing something slow, but tbh I don't have enough hrs in game to have and build an alt for every purpose.

Also, I do have faith in both myself and most other players to think that not every encounter is going to end in my death, I'd say 95% of all my encounters have been friendly. If it does turn nasty I'm not incapable of fighting or, if they look stronger or I'm outnumbered, lol, using my wits to escape, although, I have to be honest ....... I ran out of water on that mountain, so not very clever there, it's hard to escape when reduced to a crawl. :lol:
Koru wrote:
It is like in Lord of the Flies, nobody controlls what is going on in the hearthlands, those weaker and with conscience are just fucked.
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Re: Make Neckbeards Q.Q (Improve the Games Progression Schem

Postby Cajoes » Fri Feb 06, 2015 10:38 pm

Would inheritance be further affected if you died to old age/disease as opposed to unwarranted aggression and violence, IE: The war / peace slider rather than the Tradition / Change slider?

Personally I just want to be able to reuse a name once the original holder is dead and buried. Raegnarsonsonsonson is getting dangerously patronymic.

edit: Additionally, what would happen to inventory and by extension of that logic Alt-Vaults?
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Re: Make Neckbeards Q.Q (Improve the Games Progression Schem

Postby Ninijutsu » Fri Feb 06, 2015 11:13 pm

Robben_DuMarsch wrote:You die of old age in real life.
I bet you find your life valuable and worth having.

What a fucking joke.
Of another era.
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Re: Make Neckbeards Q.Q (Improve the Games Progression Schem

Postby CheetosPotato » Sat Feb 07, 2015 3:31 am

Robben_DuMarsch wrote:You die of old age in real life.
I bet you find your life valuable and worth having.

The difference is that this is a video game. If I can't keep my character I work my butt off for, I can just play another game.
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Re: Make Neckbeards Q.Q (Improve the Games Progression Schem

Postby Phinix » Sat Feb 07, 2015 3:38 am

You are right this game does get old after awhile playing... I think the best parts of my adventure is behind me... walls, farming, hunting and curio finding are the only things I look forward to... besides that I just kill random animals to sustain my bloodthirsty pleasures.

Although there are constant objectives you need to do I wouldn't mind a little mission to have once in awhile like... oooo... I'm going to save it for another forum post. Thanks for the idea. :P
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