Q & A for Devs regarding price?

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Q & A for Devs regarding price?

Postby draktok » Sat Aug 29, 2015 5:34 am

Instead of the devs reading random threads, responding in a way that would at times have someone fired by their PR manager, and in general seeming to "not care" about the community, can we work on a thread where questions will be asked in thoughtful ways and the devs can respond as if they actually care instead "The store wasn't something we thought much about" (Which comes off as dismissive and uncaring).

I honestly would like this type of discussion if only to prove that there is some kind of thought process behind the pricing model and true care to the fans of the game / genre as opposed to a model that's going to hemorrhage the community permanently, if it hasn't already.

I'll go ahead and say there was a thread on another forum with 250 unique posters and - based on the fact the thread is dead with no news being created and there is less than 250 people online, that group already dropped the game upon the store model announcement. We aren't the only ones.

My honest question to the devs - and i encourage others to ask as well - It can be related or not to the pay model - is why a pay to play per month? There is a LOT of games - hundreds - that have active servers despite being pay once. Why was the choice made to make us pay per month when only 3 giants currently survive on pay to play models... WoW, FF14, and EvE. I'm sure there is others, but those are the giants. There is a list in the double digits of games that have ceased to do p2p as the community was UNsustainable - was this part of the goal for you guys? To cut out a large portion of the community and keep the player base more consistent? Do you believe it to be sustainable or is it not intended to be, just to keep the servers online? Have you considered only doing a buy once model or is that off the table? Lastly, is there any hope for the handful of us that played in previous builds and enjoyed that more?

Despite never forum posting, i did play w6 quite a bit back in the day.... I have no intention of trying the game out now based on the pay model - neither do my friends unfortunately :( A lot of us have real time jobs and we have quit playing WoW due to the pay model, I apologize to say but this game certainly can't be considered for the same price of the giant content boat that is WoW and the others.

Draktok (My first post!)
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Re: Q & A for Devs regarding price?

Postby TeckXKnight » Sat Aug 29, 2015 5:45 am

You'll have better luck posting in this thread: viewtopic.php?f=48&t=40041
The devs probably got some sleep not too long ago so they may not be posting again for another 8 hours.
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