Reactions to store reactions

Thoughts on the further development of Haven & Hearth? Feel free to opine!

Re: Reactions to store reactions

Postby Granger » Sat Aug 29, 2015 5:05 am

Mah-Dry-Bread wrote:If I could pay a lump sum of money to have permanent access to the game without time limit, I'd love that. With my job being as weird as it is and pay being unstable as it is, I'm worried about dedicating to monthly payments when some months, I really could use that extra bit of money in other places. I'd feel a lot safer paying a larger sum of money at once when I know I have the money to spend, rather than smaller amounts over time when things might get a bit rougher than previously expected.

That is what the subscriptions are for. You can buy one for a year and are set for 365 days of 24/7 access, plus it will be 40% cheaper compared to buying 12 monthly ones.

Denkar wrote:Yes, but usually when games have monthly subscriptions, they don't also sell PLEX, and microtransactions, and "verifications". At least that's the problem I have with the current system...

The 'microtransactions' are replacing what the donate button (which was at the bottom of every forum page) did, with the difference that you now get an item so you can show off.
'Verification' is a one-time free-to-play extender, giving you >3/4 hour/day playtime (which feels for me like enough for casual gaming).
The H&H 'PLEX' is IMHO expensive compared to single-month subscription, but no bad idea (so one could gift it to a friend) - something like 12 instead of 15€ would be more reasonable (the extra amount would be for dealing with the complaints when someone had been robbed of the tokens).
The subscriptions i find reasonable (6€/Month if you take the yearly package feels very ok for a MMO).

Please keep in mind that a MMO needs upkeep and every active user needs resources (which have to be kept available in low-usage times).
So a 'one-time and never again' payment option would be either a huge pile of money from the buyer or unfeasible for the seller (since it won't cover the costs in the future).
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Re: Reactions to store reactions

Postby romovs » Sat Aug 29, 2015 5:07 am

I am fine with the current prices given that the game doesn't stagnate and things are fixed and added in a timely manner.
Although the whole pricing model is way too complicated - Verification, Game Time, Subscriptions, Perks... I needed to go over it three times just to understand what is what. Seriously that thing is major turn off.
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Re: Reactions to store reactions

Postby krikke93 » Sat Aug 29, 2015 5:12 am

romovs wrote:I am fine with the current prices given that the game doesn't stagnate and things are fixed and added in a timely manner.
Although the whole pricing model is way too complicated - Verification, Game Time, Subscriptions, Perks... I needed to go over it three times just to understand what is what. Seriously that thing is major turn off.

I'm still trying to understand the difference between paying for game time and paying for a subscription. The only difference is you get a hat ingame with the subscription which doesn't make any sense because subscriptions (bronze tiers) are cheaper than game time. So why would you ever pay for game time instead of a subscription?
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Re: Reactions to store reactions

Postby Amanda44 » Sat Aug 29, 2015 5:12 am

romovs wrote:I am fine with the current prices given that the game doesn't stagnate and things are fixed and added in a timely manner.
Although the whole pricing model is way too complicated - Verification, Game Time, Subscriptions, Perks... I needed to go over it three times just to understand what is what. Seriously that thing is major turn off.

+1 ... see Loftar, it's not that simple. It should say 'monthly sub is xxx amount, per account for unlimited playtime' - end of. Take it or leave it. :P
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Re: Reactions to store reactions

Postby venatorvenator » Sat Aug 29, 2015 5:14 am

loftar wrote:The Store and payments in general wasn't really that big a deal for me, so getting all these reactions came a bit out of the blue for me. The game itself overshadowed it largely in my mind. In hindsight, I can of course see that it seems like a big deal, but I would've at least expected it to go relatively silent for 48 hours. :)
Perhaps we should have posted about it earlier, but then again, the vitriol that is consistently unleashed on the forums at every slightly controversial statement we make has taught us to shut up until we have something firm.

You see how dedicated some players are. You see how hard people are willing to grind in this game, and how intense the competition is. Some even took a week off of work to play these first days of w8 - twice, because of the postponement. These people would certainly be willing to pay for lots of stuff - more playing time, extra accounts, special items - if the terms were more reasonable this could have been a welcome change. As it is, it's just too much.

The 48 hours gift is irrelevant and could be taken off.
If it were like free 8 hours per week it would be great in my opinion. Also, but not only, because of this:

Also, I think that 48 hours of free play time is a generously advance statement already.

48 hours is nothing when there's no manual of how stuff works. It is not enough to fully experience the game either. I doubt 90% of the players will have even discovered metal when their time expires. Now, see how much they will be missing out? They will not know how good the game is.

This isn't solved in free 12 hours/month either. You are expecting new players to play 12 hours, then wait a whole month, and then log back to continue their progress from from the past month, assuming they'll even remember what they were doing. It is a honest question: did you really expect that was going to work? That goes against basic marketing and consumer psychology, you are overestimating people's brains. Which leads me to:

loftar wrote:The Store and payments in general wasn't really that big a deal for me

jorb wrote:A final thought: The store was really not that central in our minds.

Maybe that's the heart of the problem. Maybe you should have given some thought about how players would feel about that first, or just hired someone to do some research on it and present the idea properly to the community. You don't do this without checking the waters first.

That being said, I agree you deserve to be paid for this game, it is really awesome and it stands out. But there are better ways than doing it as it was done. It would be great if you considered rethinking the payment terms.
Last edited by venatorvenator on Sat Aug 29, 2015 5:22 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Reactions to store reactions

Postby Cece » Sat Aug 29, 2015 5:15 am

loftar wrote:Also, I think that 48 hours of free play time is a generously advance statement already. :)

yea i would have appreciated it if this was announced before i wasted 6 whole wholes finding my friend in the middle of no where posting each other screenshots and descriptions. wait a minute isn't this supposed to be an alpha? -_-
Last edited by Cece on Sat Aug 29, 2015 5:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Reactions to store reactions

Postby Granger » Sat Aug 29, 2015 5:16 am

earllohst wrote:Community because... Well you know the forum has been very tolerating to barbaric behaviours, trolls, etc. So what seems to be light moderating practice in the general standard is viewed as dictatorship in here. :D I guess we should practice more strict moderation.

I can understand that people are shocked that something changes (for them for the worse, since free everything is no longer), and i can understand them to argue against that.
What i don't get is the amount of personal insults, racism and pure vile & hate i helped clean up the last few hours.

I feel like i have to rethink if a complete format of the earth using the nuclear option (to give a saner species a chance when the radiation tunes down in some 50000 years) is really that bad of an idea...
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Re: Reactions to store reactions

Postby jongre » Sat Aug 29, 2015 5:18 am

I'm fine with the monthly subscription, I'd love to support the developers as I (and many others) love Haven and Hearth. But the thing I can't get past is the price. You're asking $15 a month, which is on par with other MMO's, but Haven and Hearth is still in alpha and it doesn't have the same polish that other games such as EVE Online or World of Warcraft has.

I'm still probably going to shell out the cash, but I think $10 would be a much more fair price.
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Re: Reactions to store reactions

Postby Redlaw » Sat Aug 29, 2015 5:24 am

I would love it if went to miner perks way, pay x and people get a few miner improvements maby some things to craft that can only be done if your a paying player ect... there are a dozen ways this can be done, hell it would drive the in game economy for good and bad.
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Re: Reactions to store reactions

Postby jimrod » Sat Aug 29, 2015 5:27 am

id rather buy a WoW subscription plus another decent game for like 10 bucks rather than pay for something worse than the original. yes we understand you guys need money. but fuck it wouldve been easier just to say "hey, were getting sick of paying for you guys to play our game, and need some cash if you still want to play" most of us wouldve been more than ok with this. but 15 a month really? and we cant even just play the old version like normal we have to buy that too.
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