Game Development: Without Batting an Eye

Announcements about major changes in Haven & Hearth.

Game Development: Without Batting an Eye

Postby jorb » Thu Sep 03, 2015 2:12 am

We've been developing, and here's what's new.


New Implementations
Wounds now heal while you are offline.
You now take Asphyxiation damage when you run out of stamina in the water, instead of drowning instantly.
Added a stockpile for hides. Takes both raw and prepared.
Added Bats.
Added Gauze. Gauze can be applied to Cruel Incisions, Deep Cuts, Fell Slashes, and Blunt Trauma.
Added two new Lores/Experiences.

Increased Brick & Clay stockpiles from 34, 40 to 80, 80 respectively.
Your character now uses his shovel when digging for clay, and clay digging speed is also improved when using a shovel.
Planting a tile now requires five seeds, as was always the intention.
Food tooltip now says "Energy" rather than "Stamina"
Bearcape should now give intended stat modifiers (Not that you deserve it)
Can no longer drink from hotkeyed vessels while swimming. Hotkeying to activate items should generally check the same permissions as right-clicking.
Chat button now illuminates whenever you have unread chats -- blue for village, orange for party, and red for PMs
Chat list entries now illuminate whenever there are unread messages in them, same colors.
You can now scroll the list of chats using your mouse wheel. Shift + Mousewheel selects active chat.
Can no longer pull cart through swamps at anything but crawl speed
Carryable items should no longer interrupt travel along roads
You can now interact with Land Surveys from anywhere within their area
Names over memorized/kinned Hearhtlings should now be persistent
The "Display" option when right-clicking memorized/kinned Hearhtlings should now work as intended (i.e. open your kin list with the person in question highlighted)
Lady's Mantles & Dewey Lady's Mantles should now be properly differentiated
Should now always be able to drop items on cursor while swimming
Should now not be able to pick items to cursor while swimming
When you rebuild your Hearth Fire it should now correctly burn in a saturated green to indicate that you are online
Skill entry button says "Known" rather than "Current"
Tealeaves, Morels, Toy Chariot and Mug, should now have their qualities properly influenced by their respective driers.
Tar kiln now makes "foff"-sound when lit
The poor transition from wading to jumping a ridge, or vice versa, should now be fixed.
Changed the UI Fraktur font to a perhaps slightly more readable one. Cry everytiem, nevar forget.

We Didn't Fix
I received a bug report telling me that you could shoot people without "Rage". Yes, you can, but only on your own claim, and this is intended. You may also attack people on your own claim.
I received a bug report telling me that spamming the shoot button would allow you to hit your target every time. No, that does not appear to be the case.
I received a bug report telling me that you can aggro another person without rage if that person is in combat with an animal. No, that does not appear to be the case.
I received a bug report (with screenshots, so it seems legit) informing me that a character can become seated in the boat in a twisted kind of way if he/she enters the boat while the boat is is moving. I would love some more steps to reproduce this, because it is at least not quite that simple.

The Store
Loftar has on his plate for the coming weekend to look in on switching payment provider from Paypal to Xsolla, the latter being a payment aggregator seemingly providing every payment option under the sun, including support for Russia/CIS. If we decide to switch I hope that we can have it up and running before long. Big shout outs to everyone who has used the store. We're doing good!

As always, if you liked what we did here: Support the patch.

Today's Patch Item, for the fair price of $5, is the "Nurse Hat".

Store Description wrote:Image$5
Some Hearthlings have professions, while others have callings, and if this is yours, then you are hereby paged to the operating theater. Ms. Nightingale never did look spiffier than you will in this Nurse Hat.

All Gold & Silver level subscribers have been awarded the "Nurse Hat", free of charge.

Our dev schedule is such that we come together for dev sessions on Mondays and Wednesdays, and work independently during the rest of the week. We'll thus be looking to release the next patch on either Monday or Wednesday, or both, next week, depending on what we decide to do. Until then...

"The psychological trials of dwellers in the last times will be equal to the physical trials of the martyrs. In order to face these trials we must be living in a different world."

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Re: Game Development: Without Batting an Eye

Postby DDDsDD999 » Thu Sep 03, 2015 2:13 am

Image It's a fukken spruce cap
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Re: Game Development: Without Batting an Eye

Postby NaoWhut » Thu Sep 03, 2015 2:13 am


EDIT : fuk.
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Re: Game Development: Without Batting an Eye

Postby wonder-ass » Thu Sep 03, 2015 2:14 am

third :D
p.s. lots of updates in a row i love it :D
Last edited by wonder-ass on Thu Sep 03, 2015 2:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
see homo sexuality trending,. do not do that.
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Re: Game Development: Without Batting an Eye

Postby MightySheep » Thu Sep 03, 2015 2:14 am

very nice update, I love how fast you guys are working <3
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Re: Game Development: Without Batting an Eye

Postby rickelucas » Thu Sep 03, 2015 2:15 am

9/10 would pay for it
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Re: Game Development: Without Batting an Eye

Postby ninja_yodeler » Thu Sep 03, 2015 2:15 am

Fucking bats left me with 4 shp the moment I spawned in my home which happens to be a cave. What do?

Edit; Will they kill me? Because I kinda need to get back in there to access the stuff to heal myself and also, well, everything else I own
Phaen wrote:RIP Homicidal Ninja :(
Let us reflect upon the good he was able to do during his short time in the hearthlands.
Let us remind ourselves of his bravery and willingness to fight for the safety of his friends!
Let us hope he can surpass his previous achievements in his future lives.
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Re: Game Development: Without Batting an Eye

Postby tenshiho » Thu Sep 03, 2015 2:17 am

dont like the sound of " added Bats"
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Re: Game Development: Without Batting an Eye

Postby InterCityFirmWhu » Thu Sep 03, 2015 2:17 am

Great Patch.
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Re: Game Development: Without Batting an Eye

Postby Orcling » Thu Sep 03, 2015 2:17 am

jorb wrote:Loftar has on his plate for the coming weekend to look in on switching payment provider from Paypal to Xsolla

jorb wrote:for the coming weekend

C-cant you do it today or something.
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